World War II - 1944

World War II - 1945

World War II - 1944
Clyde Hamilton
Initially Classified
Yes, with US Army
36 (at death)
1956 (Mesothelioma)
Captain Hamilton
The New Allied Fighters Issue # 1 (MDU Comics)
Feb 2012
Don "Major Deej" Finger
Jul 1974
Beatrice Hamilton (wife, deceased)
Stuart Hamilton (uncle, deceased)
David Hamilton (son, deceased)
Rhonda Hamilton-Simpson (daughter)
Lucy Hamilton (daughter-in-law), deceased)
John Q. Hamilton (grandson)
Back before World War II, the United States Military Research & Development Branch attempted to build an armored suit for its troops to use. Decades of research and technological advances went into designing the final three prototypes by the summer of 1940. One of the lead designs, provided by Professor Stuart Hamilton, was for the Navy to use not only as an armored suit for combat, but also as a deep sea suit. The Pentagon looked over the designs for the final three competitors and said they'd have a decision no later than 1 January 1942.
Pearl Harbor was bombed on the 7th of December 1941.
With America's catapulted entry into World War II, the decision for a highly expensive and 'dangerous' choice of armored suits led the Pentagon to squash the whole program in lieu of building up existing resources and materials to fight the war at that time.
Professor Hamilton fought time and again to get the military to see the uses and applications his suit he deemed as a 'walking battleship' would provide in combat, but it continued to fall on deaf ears with the military. That's when Professor Hamilton brought in his nephew, Clyde Hamilton.
The Professor intended for his nephew to help him test the suit out to work out several other small issues with his suit so that when the time was right, the professor would be able to show everyone what a great engineer he was. They toiled day and night, under adverse weather and and sleep deprivation for over a month, perfecting the suit as best they could. They even lined the steam-powered suit's interior with thick layers of asbestos to be able to provide amazing heat protection from fires and flamethrowers. On January 30th, 1942, the Professor and his nephew performed the suit's final tests...terminally for one of them.
After exceeding all their design specs for the final testing, Professor Hamilton and nephew Clyde were ecstatic over the positive results. Unfortunately, in their moment of celebration, the professor had a fatal heart attack. The day after his uncle's funeral, Clyde received his draft notice to join the war effort. He ran to his local congressman's home and told him that he had a better idea. Clyde would join the military as required, but he'd do it with his uncle's armor. The congressman was a tough old bird that usually didn't take 'no' for an answer. He saw the determination and drive in Clyde's eyes that day and knew he couldn't let a situation like this slip by. After several calls, one to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Clyde was assigned to a 'special operations team' already in the field known as the "Allied Fighters".
After a few weeks of basic training and upgrading his armor for field use, Clyde became a highly valuable member of the Allied Fighters. His bravery and steadfast manner made him a hero in every battle he fought in. Clyde recruited a team to create copies of his armor in the event that his existing one was every severely damaged, he could replace it immediately. As such, throughout his battles in the duration of WWII, Clyde had to don copies of his armor over 50 times due to it being so severely damaged in combat. Time and again Clyde would come back from a battle with half of his suit torn to shreds, with him spitting out chunks of asbestos insulation yet cheerfully ready to don a new suit for the next fight.
The tales of Captain Clyde Hamilton (later dubbed as "Captain Battleship") made him legend. He was awarded nearly every medal a service man could wear in the navy, as well as in the Army and Marines. To this day, no one has been able to tally the final count of how many enemy soldiers he took out, or for that matter, how many allied and civilian lives he saved throughout the war. When victory in Europe (V-E Day) finally occurred, Clyde asked his high school sweetheart to marry him. Weeks later, they were married.
The day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima was also the same day Clyde's new wife, Beatrice, discovered she was pregnant.
Clyde continued to fight on through the rest of the war right up to the day before Japan's signing of surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Harbor. On that day, Beatrice demanded Clyde to give up being Captain Battleship and become a true father to their expecting son. On V-J Day, Clyde turned in his resignation to the military, left his battle-suits with the Allied Fighters and never looked back. Clyde and Beatrice went on together as loving parents to five children. Clyde never again wore the Captain Battleship armor.
Clyde Hamilton died in 1956 from Mesothelioma.
