Sora Sayama
Mitogo Miyago (Great grandfather, deceased)
Shangri-La Christian AKA Jane (Doe) Moto AKA Jane Miyago (great grandmother, deceased)
Shingo Sayama (Father)
Miko Sayama (Mother)
Sora Sayama - mechanical mastermind, heroic soul and the great, great grandson of Buffa Christian AKA Brewster I AKA "Brewster Buffalo".
Since the age of 10, while attending private school in Singapore, Sora was considered a prodigy. When asked to build things, he was able to do so faster and better than anyone else in his class. By age 14, he was taking college classes. By age 20, he had a double Masters Degree in Robotics Engineering and Nonotech Engineering and was designing a new generation of robots for Aerospar Science Associates in their Mechanical Automation Division.
Although Sora was a truly brilliant young man, he was also only 4 foot 8 inches in height, weighed above 230 lbs, and was incorrectly called, since childhood, a 'humunculus' (usually meant as a derogatory remark for his unusual physiology and race). As such, Sora didn't have many friends. He spent most of his life reading and learning about engineering. On the odd weekend, he would work at a small airport repairing airplanes and engines. He always wanted to fly...but due to his height, he was never medically allowed to earn a pilots license. Instead, he invested his time in robotics and mechanical engineering.
Sora also dreamed a lot; he dreamed of flying in space; becoming the Lead Engineer of a business like Aerospar, and most importantly...dreamed of meeting his great, great grandfather, a legendary hero from World War II known as Buffa Christian AKA "Brewster Buffalo".
When Sora was young, his Great Grandmother, "Jiji" (affectionate title for grandmother), would tell Sora hundreds of stories of Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan and eventually Singapore. In one such story, she told Sora of his ancestral ties to a great American hero, his great, great grandfather - her father.
Jiji, whose name was 'Jane Miyago', told the tale that in 1974, while she was trying to get a new passport to fly to Taiwan with her husband on a business trip from their home in Japan, called her 60 year-old mother, who also lived in Japan, and asked her for a copy of her birth certificate. Jane's mother wept. She told Jane it was time for her to know the truth and to come home immediately.
Home for Jane's mother was on the uppermost tip of Hokkaido Island in the Japanese Islands. There, they'd lived a simple life, farming, while Jane became a banker, and a very good one at that. Jane rose to become a junior executive in half the time others did due to her incredible math and organizational skills.
When Jane arrived, it looked as if her mother had been crying for the hours since their phone call. Jane's mother set out a box of old black and white photos on the table before Jane. She'd never seen them before.
The pictures were of Jane as a baby...in a Japanese Internment Camp with her parents. Jane's mother told her a story never before uttered; it was a story of how her parents found "Jane" on the "Date that will live in Infamy", 7 December 1941, swaddled-up in a charred and burnt bassinet wrapped in mosquito netting resting on a stack of oil soaked debris found floating along the Pearl Harbor shore next to their home in Pearl City. They heard a baby crying in the bassinet. Jane's 'father' swam out to the debris and brought the debris closer to shore, finally pulling the baby from the sinking debris. The baby was Jane/Jiji.
Jane's 'parents' brought the baby home with them, went to the corner store, got some formula and fed the baby. Both Jane's parents knew the baby belonged to someone, but since they didn't know English or Hawaiian languages, and the island was in absolute chaos, they knew that at first chance, they'd take the baby to a hospital. Sadly, that night, Jane's rescuers, the Motos, had the door of their house kicked in by US Army men who told them they had 5 minutes to pack up their things and leave in a truck with them. They tried to talk to the military men, but they were out of their minds with rage over the attack that had just happened. They didn't strike or hurt the Motos, but they had blood in their eyes; anything could have set them off. When the Motos tried to explain about the baby handing the baby to the troops, the troops didn't listen and handed the baby back to them and put them all on a truck, with one of the troops griping about 'what savages they were to try and bribe us with their own baby'.
Hours later, they arrived at a make-shift compound. There, they were interrogated and asked for identification, tickets birth certificates, anything. They showed the interrogators what they had, but it didn't matter. They were Japanese citizens living in Hawaii...they were now considered 'the enemy'.
