Daryl D. Daniels
mid 20s
Daryl D. Daniels, "Triple D" to his friends, grew up as an African-American in Baltimore, Maryland. In his youth, he ran with a bad crowd, always getting into trouble, always being placed in Juvenile Hall. His parents never gave up on him though, and tried their best to guide him on the right path. Sadly, it took the death of his brother, who placed himself Daryl and thug shooter, taking a bullet meant for Daryl...and dying. Distraught, Daryl ran away and didn't return home until weeks later.
When Daryl did return home, he was a new man. Now, at age 14, he'd seen death, and was experiencing grief, survivor's guilt and anger issues. Thanks to his parents, Daryl got past it all. They set him up in a private school and helped him work on his education. To assuage his guilt, he helped the foster kids; to drive down his anger, he got into sports. When he graduated from high school, he had a 3.95 GPA, was captain of the football team, soccer team, swim team and was the founder of his school's Chess Club. He made All-American that year and was offered dozens of athletic scholarships and several academic scholarships. There was only one college he wanted to go to though.
After graduating George Washington University, Summa Cum Laude, Daryl was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). At first, Daryl worked with as an undercover agent,then eventually in the Intelligence division, and finally in Covert Operations (Black Ops level stuff). Each assignment he was given he did to perfection, most of the time outperforming his peers and his supervisors. As such, even though they all worked well together, being a high achieving black man in the CIA usually garnered a competitive dislike and even at times, contempt. Each new assignment was tougher, almost like his new assignment were designed for him to fail...yet fail he didn't. In what most people did in a life-time's career with the CIA, he did in 8 years. He received some of the highest accolades an agent could ever get. As an equal result, he received the most dangerous assignment ever - his last assignment.
A few years ago, the 'cape killer' paramilitary organization known as "The Exterminators" was on a new push to capture, dissect and kill any and all superheroes they could catch. Several international superheroes were reported missing, and thanks to some incredible undercover work with Interpol and MI6, Daryl was able to integrate himself as a security trooper in The Exterminators. The mission was designated "Operation: Dauntless". Sadly, two days into his undercover work, he was discovered. He was severely beaten and tossed into a dungeon with the other captured superheroes and other 'discovered' undercover agents from Interpol and MI6. In the span of a day, two superheroes were killed and cut open before the captives, each of which was told 'you're next'. The Interpol and MI6 agents were killed and fed to the dogs. Daryl was next.
That's when a series of explosions and gunfire happened. Someone was attempting to rescue them; that someone was a man known as Major Invader. He, and a team of 20 or so paramilitary independent operatives, invaded the Exterminator's base. Daryl was rescued, as well as the remaining superhero captives. The fact remained in Daryl's mind: his own CIA didn't save him; Major Invader, a near-centennial aged man, did.
While Daryl was recovering in the hospital, his fellow captive superheroes each came to his bedside thanking him for doing what he did to try and save their lives. Daryl's CIA bosses, on the other hand, came to his bedside for debriefs and a demotion. As far as Daryl's bosses were concerned, Daryl 'failed' spectacularly in this mission, causing the deaths of other international agents and a handful of other superheroes. They even blamed him for 'contacting' Major Invader and having him and his hired 'mercs' form a rescue team JUST FOR DARYL to be rescued (which of course, was NOT the truth). Daryl was beyond frustrated and became angry over the situation, given the CIA the further opportunity to place him on a 'mentally unstable' list, preventing him from ever working in the field again. It was a setup, and Daryl knew it, but the big question was 'why' and 'to what end does this go'?
A week into his hospital stay and hours after being 'mentally unstable', Daryl had a priest show up at his bedside; a standard feature for most hospitals. The priest was Major Invader in disguise. The Major pulled out a set of street clothes, set them on Daryl's bed and told him "you have 2 minutes before the come in here wanting to know why their surveillance equipment isn't working; shake a leg and let's get you out of here before they have you committed to a nut house". 1 minute later, they were both down the hall and our of the hospital before fire alarms rang out in the hospital. "That's standard #$$&*&^ practice there; set the fire alarm off to force everyone out of the building to be seen and identified, as well as empty the building so as to find whoever is inside they're looking for...without witnesses. Wow. Do they HATE you!". Daryl could do nothing but contemplate that any normal life he was hoping to obtain would now basically be destroyed. He had just become a fugitive.
