Dwayne Sampson
U.S. Citizen (presumed dead)/Atlantean/Villain
23 before change
Dwayne "Sandy" Sampson, was once a drugged-out, surfer-by-day, thief-and-murderer-by-night, who ran a gang of 14 thugs called the "Beach Bastards" before Sandy was found floating on a damaged surfboard near death with four bullet wounds in him off the North Carolina coast by the Atlantic Kingdom's King Dolphin. King Dolphin saw the opportunity to experiment on Sandy and thus made him what he is today - "Actinia".
King Dolphin experimented on him, combining the surfer’s DNA with that of a sea anemone. Actinia are known for their poisonous neuro-toxins they inject into their victims, causing their prey temporary paralysis. King Dolphin’s experiment with the DNA recombination between the surfer and the Actinia provided an incredibly powerful and poisonous being. As with all him experiments, King Dolphin encoded a synaptic overload device that, if activated remotely by King Dolphin at any time, anywhere, it would reduce that person or beings brain to jelly, killing them outright, should that person or being get 'out of line'.
King Dolphin also wiped Sandy's mind and replaced them with memories of growing up in Atlantis. King Dolphin also disintegrated all of Sandy's items he was found with.
Today, although his memories have been replaced, Actinia still produces a surf-punk attitude and demeanor all while believing he is a superhero to the people of the Atlantic Kingdom. As part of his style, he will aggressively taunt others to attack him, allowing him to poison his victims at close range (just like he did with a knife when he was a surf-punk).
Power Origin: Science
Actinia can emit and project good-levels of neurotoxin sprays from his body, mouth, back tentacles or hands.
Above water, he can project the spray out from his hands to nearly 15 feet away.
By design, physical contact with Actinia will transfer an excellent-ranked layer of neurotoxins onto a victim’s exposed skin, causing paralysis for 1 and 10 hours, depending on the victim's size and endurance.
An overdose of the neurotoxins can kill a person (it was once reported that a normal man who was in a head lock by Actinia for over 15 seconds, died from the toxic hold).
Hyper-Healing Gel
Can form a gel ball from his hands that can aid in a typical-level of hyper-healing of a person to a certain degree, especially against toxins.
Can throw the gel balls up to 20 feet away, which will hyper-heal on contact
Basal Disks
Has a Sea Anemone’s Basal Disc system in his feet and hands, allowing him to ‘stick’ to things, such as walls with excellent strength. With the basal Disc on his feet, he does not suffer from slamming attacks, since he roots himself to the ground, so long as the ground does not uproot with him.
Enhanced Abilities
Swims at 20 knots (runs above water at 23 mph)
Breaths underwater
Can see in absolute darkness as well as normal light
Skin is a thick bio-armor, providing good protection against physical, energy and radiation attacks, but only typical protection against temperate attacks
Commuications Device
Aligned to Atlantic Kingdom encrypted communications frequencies, range 100 miles asl, 250 miles bsl
Actinia's Surfboard​
A technological surfboard
Can ride while underwater up to 45 knots; max depth 7,000 feet
Can ride while above water up to 100 mph, max altitude: 1,000 feet
Requires a recharge after every 6-8 hours of use, pending on strain on power charger from board's use
Can recharge off of standard 120V AC power in surface world or universal power ports located anywhere in the Atlantic Kingdom
Surfing (professional)
Stealth (professional)
Ambushes/attack planning (proficient)
Fighting: Bladed melee weapons (proficient)
Fighting: Street Melee/Fisticuffs (proficient)
Fighting: Judo (proficient)
Taunting (professional)