Months later, the Motos arrived at the Manzanar Internment Camp in California. There, they lived until the end of the war. The baby was called a "Jane Doe", for which became "Jane Moto" in the Internment Camp records. The Motos quickly realized the baby would most likely die without their care, and as such, both the Motos called "Jane Moto" as their own.
After the war, the Motos, wanting to help prove that all Japanese were not the enemy, went back to Hawaii. where they helped rebuild Hawaii into a bustling tourist trap it is today. They all became US citizens, however, Jane's parents had dual citizenship being from Japan. "Jane" went to public school, but was soon ostracized for her unusually short height and large upper torso, making her look like a "Little Buffalo", as they called her.
In 1960, the Motos went back to Japan when their parents fell ill and died, leaving their estate and farm on Hokkaido to them. In 1970, Jane met a handsome and adventurous Japanese man named Mitogo (who went by 'Mito'). They fell in love and married a year later.
That's what brings us to 1974 and the realization that Jane (Moto) Miyago was a "Jane Doe" baby to parents that she'd never known. With that, Jane called her husband and told him to go on to Taiwan without him until she could 'resolve' her birth certificate issue.
For the next few years, Jane traveled from Japan to Hawaii to California back to Hawaii and back to Japan, all trying to get records about her potential parents, but she found nothing. Instead, her and her husband moved to a new set of executive jobs in Taiwan and began raising their own children. It wasn't until Jane and her family attended a Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day ceremony in Hawaii in 1981 that she'd finally find out the truth.
During the solemn ceremony, survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack were allowed to recount their stories at the podium Once such veteran of the attack was retired US Navy Admiral Roger Richmond, the World War II Allied Fighters (retired) superhero known as "Dauntless". In his recount, he mentioned the story about many brave men that day, but the losses as well. He recounted how his dearest friend, Buffa Christian AKA the superhero know as "Brewster Buffalo", lost his family on Ford Island in one simple bomb blast. He mentioned that the explosion was so severe, that they'd never found the remains of their baby girl. Hearing this, Jane almost fainted.
When Jane regained her composure, at the end of the ceremony, she raced toward the podium to speak to Admiral Richmond/Dauntless. As she approached Richmond, Richmond saw her and immediately did a double-take, staring at Jane. They look at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Jane asked, 'do you know me?', to which Richmond responded, "My God, there can be no question about it; you are your father's daughter....you're Shangri-La!" In an emotional display that would make movie-goers weep from their seats, the two hugged each other for several minutes until they finally got to talking.
Richmond explained everything about Buffa, and that most importantly, that he still had some of Buffa's personal effects from when he worked on Ford Island - including his old hairbrush, complete with his old hair. Being a Navy advocate for blood testing and DNA sampling, the old admiral called in some favors and had Jane's blood and hair and Buffa's hair from his hairbrush tested. The tests would take months, and as such Richmond said he'd let her know the results the second they were complete, but he already knew it was her, just by her looks and build; he knew.
2 months later, it was verified: Buffa Christian WAS her biological father.
Rather than tell the world, Jane wanted to keep the knowledge 'low key', and as such opted for only a handful of friends and relatives to know and see the the truth.
Shoot forward to the 21st century and to our brilliant young Sora Sayama.
Sora, knowing he was related to the great American superhero "Brewster" filled him with pride. He wanted to be more; do more; show others that he wasn't a 'hermunculus'. Regrettably, Soma got his wish.
One day while Sora was working on the final tests of his new robotic Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm with several "Testbots", Aerospar was attacked by Baron Berlin, his evil band of Axis Force super-villains and 100 "New Reich Army" troops. The baron's goal: take all data, files, equipment and the AI program from Aerospar to use to help rebuild the Baron's old 1940s robotic Nazi juggernaut known as Panzerkrieger.