Weeks later, Major Invader sat down with Daryl and offered him an option to his situation. In the time Daryl had been staying at the old secretive Allied Fighters base in Boston, he'd regained most of his strength and had healed up. He and the Major had talked about the situation and what options Daryl had before him, to which the Major said, "I'm not here to put you back in a position of someone else's choosing; this has to be yours. All I can say is, if you want, I have a place for you on my team, where you'll be given a cover identity, and we can do some good in the world and get you back where you belong, but this time, you'll go into any situation known that these, people, the Allied Fighters, will have your back. Your options are endless. I'm just given you one of them. If you choose to honor us by joining this team, I won't say no..pending you can get through the training and your personal final exam - a trial by fire. The call is yours. I'm here to help regardless". Daryl knew from his CIA training that the old man was an incredibly smooth negotiator, but he also knew that the Major meant what he said; he could see it in his eyes. Daryl thought about it for a couple days and finally made a decision; he'd join the Major's Allied Fighters.
For the next few months, he and dozens of other new (and old) Allied Fighters trained liked they'd never trained before. Day and night; night and day; a whirlwind of non-stop death-defying drills, situationals, briefs and training sessions. He'd never been so exhausted in his life, yet the Major made it all look easy. Finally, he was given a costume, a series of weapons and a trial. It was one of the toughest things he had to do: go back into an Exterminators camp and save a hero...this time, with the option for backup...a backup he knew would be there when and if he needed them. None of that was a concern though; Daryl, under the code-name of "Dauntless", performed the mission solo and not only saved one, but three superheroes and 20 civilians, all without killing a single Exterminator. As far as Daryl was concerned, he proved to himself that he was able to meet any situation head-on, and that, in his eyes, he'd redeemed himself.
Today, "Dauntless" is registered as an 'out-of-work shoe salesman' named "Billy Jack Skookum" according to the Superhero Registry. His residence of '123 Buckle Street, Shoefly, Alaska 99801' is actually an old shoe store with a tenement over the top (that is practically condemned). In truth, Daryl now operates as Dauntless, living out of his own quarters in the Allied Fighters base. He has since been assigned to Delta Squad and has never been happier...with the exception of the lingering mystery of the CIA conspiracy against him; a mystery he intends to solve...in spades.
Power Origin: Normal (no powers)
Armored Flight Suit
Provided good protection for physical, energy, temperate and toxin/acidic attacks.
Provided incredible radiation protection.
Flight Pack
Jet Pack - 650 mph, range 500 miles, altitude - 60, 000 ft (with Oxygen mask)
Wings provide remarkable maneuverability
Bomb Belt
Contained 10 mini-bombs
Can pick from a variety of bombs (mission-concentric); sleeping gas, flash, frag, smoke, electronic jamming, sonic, concussion (stun) or explosive, all at an excellent rank of effect
Dauntless Gun
Energy rifle with varying effects:
Remarkable energy shots/continuous beam - can maintain for duration of 10 bursts/powerpack
Excellent energy shots/continuous beam - can maintain for duration of 20 bursts/powerpack
Good energy shots/continuous beam - can maintain for duration of 30 bursts/powerpack
Typical energy shots/continuous beam - can maintain for duration of 40 bursts/powerpack
Power Packs
Carries 4 power packs; 6 if he doesn't bring his survival pack.
Always has 1 power pack already loaded in Dauntless Gun
Mini-Oxygen pack
If higher altitudes were needed, Dauntless could use a small supply of Oxygen that would last him no more than 1 hr.
Polarized viewing, preventing sun-glare and excellent flash/explosive light effects for damaging or disrupting vision.
Worldwide Satellite, cell tower, microwave, radio, HAM radio, VHF/UHF/HF/military frequencies.
Heads-Up Display/Targeting Computer
Remarkable targeting system (range 25 miles) that superimposes targets and tactics onto inner visor surface
Voice command targeting
Broadcasts as 120 dB, range 1 mile
Survival pack
Basic equipment needed to survive for 2 days in the wild or at sea.
