Thank you for supporting the Harmony Foundation.
We look forward to bringing you a brighter future today!
Our foundation associates will be with you shortly at your home and business
to impart your contributions towards our goal for a new tomorrow.
"Harmony to you and all that will be"
- Harmon Yee, CEO Harmony Foundation

Founded and operated by our Corporate Executive Officer (CEO), Harmon Yee, the foundation has become a benevolent, charitable progressive campaign that promotes harmony in world politics, financial standards, inclusion of a unified language and education of religious tolerance.

Our Mission statement:
Help improve the world so that its people can live healthy and productive lives in harmony with one another.
With over $291 Billion in assets, the Harmony Foundation has worked with world politicians, major multi-national corporations, businesses, industries and other charitable organizations to promote better standards of living in developing nations and cooperation throughout the world.
As part of our goals, we intend to integrate our methods of communication, tolerance and the development of a common world language to unite the businesses and populace of the world in a peaceful, sustainable manner.
Since the conclusion of the Soltan Invasion of 2000, we have worked united together around the world to stop the unethical business practices of nations and individuals and instead unite to a common world goal using new world guidelines for a more prosperous tomorrow and the betterment of all mankind.
THIS IS THE VIRTUAL CORSAIRS!! Don't listen to this drivel! Their true plan is to t@#&$(*#$(*#&$ *(#& $(#&$*$%+_)$()*& $(*&^#$#$& (^#*&^#* ^$*&$)(* #$^@(*^#$()$__+@#+_$(*#)$^#()# ^$(*#^(_*()#$*(&(#$_#_&#$$*(^#*(^$$@#$&(#*%^ #(*$&#*($&#$* (#& @#*(&# $#* ()$&#*($&#($&*#($)*& (*&$(#*&
Initiate . . .
*Please contact the Harmony Institute's Website Team for further assistance*