The Baron's troops began slaughtering anyone in Aerospar not affiliated with robotics. Seconds later, Sora was brought before the Baron. The Baron looked at Sora and laughed, saying:
"Vat do ve have here? A physical oddity! A freak! How is it you people allow such inferior creatures like this to even work here? Just looking at him disgusts me...", for which the Baron slapped Sora across the face. Sora was shaking in fear over what was happening
The Baron continued his soliloquy, "You even remind me of another freak who was about your size. he was an annoying little bastard. Sadly, the Japanese cut him out of the sky before I could end his miserable life myself. But enough about you; give me access to your servers and files now and I will spare the lives of everyone else left alive in this building. If you choose not to, I vil rip the servers from the floor, take what I want AND kill all of you! What shall it be, freak?!?"
Sora stopped shaking and instead, slowly looked up at the Baron with angry, insolent eyes and said, "My Baba (grandfather) has a message for you...", from which Sora then yelled, "BREWSTER BUFFALO SAYS GO TO HELL, YOU DEMENTED NAZI! All testbots! Code 20! Go to security mode! Save all Aerospar staff members! Capture all non-Aerospar employees! COMMIT!", for which several Testbots then grabbed, shielded and roared off with several Aerospar employees, while two testbots clamped their mechanical hands onto Baron Berlin's arms. Sora then grabbed a Testbot power core pack and ran across the lab, trying to kit-bash it to explode, but before he could, the Axis Force villain called Stuka clothes-lined Sora to the floor.
Sora looked up long enough to see his testbots become scrap metal thanks to the rest of Axis Force and the Baron. Pulling back a tab on the pack, Sora jammed the pack up into Stuka's crotch, where the pack exploded. Sadly, Sora's face, hand and arm were mangled as a result of the blast; Stuka, even though he was wearing armor, was in sheer agony.
That's when Major Invader and three members of the Allied Fighters, Doc Alleviation and the French super-powered twins, French Right and French Left, arrived. Doc Alleviation dragged Sora off to safety, using his mutant healing powers to save Sora's life, while the others fought. The Baron delayed Major Invader and his team long enough to rip out five server racks and escape through a teleportation portal made by Kondor.
Days later, Sora awoke in the hospital. His right arm had been amputated and he was bandaged from head to his lower torso. The explosion of the power pack, meant for Stuka, did its job equally as well on Sora. Sitting next to him was the legendary near centennial-aged WWII hero, Major Invader. It looked like he'd been there for days. When Sora tried to speak, the Major held up his hand to quiet him. The Major looked sullen, tired and sad. He told Sora that he now knows who he is, and that he was the great, great grandson of one of the most incredible men the Major said he'd ever met. He also said that he never knew Buffa's daughter, Shangri-La, survived, and that if he'd known about her, he would have ensured nothing would ever happen to her or any of her family, in honor of what Buffa did for the world.
That's when the Major said, "...if..." again.
The Major looked down at the floor, trying to form words, but kept failing. He finally stood up and said, "I don't know any way to tell you this, boy, but I failed you and your family a second time in my life. Just before Baron Berlin walked through the portal, he gave me a look...a look I hadn't seen in several decades. It was the same look he gave me when he went and hunted down and killed my parents and grandparents and murdered them in cold blood. I wasn't able to save my family, but knowing that look of his, I knew I had to go save your family. In that...I failed on one count; maybe the most important one..."
The Major spoke, faltering in his words, "I wasn't fast enough to save your Jiji. I couldn't save Jane...Shangri-La. I missed the Baron by minutes. Son...I'm sorry....your Jiji is dead, and Baron Berlin was the one that killed her...and I failed to stop him."
The Major kicked everything in the hospital room except Sora's hospital bed and equipment. The Major crashed into a chair and began to cry; an action maybe only four people in the world have ever witnessed.
Sora took in what was happening. As the Major cried in his chair, Sora got out of his bed and hugged the Major, both embracing in silent tears.
It wasn't long before Baron Berlin's pet robot, Panzerkrieger, was functionally rebuilt and updated, doing everything the Baron ordered it to do.
Sora went back to Aerospar to finish his work, but Aerospar wouldn't take him back, saying he was a liability to their company now. With nowhere else to go, he contacted Major Invader who immediately brought Sora back to the United States and within hours, got him a visa, a new passport and all the documents he needed to stay in the US for as long as Sora wanted. The Major tried setting Sora up in a penthouse apartment, but Sora insisted staying at the Allied Fighters HQ.
