Milu, a three millennia-old elder god of the Pacific Ocean region, and a self-created 'god of the underworld' (Polynesia's version of Hell called Lua-o-Milu) that entrapped and contained the souls of millions of human beings over time, is the leader of a combative team of super-powered warlords and miscreants located all around the Pacific region. This band, now called the 'Kaha Koa', under Milu's 'leadership' intends to take-over everything in the Pacific Ocean region, and eventually, the world. Milu, however, is just in it for the souls.
Millenia ago, Milu was but one of many elder gods that roamed the Earth. Another younger elder, the goddess of volcanoes, hula and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands, Pele, was a thorn in Milu's prestige as a god. Milu ruled by fear and dedication (to one's ancestors), while Pele provided a more austere interaction with the humans of Polynesia. Pele, known by many different titles, to include Pele-honua-mea ("Pele of the sacred land") and Ka wahine ʻai honua ("The earth-eating woman"), was worshipped by the islanders far more than Milu. As such Milu and Pele had quite a few 'disagreements' in their millennia of existence.
At one point, in the MDU, Milu felt overtly 'slighted' when Pele 'moved' a flow of lava from destroying a village and its inhabitants. Furious with her, Milu darkened the islands, leaving the islanders lost in the sunless void of darkness and afraid. Groups of them sacrificed themselves (or more to the point, the tribal chiefs volunteered certain tribe members) by jumping of cliffs to their deaths to appease Milu and bring the back the light. Pele, in a fit of rage, created the eruption of Maui's Haleakalā volcano and fought with Milu on the godly plane. In the end, Pele won, forcing Milu's essence into imprisonment at the deepest point of the Marianas Trench, leaving him there for centuries, stewing in anger over what Pele had done to him. Milu swore that when he was finally free, he would destroy Pele and all his fellow elder gods and any of their god's protectors, leaving Milu to take all the souls of the world, making him the ultimate and only surviving elder god to rule the Earth in its entirety...forever.
Pele over the years, sadly, lost her powers as her fellow elder gods all died off while humanity grew in ascendency to its current status. In 2000, when the Soltan Star Empire invaded Earth, Pele was already weak. She was the last remaining elder god left on the planet, except for the imprisoned Milu. Using all her remaining powers, she did what she could to save the Hawaiian Islands from the alien invaders using sympathetic magical energies against the Soltans, however, she also had to use her powers to keep Milu caged. Milu, sensing Pele's waning strength, intensified his attempts to escape, keeping Pele further weakened. By August of 2000, the Soltans had nearly drained Earth of nearly all its magical energies, leaving both Milu and Pele so weakened, both basically were on death's door. Thanks to the world's combined human and super-powered forces, the Soltans were driven off Earth as well as re-releasing the stolen magical energies back into Earth at nearly 400 times the level it once was. The flood of new magical energies super-powered both Milu and Pele, preventing their deaths, however, Milu was too quick in his reactions and broke free of his captivity in the Marianas Trench. For the next few years, Milu, obsessed with vengeance against Pele, built up an army of sea creatures and super-powered undersea warlords from all over the Pacific basin. When he finally amassed enough of an army to combat Pele, he attacked her...and killed her, winning his vengeance and making him the last elder god left alive on Earth.
Unknown to Milu, several 'contingency actions' had been activated on Earth by Pele moments before her death to help save the world from Milu's eventual malicious machinations. One such contingency action of Pele's was using the last of her powers, moments before her death, to empower several human Polynesians with amazing powers; powers that would be expected to be used to save Hawaii and its Polynesian brethren from Milu's forthcoming onslaught. Other contingencies included one of Pele's sisters, Hi'iaka, who, when born several centuries ago (as a demi-god), was expected to side with Pele and fight against Milu (sadly, that story took a WHOLE different turn! See MDU's Hi'iaka's character entry for more on that!). Nonetheless, even with other contingencies activated to attempt to stop Milu, Pele was now dead and Milu decided it was time to claim victory (and souls) of and from the Pacific region.
