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About Acton Manufacturing

About Us

Acton Manufacturing has been providing the citizens of the United States with some of the best military hardware and equipment ever for the last 50 years.  Contracted with the U.S. Department of Defense and with Pentagon appropriations committees, Acton Manufacturing retains an average contract income (based on the last three fiscal years) of over $129 billion a year.


With hundreds of new designs, products and systems created and manufactured in any of our 20 facilities worldwide, Acton Manufacturing continues to be one of the leaders in military weaponry, armoring, vehicles and advanced systems designs.


The company's founder, Joshua Acton, in 1970, started building weapons and armor designs in his father's car repair garage at night, while he worked by day with his father on car repairs.  Taking scrap metal and materials from his father's other business, a car junkyard, Joshua Acton pieced together his first set of body armor and sold it to a private security firm. Over those next few years, word got out about his cost-effective and high-quality armoring that by the 1980s, thanks to hedge fund investments and playing the stock market, Joshua Acton was able to expand into what eventually became Acton ManufacturingJoshua Acton bought up dozens of failing manufacturing plants and, as always, took the 'scraps' of other businesses and used them to overhaul existing sites with more modern equipment he'd collected and 'flipped' each of those old sites turning them into new, modern, multi-faceted manufacturing centers. By 1990 (utilizing his company's own political strategists), Johua Acton became a primary contractor for the U.S. military, quickly climbing into the Forbes Top 100 World Business Report.


When the dreaded Soltan Invasion occurred in 2000, it was Acton Manufacturing that aided the United States in the manufacturing of the unique weapons that led to the ultimate defeat of the invading Soltan forces, driving them off planet Earth for good.


Today, Acton Manufacturing continues to grow with new international contracts in a civic-minded manner, giving back to the people and the communities with over $250 million in charitable contributions to such benevolent organizations as the Harmony Foundation as well as gifted research grants to further science and technology advancements by partnering on several fantastic and futuristic green energy projects with Zenith Labs


To see what Acton Manufacturing can do for you, contact our Contracts and Sales Associates (CASA) for an opportunity for our organizations to achieve a greater potential, together!



When you want the best for your defense.




Required by US Business Law Code 185-345 Section C


In 2015, Acton Manufacturing, in a federal lawsuit, was ordered by the courts to relinquish all rights to a particular unique US Military armor prototype and its designs as well as pay a substantial fee to the Department of Defense (DoD) for penalties under US GAO military contract rules involving the loss of sensitive classified equipment and/or materials. The US government was awarded with the restitution and, through additional legal convictions, led to the imprisonment of two of Acton Manufacturing's executive-level employees that were charged and sentenced for their participation in the armor prototype (and all associated equipment, plans, designs and systems) as part of the 'lost chain of custody' to said armor (et al).


This disclaimer is required to be posted on any and all promotional and web-based marketing and/or sales documentation or materials until a 10-year period (31 Dec 2025) has been achieved.


This disclaimer is a legal requirement to provide consumers and potential associates of federal actions that are currently enacted upon the Actor Manufacturing Company to which, forthwith and hereunto, has been effectively and summarily adjudicated by the courts of the United States of America.



Joshua Acton
Acton Manufacturing CEO

Joshua Acton I.jpg

More to come!


Acton Manufacturing HQ
1 Michigan Circle, Detroit, Michigan, USA

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