Over the next few weeks, Sora went to work in the Allied Fighters' base and built a new robotics lab in what was once Brewster Buffalo's old quarters. He built new mechanoids, armed with lasers, pulse cannons, shields, energy weapons, you name it, as well as a high-capacity energy rifle he'd been working on secretly in his spare time during college. He also built a new robotic arm and packets of millions of nanobytes designed to repair and rebuilt his mechanoids and heal damaged human tissue. As such, the nonobytes helped relieve his pain on a day-to-day basis. By the end of the month, Sora had crafted his own armor as well.
During one of Major Invaders 'severely' intense combat training sessions in the base, Sora arrived with his mechanoid bots, in his new armor, flight pack and energy rifle and said, "Is this where I sign up for the Allied Fighters, old man?", to which the Major smiled, told him he didn't have to do this, saw Sora's 'shake of the head' and engaged to testing Sora.
Sora and her mechanoids wiped the floor with them.
Taking the code-name "Brewster" out of respect for her Buffa, Sora fights with the Allied Fighters in Delta Squad.
Power origin: Science
Enhanced Human Physiology
Increased Health, Strength, Agility, Resistance, Endurance and Cognitive Abilities
Excellent 20% increase versus basic human physiology, but only 10% versus strength due to stature
Kit-bashing, engineering, system construction, problem-solving functionality affected the most in neural/cognitive enhancement
Good resistance to pain in the form of physical and temperate damage, however, an increased excellent resistance to energies, toxins and radiation
Augmented Pygmy Physiology
4'7" height versus normal 3'6" Pygmy physiology
More "barrel chested" than any standard human physiology​
Bionic Arm/Hand with Nanotech augmented healing
Right arm and hand are bio-mechanical, providing remarkable protection, strength and amazing resistance except to magnetism.
Nanobots provide minute-by-minute healing for mechanical and biological tissue in and around the arm/hand, proving 50% repair rate/hour.
Flight Suit Armor
Remarkable protection vs. physical, heat, cold, electrical, energy attacks
Remarkable protection vs. radiation, toxin/acid attacks
Remarkable protection vs. physical, heat, cold, electrical, energy attacks
Remarkable protections vs. radiation, toxin/acid attacks
Short range transceiver radio (150 miles)
Visor provides polarized view, plus excellent protection vs. flash/light attack
Winged AeroPack
Hybrid jet/rocket pack with retractable wings, made by Brewster himself
Max speed: 900mph; range: 1000 miles; heat pack generates: 185 degrees F
Voice and mnemonic controls; fly-by-wire control system
Assaultbot (1)
Remarkable energy cannon; range - 300 yards
Incredible strength
Amazing armor protection/endurance
Good ground speed/good air speed
Tactical Fire-Control link/system
Supportbots (2)
Excellent energy blasters; range - 200 yards
Excellent strength
Excellent armor protection/endurance
Good ground speed/good air speed
Tactical Fire-Control link/system
Fires good-ranked nanite packs at allies/Brewster to heal/repair (can do biological and mechanical repairs) (range: 100 yards)
Electronics scrambler (remarkable level)
4 Chaff dispensers (excellent targeting radar/sonar deflection (-40% tracking) effect) (1-shot/dispenser)
Combatbots (3)
Good energy blasters; range - 100 yards
Excellent strength
Excellent armor protection/endurance
Good ground speed/good air speed
Tactical Fire-Control link/system
Multi-Energy Cannon
Settings for:
(up to) remarkable single target energy damage (30 shots/power pack) - range: 300 yards
(up to) Incredible singe target energy damage (5 shots/power pack) - range: 400 yds
(up to) excellent arc Area of Effect (AoE) for max affected area of 20 x 2 foot area (4 shots/pack) - range: 200 yds
Amazing single target disintegration cannon blast (1 shot/pack); range - 500 yds