Due to Clyde's routine exposure of all the shredded asbestos fibers from his damaged battle-suits, those same fibers got into his lungs and eventually killed him. His funeral was on par with the passing of a US president. The nation mourned. The leader of the now-defunct Allied Fighters, Major Invader, swore to always take care of Clyde's family from that day forward. Major Invader was already Clyde's childrens' godfather, but after Clyde's death, Major Invader made it a mission to ensure Clyde's children would never see the horrors of war or poverty and worked hard to help keep them safe, educated and as normal as a middle class family could be.
Power Origin: Natural (no powers)
Armored Suit
Armor Material
Heavyweight steel alloy material that covers 100% of the wearer.
Provides amazing protection from physical, energy, electrical, toxic, toxin, temperate damage.
Provides unearthly radiation protection
Provides typical mental/psionic protection, just due to the thickness of the helmet's metal design
Temperate Controls
The suit's environmental controls allow for the wearer to remain at a typical temperature; cooled or heated as needed.
It can actually place a layer of frost on the armor at -50 degrees F, or can heat up the outer skin to over 200 degrees F.
See HAZARDS below.
In-suit biological accommodations
Suit contains a 2-day water and food paste supply, as well as internal 'waste' storage.
Power Supply
Flexible Gas, Steam & Battery-Powered Electrical Motor-driven power supply​
On Gas, can operate for 10 hours at nominal operations (2.5 hours for full effort)​
On Steam, can operate for 4 hours at nominal operations (40 minutes for full effort)
On Battery, can operate for 2 hours at nominal operations (5 minutes for full effort)
Pneumatic exoskeleton​
to alleviate the inability of a normal person to 'move' in this very heavy suit, a system of pneumatic pistons and air manifolds enacted as the suits exoskeleton, allowing the wearing to move at about 70% the mobility and range of motion of a man, yet, did not allow for walking or running speeds to be equalized (see LIMITATIONS below).​
Chest Light
High intensity excellent level of brightness from lamp in chest.
Can be seen for over 3 miles.
Works underwater.
Military, government, nautical and international frequencies including HAM radio.
Range - dependent on atmospherics; transceiver can go up to 50 miles, with Long Range set to 150 miles (uses twice the power).
Helmet has same armor stats as rest of the suit.
Provides remarkable protection against all forms of attack
A Rebreathing Device connects to an in-suit 2-hour supply of oxygen as well as a CO2 filtration device.
Built-in voice amplifier acts as a good loudspeaker as needed.
Helmet can be sealed against gas, water etc. Rated to withstand 250 psi of pressure before seals start to fail
Visor can be dropped down to used for a poor form of night vision, as well as good flash protection
Steam-Powered Jump Boots
Amazing material strength and protection.
Jump Boots can be used with individual steam-powered systems per boot to use steam in a steam-piston assembly to 'jump' or 'leap'
When used, the boots can create enough energy to propel a fully armored Captain Battleship over 700 yards, all the while absorbing the impact of the landing with shock supports in the same boots.
After about 50 miles of individual leaping (far less distance if he is carrying additional weight) , the boots will need to cool-down or systems failures will shutdown the Leaping System automatically.
Usual force of impact from his 700 yard leaps is good physical damage
Normally used gauntlet:
magnetic 'pounder' system is capable of unleashing up to a incredible 40000 kPa/m of force in a jackhammer-type attack, or in regular one-shot hits.
Gauntlets are made with same protective materials as the armored suit
Gauntlets can be used to block amazing level attacks (when used as a shield).
Each gauntlet contained three salvos of amazingly powerful projectiles that could be fired to a max range of 1 mile.
Special gauntlets:
Machine guns (2 per gauntlet), providing 50 bursts of excellent shooting damage for a max range of 400 yards.
Flamethrower (1 per gauntlet), providing 20 charges of incredible heat/temperate damage for a max range of 200 yards
Waterproof storage, each gauntlet could carry 8 cubic feet of storage (plans, papers, radio, fuel, explosives, food, etc.)
LIMITATION: Due to excessively heavy design of the suit, the maximum speed it could ever reach in a run was 10 mph.