Pilot (Proficient)
CIA (Professional)
Undercover Operations (Professional)
Black Ops (Proficient)
Mission Planning/Organizing (Professional)
Marksman (Professional)
US Government (Proficient)
Wrestling (Proficient)
Krav Maga (fighting/defense) (Proficient)
Sports (Proficient)
Chess (Proficient)

Roger Richmond
US Navy (40+ years)
mid 20s - 40s
7 Dec 1991
Carol Richmond (wife, now deceased)
Kevin Richmond (son, deceased)
Pamela Richmond (daughter)
William "Billy" Richmond (son)
Kathy (Paris) Wescamp (Granddaughter)
John Wescamp AKA Astroguardian (Great Grandson)
Roger started his life in Oklahoma (later named Oklahoma City), Oklahoma in 1918. His father was an American World War I Army Air Corps aircraft mechanic that had been exposed to mustard gas attacks, one of which was with (what was discovered later to be) the X-65 mutagenic gas. Roger's father, after the war, went to work for Mid-Continent Aircraft Company, which was later renamed Spartan Aircraft. There, his father built, flew and trained pilots to fly their aircraft. Roger was taught by his father as early as 9 years of age how to fly. Roger had a good soul and always looked out for his younger brother, sometimes engaging in fistfights and at times, getting suspended from school. That, however, didn't stop him from becoming the best student in school ever...and a weekend airplane ferry pilot who'd fly newly built Spartan Aircraft airplanes to their new owners and take a train or bus back home in time to attend school on Monday morning...every week.
In 1938, Roger graduated from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. His first assignment was to a new aircraft squadron of F2A-2 Brewster "Buffalo" fighter planes. Within an hour of joining the squadron, he was ordered to fly to Guam with a flight crew and provide feedback on base conditions and if the new "Buffalo" would be a good fit for that region. Sadly, Roger discovered problem after problem with the plane and its use in a tropical location; overheated engines, loss of maneuverability with all the extra Navy gear loaded on the plane, and even an issue with the landing gear not retracting properly. While there in Guam, he discovered a young local Guamanian named "Buffa", who later turned out to be a troubleshooting savant. He helped fix Roger's landing gear problem with ease, and aided in troubleshooting and fixing dozens of other issues on the air base. As a result, Roger was tasked with continuing analysis of other aircraft that came to Guam and test their durability in the tropical region (Roger had an incredibly innovative and deductive mind, allowing him to identify early issues with aircraft being used in the region). Buffa quickly became a good friend of Roger; a friend that, one day, would be fighting beside Roger with one of the greatest World War II teams ever - The Allied Fighters.
In 1941, Roger was reassigned to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where he was to lead a squadron of Marine pilots flying P-40 Warhawks. It didn't take long before Roger and the Marine Wing Commander went to loggerheads. The wing commander was a poor pilot and a 'yes' man; Roger fought with him time and again about doing more combat drills, security, training for fast loading ammunition and rapid reaction flight drills, all to which the wing commander disliked because 'we're not at war; what does it matter?'. Nonetheless, Roger worked hard to get things changed. In the meantime, he'd developed new aerial tactics such as a 'wingman' system, high speed pursuit dive/attacks, and a special "S" maneuver used to horizontally strafe an enemies airplane form side to side. These new tactics caught the attention of a particular Marine pilot known as "Pappy Boyington" and another Marine, Captain John Brown. Buffa, Roger's friend from Guam, (who now went by Buffa Christian) had joined him in Hawaii. Buffa quickly became a prized person on the base. They allotted Buffa his own home for him and his new wife, Jewai, and their children. Together, Roger and Buffa were the best of friends. Roger became the godfather for Buffa's first son, Bo. Together, they all were living a wonderful tropical life that seemed perfect - until 7 December 1941.