Incredible material stock with laser scope (additional agility in shooting)
Gauntlets and Boots
8 power packs for multi-energy cannon; packs are located in slots in gauntlets and boots; must be independently loaded into cannon
Gauntlets each have a hidden (under glove) one-shot remarkable energy blaster; range -20 yards
Boot Rockets (Backup/Emergency use)
Solo: 100% speed boost with Winged Aeropack for 3 minutes
Additional weight (up to 500 lbs): 50% added thrust/speed with Winged Aeropack for 1 minute
Utility Belt
2 flares
2 flint sticks
Ferrous Knife
Magnifying glass
2 Days food/water rations
Swiss Army Knife (21st century version)
Signal Mirror
Wire saw
Desalinization tablets (20)
Magnetic Compass
GPS Direction Finder
Emergency Pack of Nanbots (can survive 1 day once opened)
Marksmanship (Professional)
Acrobatics (Professional)
Engineering (Master)
Education/Collegiate Services (Professional)
Business (Proficient)
Robotics (Master)
Aeronautical Engineering (Professional)
Aerial Combat (Professional)
Environmental Awareness (Proficient)
Cybernetics (Professional)
Nano-tech/Nanobot Engineering (Master)
Kit Bashing (Professional)
Pilot (Proficient)

Buffa Christian
Hagåtña, Guam/Hero
US Army
early 20s
20 Nov 1943
Buffalo, 'The Mongoloid'
Allied Fighters, Issue 1 (mentioned)
17 Feb 2016
Don "Major Deej" Finger
Jul 1974
Jewai Christian (wife, deceased)
Bo Christian (son, deceased)
Shangri-La Christian AKA Jane (Doe) Moto AKA Jane Miyago (daughter, presumed dead, as Shangri-La Christian, on 7 Dec 1941)
Buffa was a local from the Pacific Island of Guam that initially lived with his parents in the city of Hagåtña in the early 20th century. Both parents worked at the US Navy base helping with stores loads and mail for the docked ships. Buffa and his parents were pygmy-like in height, however, Buffa grew to 4 foot 9 inches. Buffa also had a massive muscular upper body and leg build. Buffa displayed a higher capacity for pain and an increased strength compared to most and was incredibly agile and quite smart in the common sense/problem solving train of thought. Regardless of his intelligence, he was still called "The Mongoloid" by everyone on the island. Buffa took it as a 'name of acceptance', but instead, he was treated as a sub-human even by his fellow islanders.
Sadly, when Buffa was 11 years old, a savage storm swept through Guam. Buffa survived the storm, but his parents were never seen again. With his parents presumed dead, Buffa now had to learn to survive on his own.
Buffa quickly became a street urchin, stealing chickens and eggs from the locals. Over time he got brave and started stealing from the US Navy bases on the island, until he got caught at age 14 and thrown in the stockade. Within hours, Buffa was able to escape the stockade. Not fearing the Americans, he instead came back and gave them some eggs (the guards had been griping about not having any eggs for chow that day). The guards, mortified but not mean about it, divvied up the eggs and they cook them right in Buffa's cell. This went on for a week; Buffa would sneak out of the new cell he'd be placed in and always bring back eggs for the guards. At the end of the week, a fighter pilot stationed on the island overheard the guards talking about Buffa and how he was finding and fixing dozens of mechanical and electrical problems around the stockade building like as if the kid was a savant genius. The pilot, curious about Buffa, told the guards to bring Buffa to the airfield the next day to help figure out why his Brewster Buffalo fighter plane's landing gear kept sticking every time it was retracted.
The guards did so.
With the plane suspended in the hangar for maintenance, the pilot raised and lowered the landing gear for Buffa. In five minutes, Buffa identified an unseen metal protrusion that dropped into place each time the wheels retracted. Using a pair of pliers and metal cutters, he fixed the problem right before the amazed pilot and guards.
Over the next few years, Buffa became the base mascot. He helped fix almost anything and everything. He was taught metalworking, electrical systems and theory, physics, chemistry, whatever the Americans could throw at him, and eventually, sometimes through trial and error, he'd find solutions and what seemed like common sense answers. By age 18, Buffa was the pride of the base. Due to his impressive physique, he also learned Boxing and Wrestling, winning match after match against visiting ship contenders. He became quite the fighter as a result, with a notorious 'Buffalo' (evasion) move, followed by a 1-2 punch that usually leveled his opponents in the ring. As such, Buffa soon became the hottest local guy on Guam, catching the eye of many of the island's girls. Only one, however, made his heart race and his palms sweat - Jewai.
Jewai was a wonderful girl who came from a prominent local family on the island. Sadly, her father considered Buffa too 'westernized' for his daughter and refused their union. Jewai was so in love with Buffa that she decided to break with family tradition and instead insisted she and Buffa get married in a formal Christian ceremony on the base. With that, the Navy and Army Air Corps Base Americans stopped everything and created a fairy-tale wedding for Buffa and Jewai. They were married at the base chapel with the entire US military as their guests, and the pilot as his best man. It was a true love story - until Jewai's father went to war with the US military on the island.
The locals who'd been working on the base stopped work, leaving cargo ships backed up for loading and unloading, port services unprovided and all locally grown food withheld from the base. Sadly this created a huge issue. To resolve the situation, the US military base personnel took up another collection (first one was for Buffa's & Jewai's honeymoon) and provided the 'dowry' to Jewai's father. He agreed to the $5,127 dowry, but only if Buffa and Jewai left the island permanently and were never return to Guam again.
The pilot (and Buffa's best man) was due to transfer back to Hawaii and take charge of a new squadron there. Pulling some strings, he got Buffa and Jewai "Christian" (their new Christian last name) transferred to Hawaii with him. The night before Buffa's and Jewai's departure from Guam, the military installation had an enormous party, they likes of which, up to that point, had never been seen before. It was a wonderful evening with speeches, festivities, a few fights, but most all all, tears for losing Buffa, the base's mascot.
The next day, Buffa and Jewai flew in an old US Navy seaplane and landed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Within days of getting settled in, Buffa quickly became a vital engineer in and around Ford Island, the airfield in the center of Pearl Harbor. Jewai worked as a waitress at the Ford Island officer's club and both she and Buffa were given their own quarters on the island. Within a year, Jewai gave birth to her son Bo, and a year later, her daughter, Shangri-La. They were both extremely happy. Buffa was doing quite well for himself by Boxing in Honolulu, winning fight after fight there as well as the military bases. A couple years later, however, Buffa's world came crashing down around him on a date that would live in infamy - 7 December 1941.
On that beautiful Sunday morning, Buffa (who'd gained the nickname "Buffalo" for his Boxing evasions and his large upper torso) was sleeping in with his family...only to be woken by the sound of bullets, bombs and explosions. Ford Island and Pearl Harbor was being attacked by the Japanese. Torpedo bombers and fighters were creating destruction in their wake as Buffa tried to think of what to do.
For the first time in his life...he didn't know what to do.
He stood out in front of his quarters in a T-Shirt and shorts...in shock over the destruction being wrought before his eyes.
What seemed like an eternity later, Buffa snapped out of it, only to see a bomb fall on his quarters and explode, throwing Buffa into the air over 50 feet back from the force of the blast. The last thing he saw before he passed out was a fireball where his house was...and the USS Arizona going up in a fiery cauldron of explosions.
Buffa awoke in the Ford Island medical dispensary weeks later. He'd had 70% of his body burned from the bomb blast, but was miraculously still in one piece. About him, he saw hundreds of men bandaged and being cared for in hospital beds. He immediately got up and started running out of the dispensary...to where his home once was. In its place was a 10 foot deep crater.
Buffa collapsed; not from the pain that should have wracked his body with the punishment he'd just endured running to where his home was, but for the understanding that he'd just lost all that he loved.
A nurse caught up with Buffa, calling him "John"; Buffa retaliated by spurting out "I AM...was...Buffa Christian! Please! Tell me my family is not dead! PLEASE!!" The nurse had no idea, but brought him back to the dispensary. There she spent the next few hours trying to find their status. She found that Jewai and his son, Bo, had been killed and were already buried. There was, however, no record of Shagri-La or of any other baby found in and about the area. Even Buffa, with the burns he received, was unrecognizable, and had been labeled as a "John Doe". The nurse, however, made dozens of calls immediately after this, informing others that Buffa Christian was indeed alive. Sadly, the nurse told Buffa that after an extensive check, no one saw his baby, Shagri-La, and that she most likely is presumed dead.
Buffa collapsed once more and began to believe that if he'd not frozen at the beginning of the bombing, he could have saved his family. He fell into a depression that almost resulted in him giving up on life...that is, until his friend and best man, the pilot, US Army Air Corps Captain Roger Richmond, showed up.
Richmond only had two days to be with Buffa before he was to go off on a 'secret' assignment, and he used those two days to get Buffa back to reality. They went to Jewai's and Bo's graves and placed flowers there; they spoke for hours on end, mentioning all that happened and all that had been lost. At the end of the second day, Roger asked Buffa if he wanted to fight those that killed his family. Buffa immediately said 'show me the way'. Roger motioned to a plane on the runway, revved up and ready to fly back to the states. "You board that plane, and I promise...I'll help you avenge their deaths; you don't, you'll have to figure it out on your own. That plane there...well, it's about to take me someplace where I'm going to be given the equipment I need to kill every single one of those Jap bastards that did all this. You can get equipment too. It means you'll have to join...." and before Richmond could finish, Buffa hopped up on the railing and jumped down onto the runway and began walking to the revved up plane. Richmond joined him (running down the stairs...), and both flew off to ally with some other incredible fighters.
A day later, Buffa and Richmond were at Ames Aeronautical Laboratory in Mountain View, California. There, Richmond and Buffa were going to be put through a rigorous series of physical and cognitive tests and, if they passed, they'd be assigned to a new "Allied Fighters" unit headed by Captain John Brown.
The tests were torturous...except for Buffa. After a week of tests, it was deduced that Buffa has a unique physiology that, even after being burned in the bomb blast, still provided a far superior strength, stamina, agility and a remarkable endurance against pain. Some thought he was one of the newly labeled "mutants", but instead believed that his body had been augmented from something else (later found to be his father's exposure illegal X-65 mutagenic gas while Buffa's father had accidentally dropped a gas canister during a shipping load-out. He got sick for months after that, but eventually got better, with Buffa born a year later). Richmond, although he passed the tests, did so barely. Together, both were introduced to Captain Brown who made them part of Beta Squad of the Allied Fighters unit. Both were given code-names; Richmond was code-named "Dauntless" while Buffa was called "Wildcat". Buffa said "No" to that name. He demanded to be called after the very first airplane he'd ever worked on - the F2A "Brewster Buffalo". He considered that name was a more proper name for him.
Captain Brown sighed and acquiesced to Buffa's code-name change to "Brewster Buffalo" which usually got shortened to "Brewster".
Prior to going in the field, each Allied Fighter was to get a unique set of equipment and weapons to put fear into the enemy at the technological marvels the United States could produce upon whim. Buffa's suit was originally a heavy armored flight suit with a monstrous gas-powered radial engine strapped to his back...and carrying 30-caliber machine guns on his arms. It was the most unmanageable suit he'd ever worn. That night, Buffa broke into the secret test labs and cobbled together a whole new suit...with a new prototype rocket engine wing pack to replace the cumbersome large piston engine backpack.
In the morning, Buffa was surrounded by 40 security men. Buffa was trying to explain what he was doing, but it wasn't until Captain Brown, now codenamed as "Captain Invader", saw what Buffa had done. He'd kit-bashed and rebuilt a suit that even the engineers couldn't figure out. It didn't matter though. One press of a button and Buffa was flying in his rocket pack all over the lab with incredible agility. When he landed, even Captain Invader applauded Buffa. That's when the Captain looked right into Buffa's eyes and said, "Nice adjustment to the toys. Ready to go avenge some deaths with that stuff?" Buffa nodded, smiled and gave the Captain a 'thumbs up'.
After a month of intense team training, with the Allied Fighters, Buffa and the Allied Fighters went to war.