HAZARDS: Temperate insulation was asbestos (75% chance of long-term or short-term Lung Infections/Mesothelioma)
Military (Professional)
US Navy (Professional)
Mechanical Engineering (Professional)
Electrical Engineering (Professional)
Steam Engineering (Professional)
Underwater Movement/Combat (Proficient)
Marksmanship (Professional)
Navigation (Proficient)
Spy-craft (Proficient)
Ship Operations/Piloting (Proficient)
Explosives (Proficient)
Tactical Planning (Proficient)
Focused Thinking (increased psyche) (Proficient)
Munitions (Proficient)
Weapons-master (Proficient)

John Quincy Hamilton
Dr. Hamilton, "Q"
The New Allied Fighters Issue # 2 (as Mr. Hamilton)
March 2012
Don "Major Deej" Finger
Jul 1974
Clyde Hamilton (grandfather, deceased)
Beatrice Hamilton (grandmother, deceased)
Rhonda Hamilton-Simpson (aunt)
David Hamilton (father, deceased)
​Lucy Hamilton (mother, deceased)
Benjamin Hamilton (brother)
Betsy Hamilton (sister)
John A. Brown (Godfather)
The original Captain Battleship, Clyde Hamilton, died in 1956 from Mesothelioma. His oldest son, David Hamilton, took on the family responsibilities and went to work for the Boston Naval Shipyard. There, David married his college sweetheart, Lucy, and, thanks to an annual stipend from his godfather, "Uncle John" (John Brown AKA Major Invader) (as well as generous annual stipends for each of the family's siblings), he lived a decent, middle class life. David and Lucy had raised a son and a daughter, wonderfully and successfully, all of which went to Harvard for their education...that is, until an unexpected pregnancy occurred in 1985. A new son was born...but at the expense of the mother.
In 1985, John, Quincy Hamilton was born at Harvard Medical. Sadly, due to complications (and the mother's advance years), Lucy died days later. As the 'runt of the litter', John quickly realized he had a lot stacked against him. His father, David, despised John for causing his Lucy's death, and further despised him when he found out his son was more of a scrapper and troublemaker than a proper son of an upper-middle class family.
As a result, John got into a lot of fights in school and eventually had to to go to anger management counseling. His siblings, much older than John, basically didn't want anything to do with him, and let John know so constantly. They considered John's value to the family, rather than try to help be family to John.
Regardless, John was a very smart student. He routinely got bored of the teachers, learning things well past his grade levels, even learning trigonometry by age 10. He started performing physics experiments in the family's garage. One day, one of his experiments went awry and burnt down the garage and a couple of sheds. As expected, John's father was infuriated at him.
John was sent to a military academy/college prep school, but was kicked out after the first year due to his behavior issues. Instead, he was sent to a private school in western Massachusetts where they invoke discipline in their studies with the 'old school' paddling system. Suffice to say, John was not a happy student there, however, his adviser did see John's academic potential and signed him up for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Not only did John excel, he graduated Summa Cum Laud with three masters degrees, eventually earning a doctorate in engineering. He designed buildings, engineering systems. networks and was an expert in metallurgy. He also became a college boxing champion (helped with his aggression) and went on to a meteoric career in the engineering world...that is, until his godfather finally contacted him.
Major Invader/John Brown had carefully watched each of his god-kids grow over the decades, but was highly impressed with John Hamilton. The Major was reminded of his old friend Clyde through John's wit, drive, spirit and fight, just like the old Captain Battleship. Breaking his own rule of keeping the Hamilton family safe and out of harms way, John Brown has since contacted John Hamilton and, over the course of the current future, we'll be seeing John Hamilton as the new Captain Battleship II and a member of the new Allied Fighters.
Power Origin: Natural (no powers)​
Protective Armor: Energy and Composite Material
Energy Shielding
Personal Derivative Protective Field (PDPF)-based algorithmic energy shield generation system.
Provides amazingly strong overlapping transparent energy shielding from various shield generation points around the armor.
If one shield generation point fails, other points compensate in strength, field of coverage and form of protection based on the algorithmic analysis and the personal derivation of the user (how the user operates the armor).
Composite Material
Lightweight polymer-based alloy composite material that covers over 95% of the wearer.
Provides its own remarkable protection against all forms of attack
Provides amazing radiation protection for all areas covered by the composite armor (face mask can be attached).
Temperate Controls
The suit's environmental controls allow for the wearer to remain cool, or heated as needed.
It can actually place a layer of frost on the armor at -50 degrees F, or can heat up the outer skin to over 200 degrees F.
In-suit biological accommodations
Suit contains a 2-day water and food paste supply, as well as internal 'waste' processing equipment.
Chest Light/Laser Ring
Adjustable intensity yet remarkably bright high-intensity lamp in chest that can emit white, blue or red light.
Can be seen for over 3 miles at full intensity.
Works underwater.
Laser Ring
One-shot, short range (12 feet) incredibly powerful laser that emits from the outer circular edge of the chest light.
It can cut through steel in 6 seconds, allowing the armor's wearer a large enough hole to reach his gauntlet through to grab what is on the other side (or to access/shoot through).
Device has to be changed out in a shop/lab with a replacement ring in order to work again.
Communications Suite
Airwave/Sat Comms/Broadband/Narrow-band communications and WiFi set with access to military, federal and international frequencies including the team's supercomputer Alpha-1 Link.
Range - dependent on source fee ranges for receipt; can transmit from armor up to 50 miles.
Automatic adjustments for atmospheric conditions and spatial restrictions.
Goggles protect against remarkably powerful flares, flashes or intense lighting (especially from own chest light)as well as providing night vision when turned on.
Mask is normally stowed in shoulder units and can be donned in less than 2 seconds (not normally worn).
Provides remarkable protection against all forms of attack
A Rebreathing Device connects to an in-suit 2-day supply of oxygen as well as a CO2 filtration device.
Built-in voice amplifier acts as a good loudspeaker as needed.
The suit's boots are also built with the same composite material and contain energy aura shield generators as well.
7500 kPa/m magnetic 'Leaping' system
When used, the boots can create enough energy to propel a fully armored Captain Battleship over 700 yards, all the while absorbing the impact of the landing with shock supports in the same boots.
The boots can be used to make 'multiple' leaps.
After about 50 miles of individual leaping (far less distance if he is carrying additional weight) , the boots will need to cool-down or systems failures will shutdown the Leaping System automatically.
magnetically-force driven system capable of unleashing up to a monstrous 75000 kPa/m of force.
Gauntlets are made with same protective materials and field as the body suit, but the energy field around the gauntlets is double-strengthened to ensure the gauntlets can deliver the impact, thus making them capably of near unearthly protection when used to hit/pound objects.
Gauntlets can be used to block unearthly level attacks (when used as a shield).
College Boxing (Champion)
4x prestige in this field
4x contacts in this field
Sporadic additional resources in this field (sports interviews, sports paraphernalia)
Won 3 years in a row as MIT's Boxing champion
Won 1 regional college Boxing event (lost fight in senior year for same event due to cheating opponent)
Quantum Engineer (Master)
3x knowledge in Quantum Engineering
3x contacts in this field
average of 2x baseline resources when employed in this field
Composite Material Engineering (Master)
3x knowledge in creating, designing, manufacturing and forging composite materials and shapes
3x contacts in this field
average of 2x baseline resources when employed in this field
Industrial Engineer (Master)
3x knowledge and creating, designing, manufacturing and building any form on industrial building, network or system.
3x contacts in this field
average of 2x baseline resources when employed in this field
Mechanical Engineer (Master)
3x knowledge and creating, designing, manufacturing and building any form on industrial building, network or system.
3x contacts in this field
average of 2x baseline resources when employed in this field
Street Fighter (Master)
Engages in illegal back-alley street fights for profit.
average of 1/2x baseline resources when employed in this field
Network/Internet Engineering (Professional)
2x knowledge and creating, designing, manufacturing and building any form of network or internet system, including security.
2x contacts in this field
average of 1x baseline resources when employed in this field
College Professor/Administrator (Professional)
2x knowledge in academia and college management and administration.
2x contacts in this field
average of 2x baseline resources when employed in this field
Sports & Race Car Driver/Aficionado (proficient)
1x knowledge in cars, sports cars and race driving (NASCAR fan).
additional agility and skill in driving race cars (and sports cars)
1x contact in this field
Baseline resources when employed in this field