On December 7th, 1941, a day that will 'live in infamy', the Imperial Japanese Navy conducted a surprise attack against Hawaii. Most of the US Pacific Fleet was destroyed or severely damaged as a result of the attack, with thousands of lives lost. On that day, Roger lost plane after plane valiantly trying to get into the air. At one point, as he was roaring down the runway trying to take-off, his plane got strafed, causing him to jump out on the runway as his plane careened into several other P-40s 'parked' on the ramp as part of the Wing Commander's 'security' procedures. He eventually got into a small boat and run it aground near Ewa Beach where there were P-40s ready for him to fly. By the time he got into the sky though, the last Japanese attack wave was already on their way home. Not long after, he was contacted by Captain John Brown who told Roger he had 4 days to get his world in order and report to him for a classified mission. shortly thereafter, Roger received another call...this one about Buffa Christian and was told Buffa lost his entire family. Without hesitation, Roger jumped in a plane, flew to Ford Island, where Buffa was being treated at the island dispensary, and landed on Ford Island taxiing right up to the dispensary. His best friend,Buffa was in a bad spot. Depressed and near suicidal, Roger spent the next 2 days with Buffa, honoring his deceased loved ones and taking the time to help Buffa from 'going over the edge'. As such, Roger promised Buffa a chance to get back at those that killed his family, but joining him on a flight to go sign up for a secret mission against the Japanese. Buffa practically vaulted to the plane with Roger.
Days later, the two arrived at the site set by Captain Brown. Captain Brown was furious with Roger for bringing Buffa with him and 'endangering' the whole operation. Roger told the Captain, 'he goes, I go'; to which the Captain begrudgingly accepted both onto his team.
Captain Brown was creating a team of exceptionally talented fighters and warriors that would make up a super-powered team designated as "The Allied Fighters". Should Roger and Buffa pass the tests, they'd be invited. Roger told Buffa, 'I'll understand if you want to back out', to which Buffa simply said, 'bring it on'.
The tests were torturous...except for Buffa. Roger, although he passed the tests, did so barely. Together, both were introduced to Captain Brown who made them part of Beta Squad of the Allied Fighters unit. Both were given code-names; Roger was given the code-name "Dauntless" (out of respect for Roger's father who was now leading the production teams at the new Oklahoma City Douglas Aircraft plant, making new A-24 Dauntless dive-bombers) while Buffa was initially called "Wildcat", but Buffa convinced Captain Brown to instead call him "Brewster Buffalo", named after the very first airplane he'd ever worked on - Roger's F2A-2 "Brewster Buffalo".
After that, they trained. Hard. Roger was given a flight suit with a personalized experimental flight pack and a belt of bombs. He was one of the most maneuverable and dangerous men in the air - next to his buddy, Buffa AKA Brewster Buffalo. It was brought up that, in Roger's medical report, they identified that Roger's blood contained an excellent healing structure, allowing him an increased rate of healing, a higher overall body and internal organ endurance and a heightened ability to take on excessive G-forces while performing hard turns, dives and climbs in flight. It also identified that his inner ears were practically armored, allowing him to hear better than most, and not get vertigo or be as susceptible to sonic attacks. This was believed to be a genetic hand-down from his father who'd suffered the effects fo the X-65 mutagenic mustard gas attacks during World War I. Regardless, Roger came through like a trooper; work and beat, but a trooper.
After their training, they were all sent in squads out into the field; Roger led one such squad. Buffa was part of Roger's squad initially. Roger and his teammates fought together for the first year or so during the war, but as things got busy all over the Pacific, and the Allied Fighters gained dozens of new replacements, Buffa and Roger were split up, with Buffa leading another squad. Sadly, Buffa died in the Invasion of Tarawa not long thereafter. Roger gave the eulogy at Buffa's memorial in Hawaii a week later. Roger stated that losing Buffa was like 'losing his own brother'.
Roger fought for the rest of the war, but received multiple injuries; bullets, bombs, flak, flash grenades, samurai swords, and even a spear through the heart. Whenever the going got tough for him and the troops, Roger always restated that which his old friend Buffa used to say: 'Bring it on'; this unto itself, was usually all that was needed for Roger and the troops to redouble their efforts and win.
Roger survived the war and, at war's end in 1945, was honored for his service with the Medal of Honor.