Over the next year or so, the Allied Fighters engaged in some of the most incredible fights and battles ever. Buffa was notorious for his flying skills and the ability to pull incredible G-Force turns with his rocket pack (as well as not burn his back from the rocket's heat). Time and again, Buffa was able to solve puzzles and ways to get into, and out of, trouble. He was considered the Allied Fighters' good luck charm. Amidst the several dozen missions he did, Buffa earned dozens of high-level military awards and accolades. He eventually gained the rank of Captain himself in June 1943. Months later, however, Buffa's luck would finally run out.
On 20 November 1943, as part of Operation Galvanic, US forces and the Allied Fighters invaded the Gilbert Islands. The Allied Fighters involved in the operation were Brewster and Kingfisher, were to be part of the invading force on the island of Tarawa. Marine battle planners had expected the normal rising tide to provide a water depth of five feet over the reef, allowing their four-foot draft 'Higgins boats' room to spare. However, on this day (and the next), the ocean experienced a neap tide, and failed to rise. In the words of some observers, "the ocean just sat there", leaving a mean depth of three feet over the reef. All the landing craft that were taking troops and tanks to the shore got stuck on the reefs.
It was a Japanese turkey shoot against the allies soldiers.
The LCV craft were only made of cheap aluminum; Japanese bullets tore through the craft, killing and destroying everything caught on the reef. Other craft tried to get to the reefs to save those caught, but the shore fire was too heavy.
In flew Brewster.
He flew above and away from the troops, drawing fire to allow the trapped troops to be rescued. His actions allowed Kingfisher and a handful of others to save over 300 men from being obliterated on the reef that day. Sadly, a single shot from a Japanese shore artillery cannon hit Brewster's rocket pack, resulting in a massive explosion that killed Buffa instantly.
Buffa Christian died a hero that day on 20 November 1943.
Buffa was awarded the Medal of Valor posthumously for his actions by President Roosevelt himself. There was a solemn ceremony in front of the White House for Buffa, complete with full military honors; honors befitting a national hero. Since his body was atomized, there was no body to bury. Instead, a memorial was erected at Arlington National Cemetery for him and dozens of other Allied Fighters that lost their lives during World War II.
In addition to the sad end of this man's story, Shangri-La, Buffa's daughter, had survived the Pearl Harbor bombing and has lived a full life...but that's a story meant for ANOTHER Brewster...
Power origin: Science
Enhanced Human Physiology
Increased Health, Strength, Agility, Resistance, Endurance and Cognitive Abilities
Remarkable 30% increase versus basic human physiology, but only 20% versus strength due to stature
Problem-solving functionality affected the most in neural/cognitive enhancement
Excellent resistance to pain in the form of physical and temperate damage; good resistance to energies, toxins and radiation
Augmented Pygmy Physiology
4'9" height versus normal 3'6" Pygmy physiology
More "barrel chested" than any standard human physiology
Flight Suit Armor
Typical protection vs. physical, heat, cold, electrical, energy attacks
Good protection vs. radiation, toxin/acid attacks
Excellent protection vs. physical, heat, cold, electrical, energy attacks
Remarkable protections vs. radiation, toxin/acid attacks
Short range transceiver radio (150 miles)
Visor provides polarized view, plus excellent protection vs. flash/light attack
Rocket Pack
Experimental prototype rocket pack; uses unique Nitrous Oxide and Hydrogen mixture - highly combustible and explosive
Max speed: 600mph; range: 500 miles; heat pack generates: 180 degrees F
Twin 50-Calibur MGs
Excellent shooting damage (with every 5th round=tracer)
360 rounds/MG (18 bursts of 20 rounds)
Utility Belt
2 Flares
2 Days food/water rations
Swiss Army Knife
Signal Mirror
Wire saw
Desalinization tablets (20)
Marksmanship (Master)
Acrobatics (Professional)
Engineering (Professional)
Aerial Combat (Master)
Environmental Awareness (Proficient)
Survival (Proficient)
Thief/Stealing (Professional)
Stealth (Professional)
Kit Bashing (Professional)
Pilot (Professional)