Before Major Deej Comics existed, there was "Major Deej Universe Comics". Between 2012 and 2013, the MDU Comics line created one series, "The New Allied Fighters" for nine issues.
​Today, this series is NOT considered part of the Major Deej Universe timeline simply due to the stories being set in the MMORPG world of "City of Heroes". With the sunsetting of the game/program, the separate "Major Deej Universe" formed and with it, the current comic line, Major Deej Comics.

Series Run: Feb 2012 to Aug 3013

The New Allied Fighters #1
Published: Feb 2012
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
With nothing left but self-loathing and memories, the legendary WWII hero and ex-leader of the Allied Fighters. Major Invader, contemplates retirement.
As he mulls his decision with his only remaining 'live' relative, Chaz, he realizes he must cast out certain demons before he can move forward with his big decision.
ALSO: Atheyta and Emperor Cole! The Predominator returns to Primal Earth! Major Invader's tragic WWII story! Love! Hate! and more importantly, a 'major' occurrence that sets the foundation for Major Invader's decision!

The New Allied Fighters #2
Published: Mar 2012
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Atheyta Unleashed!
With Major Invader's currently unnamed arch-nemesis now reported alive and plotting, the Major must reform the Allied Fighters!
To do this, he needs to pull upon all of his resources; no matter what the cost!
Also: The introduction to the first of the 'New' Allied Fighters: Doctor Alleviation!
Plus, Atheyta arrives on Primal Earth, and it didn't take long before the body count grows at her sword's end! More premises with the Predominator!
The quest of Mr. Hamilton! All this and much more!

The New Allied Fighters #3
Published: Jan 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part I
As Major Invader preps for combating his arch-nemesis, while getting the old Allied Fighter's base back in order, our soon-to-be team members go through their own unique experiences!
Atheyta goes on a killing spree with the Tsoo and the Warriors of Talos Island!
Mr. Hamilton gets led to the sewers, where things get more complicated!
ALSO: A new incoming member experiences Galaxy City at its worst!

The New Allied Fighters #4
Published: Feb 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part II
Major Invader and Doc Alleviation, while trying to get the old dilapidated Allied Fighters HQ online, run into more problems that you can shake Major Invader's gun, "Devastator" at...which he does...a LOT of in this issue!
Mr. Hamilton FINALLY gets to where he has been sent...only to be attacked!
Predominator's condition does not improve as he is shunted...yet again.
ALSO: A "major" revelation for Major Invader that will affect the rest of his life...and everyone else around him!

The New Allied Fighters #5
Published: Feb 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part III
Doc Alleviation and Mr. Hamilton meet for the first time! Captain Lithuania faces off against...well, that would be telling you! Atheyta continues on her quest! How much larger will the body count grow as she now focuses on obtaining her superhero registration?
ALSO: A new hero enters the fold! Meet Cheryl Vincent! She quite the 'vindictive' one!

The New Allied Fighters #6
Published: Mar 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part IV
Major Invader discovers the truth about his French grandchildren...and has a LOT to think about...unless of course he has to shoot them again!
Doc Alleviation plays doctor once again and gets involved in the middle of a family squabble!
Captain Lithuania goes all out in this action-packed interlude that includes guest appearances of the US Navy's Red Wolves Attack Helicopter Squadron, Longbow, Arachnos and aliens! You DON'T want to miss out on the end of this storyline!
ALSO: Atheyta continues on her quest for super-group membership! Will she get her hero registration card without decimating more villainous thugs? We'll find out as her journey takes her to Atlas Park!

The New Allied Fighters #7
Published: May 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part V
Atheyta arrives in Atlas Park to throw down with Superhero Registration's "Master Scribe" Verne! Predominator dreams!Major Invader gives his grand-kids an 'attitude' adjustment! Captain Lithuania vs. XXL-sized Meteor-spawned Shivan (with a little luck o' the Irish)! Mr. Hamilton vs 'Genny'!
ALSO: A mysterious sword-wielder appears on the scene,but is he friend or foe to the Allied Fighters?

The New Allied Fighters #8
Published: Jun 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part VI
DOUBLE-SIZED ISSUE!! Ms. Vindicator is back! Where has she been hiding herself? The big question is, has her attitude changed for the better...or gotten worse?
Predominator awakens! French Left in a Time-Out..with Canada's Doc Alleviation!
Captain Lithuania just fought the battle of his life, but the cost of Galaxy City has been vast. Even when one such as the Captain has done all he could do for others, can despair for the lost be far behind?
Mexico's legendary sword-wielding hero searches to stop a conspiracy that will create a scandal that will rock Mexico to it's foundations...and place our Mexican hero in some serious hot water!
ALSO: Now that Atheyta has her Hero Registration Card, which super-group gets her attention? It's time for Atheyta to let the world know of her return, and with it more information than she should let go to the media!
It all starts to come together as all the players start to converge on the final chapter of the Home Invasion saga!

The New Allied Fighters #9
Published: Jul 2013
Rating: Rated T+
Writer/Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part VII: The Gathering
(This was supposed to be the penultimate issue of the "Home Invasion" storyline but instead became the final issue of the series due to the MMORPG City of Heroes shutdown.)
Things start coming together for our heroes as "The Gathering" occurs, but what are the ramifications of last issue's bombshells?
Will Atheyta's televised announcement of the reforming of the Allied Fighters be breaking news or will it beckon the call of all their old enemies?
What happened to Aguila de Mexico after he was gunned down? What is Captain Lithuania's next move now that he's threatened the Dark Watcher?
Will the new Ms. Vindicator chose Vanguard?
After shooting his grandson twice and terrorizing his granddaughter, will Major Invader be able to convince them to join the Allied Fighters?
Will Predominator EVER find any clothes? Will Mr. Hamilton EVER get the lights on in the base?

The New Allied Fighters #10 (Cover Only)
Cover creation date: 21 Aug 2013
Illustrator: Don Finger
Home Invasion Part VIII: The Homecoming
Issue was never completed due to the shutdown of the MMORPG City of Heroes and the loss of obtaining the scene imagery and character creator. