Ho Chow
Ho Chow is a young Chinese gang member who help prevent the Golden Dragons gang from being indicted on over 550 counts of human trafficking, money laundering, grand theft and illegal drug killing over 1/2 the witnesses leading to the indictments. The other half of the witnesses 'got the message' and decided not to help the authorities.
As a result of his brave and aggressive tactics, Ho was awarded a spot as one of the magically-empowered leaders in the gang.
Dragonmaster (I), the leader of the Golden Dragons at that time, gave Ho Dragon Fire mystical items that, when used together, allow the bearer to shoot magical flame while also allowing the bearer to be protected from other forms of damage.
Today, "Dragonblaze" continues his duties in the Golden Dragons, but now under the leadership of Dragonmaster (II). Ho is a mean, yet inventive gang leader. He is a tough leader, but also has earned the trust and respect of his gang members. He still, to this day, leads his gangs into action by leading from the front. He is also quite cruel when it comes to anyone who doesn't give Ho what he wants, which most of the time are reasonable request, yet when he does ask for something outrageous, he DOES expect to get it. (i.e., 'ok, we've finished getting out protection money from all the shops in the area without a single problem from them, however, let's burn down two of the tobacco shops that DID pay because I hate smokers today. Anyone that has an issue with that dies in the fire from my own version of '2nd hand smoke inhalation'. Any issues, guys? Didn't think so.').
Power Origin: Natural
Ho Chow has no powers. His abilities are related to the Dragon Fire Mystical Items (see Equipment below).
Dragon Fire Mystical Item (6)
Ho Chow has a total six items (three per glove, but each glove is designed to hold a max of 6 if desired)
Each item is over 3,000 years old at least and is said to be infused with a dragon's fire looped infinitely through the items/relics
Each item independently can perform the following:
Fire Generation
When activated, each item mystically generate unlimited poor level fire generation
Protection Aura
When activated, each item provides poor physical protection against all forms of damage
Aura extends only to within 4 inches from bearer's body
Fire Blast
Can shoot up to a poor ranked stream of fire guided lengthwise along an attached item (usually an arm or forearm) up to 40 feet of distance
Thanks to fire Generation, each item can shoot an unlimited amount of fire blasts.
Compounded Effects
When each mystical item is placed within 3 inches of each other, each item can compound its rank/intensity with the one next to it, increasing the rank/intensity by a factor of 1:
1 item = poor fire generation, protection and fire blasting
3 items = good fire generation, protection and fire blasting
6 items = incredible fire generation, protection and fire blasting
NOTE: In the item's lore history, it is stated that exceeding 8 items for compounded use will most likely cause the items to fail and/or explode (noted as last occurring 400 years ago with other similarly made items).
Encrypted telecommunications transceiver with a normal range of 25 miles, expanded to unlimited range with cellular/satellite access
Switchblade Knife (4)
Remarkable material with razor-sharp cutting blade
Specially made with ornate gold dragon and fire decorations
Special Sunglasses (2)
Provides typical flash protection
Provides typical polarized/radiation eye protection
Provides thermal diffusion, allowing him to easily see through the brightness of his Fire Generation and Fire Blasts
Cars (4)
Has four very powerful (and expensive sport cars) all with typical protection/armoring, including windshields
Street Gangs (Professional)
Jury Tampering (Professional)
Intimidation/Threatening Tactics (Professional)
Arson (Professional)
Theft/Burglary/Robbery (Professional)
Crime (Professional)
Chinatown (Professional)
Leadership (Professional)
Martial Arts: Edged Melee (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Dodge/Evade (Proficient)
Martial Arts; Melee Fighting (Professional)
Martial Arts: Slam/Stun (Proficient)
Drugs, Gambling, Human Trafficking (Proficient)
Race Car/Sport Car Driver (Professional)
Marksmanship (Proficient)
Chinese (Professional)
English (Proficient)
Japanese (Proficient)
Korean (Proficient)