Roger kept doing his super-hero job for the US Navy into the Korean War. In 1952, in an attack on the Sui-ho Dam with a Marine Air Combat Squadron VMA-212, Roger was hit by a powerful Soviet ground-to-air missile and fell, badly injured, from nearly 5,000 feet in the air. He was found and evacuated from the battle site by a brave rescue helicopter team, but Roger was hurt so bad he had to be sent to the states for over two years of medical rehabilitation. After that, the US Navy had him, dressed up as the 'hero' Dauntless, attend USO tours, US Navy promotional ads and hundreds of recruiting events out into the late 1950s. He even provided the stories and scripts for a TV series that was later made about Roger's WWII adventures called "Dauntless: The All-American Hero". In 1960, Roger finally retired as Dauntless, however, he continued his successful career in the US Navy. In 1982, Roger finally retired from the US Navy after 44 years of service at the rank of Vice Admiral. During his retirement, he wrote several books and an auto-biography.
On 7 December 1991, at the 50th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, Roger, as retired Vice Admiral Richmond, attended one last ceremony at the Arizona Memorial. That night, Roger passed away quietly in his sleep.
Today, his remains are interned at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Hawaii, with his name has since been added to a monument in Washington DC made for him and his fellow Allied Fighters that had all since passed on. What Roger didn't know before he died was that his great grandson, John Wescamp, would go on to become an astronaut and a superhero in his own right called "Astroguardian".
Power Origin: Normal/Mutant
Enhanced Human Physiology
Roger has an increased excellent endurance, coupled with an excellent auto-immune and auto-healing system, allowing him to heal faster than most.
Roger can withstand up to 9Gs of gravitational force when flying, allowing him to perform hard banks, turns, dives and climbs without passing out.
His eyesight allows for his to see twice as far and twice the details of any standard person.
Hearing Protection
Roger's inner ears are practically armored, providing remarkable protection from sonic attacks, or against other effects regarding balance, vertigo or positional confusion.
Innate Internal Navigation
Roger has routinely demonstrated his ability to navigate, even in the dark, to whatever location he chooses. Even while blindfolded, hauled away for hours of driving in a truck while unconscious, Roger was able to fly back to his point of origin in the most uncanny display of internal navigation ever seen.
Armored Flight Suit
Provided typical protection for physical, energy, temperate and toxin/acidic attacks.
Provided remarkable radiation protection.
Flight Pack
Initial: Rocket Pack - 500mph, range 200 miles, altitude - 30,000 ft (due to liquid Hydrogen and Oxygen mixture pressurization issues).
Later: Jet Pack - 550 mph, range 350 miles, altitude - 50, 000 ft (with Oxygen mask)
Both packs had a set of wings, allowing for remarkable maneuverability
Bomb Belt
Contained 10 mini-bombs
Each mini-bomb performed excellent explosive damage when in contact after being armed and thrown by Dauntless.
Flight pack attachment (mission specific): Twin .50 caliber Machine Guns
When needed, Dauntless could have a specialized twin .50 caliber MG pack strapped to his rocket or jet pack
Contained 300 rounds of ammo per gun, providing excellent shooting damage at a range of 250 yards.
MG pack was eject-able
Limitations: when wearing the pack - speed dropped by 30%, range lessened by 30%, maneuverability was reduced to only good.
Mini-Oxygen pack
If higher altitudes were needed, Dauntless could use a small supply of Oxygen that would last him no more than 1/2 hr.
Polarized viewing, preventing sun-glare and good flash/explosive light effects for damaging or disrupting vision.
Radio pack
150 miles radio transceiver, including Morse code key.
Survival pack
Basic equipment needed to survive for 2 days in the wild or at sea.
Pilot (Master)
Military (Master)
Marksman (Professional)
US Navy Tactics/Operations (Master)
US Military History (Master)
Aviation Engineering (Professional)
Commercial Air Transport/Operations (Professional)
Writer (Professional)
Boxing (Proficient)
Aerial Combat (Master)
US government (Proficient)
Budgeting/Financing (Proficient)
Business (Proficient)
Martial Arts - Judo (Throwing) (Proficient)
Martial Arts - Kung-Fu (fighting) (Proficient)