Milu initiated his conquest first by taking human form and empowering it with his god-like powers (which was the only way for his powers to be used at their unearthly level). Once done, he personally led the charge of his massive invasion into the most sacred of Pele's treasures - the Hawaiian Islands. Although Milu was initially successful and took over all of the Hawaiian Islands, it wasn't long before Pele's empowered champions banded together with military and local islanders to take back most of the Hawaiian Islands. In an amazing epic story all unto itself (see Pacific League and individual entries for its heroes, as well as history for Kaha Koa's warlords), Milu was driven back to the Hawaiian island of Niihau, where, try as they might, Earth's forces and Pele's champions (now called the Pacific League) were unable to fully defeat Milu and his warlords. To that end, a cease fire was arranged with Milu through the Pacific League's leader, Princess Kamehameha.
As a result of his failure to conquer the Hawaiian Islands, Milu's warlords went their separate ways, back to their regions, all with massive losses to their troops, weapons and supplies. It would take years before any of the warlords were able to garner enough troops or resources to even mount local attacks against humans in a warlord's own territory. Milu, after the cease fire attempted to place himself back onto his elder god plane of existence to realize he no longer could; Pele, as one of her contingency actions, ensured the elder's plane became a one-way door upon her death; once Milu exited that plane and into a human form, the plane's door was closed permanently. Milu, for the next few years used every iota of his power and knowledge to pierce the door to the plane, but was unsuccessful. As a result, Milu is now stuck in a mortal body; a mortal body that has maybe 20 years of life left in it due to the voracious dark energies of his powers eating away at said mortal body. He cannot create a new body without first leaving the existing one, and the only that that was ever able to be done was through the elder god's plane of existence.
Milu was stuck in a dying mortal shell. What's more is that he also didn't have access to his 'souls' in his Lua-o-Milu (Milu's self created Hell that existed on the same plane as the elder god's plane), thus causing his powers to wane even further. To top that off, he didn't even have his army or warlords; they'd all abandoned him due to his failure to take the Hawaiian Islands.
For the next few years, Milu was able to create a 'soul extractor' that allowed him to siphon souls and place into a localized magical 'space' (not plane) where he could freely feed off of to empower himself. In doing so, Milu began to 'reform the band', so to speak, and get his old warlords back to his side. Milu has been successful in garnering a tentative alliance with a handful of them. Milu intends that once he's solidified control on his warlords, he'll be poised to lead them once again into conquering the Pacific region, most notably through the Hawaiian Islands again...and over the Pacific League's dead bodies.
Today, the "Kaha Koa" is not fully formed yet. This Kaha Koa is supposed to become the most powerful undersea army in the world. This time, however, Milu will go in with plans, strategy, tactics and a far better understanding of what he is up against. The warlords hardly trust him, or themselves for that matter. The warlords bicker more than US Congress or England's Parliament combined. Some warlords are even warring amongst each other, trying to even take over each other's own territories.
The Kaha Koa's warlords each have their own palace/base/castle (whatever they call it), wherein they operate out of. There is no one location that these warlords or Milu operate out of, other than the ancient sunken pyramid of Tumatauenga located about 20 miles off the Mexican coastline. There, Milu retains his 'soul collector' along with many powerful, magical relics, weapons and even mystical portals to and from a variety of locations throughout the Pacific basin.
Milu has his work cut out for him to get these warlords to work together to fulfill Milu's sought-after Hawaiian conquest and what he'd consider as payback against Pele by killing her empowered 'Pacific League' champions. Until then, the Kaha Koa is a force that has yet to start working together...but when they do, the world will indeed...burn.
Each warlord has his own regional base location in and about the Pacific Ocean basin. Tumatauenga's base , located about 20 miles off the Pacific Ocean coastline of Mexico, is the current location that the Kaha Koa warlords meet at due to the base's ley line connections and also that it hasn't been discovered by the world or its heroes yet (at this time).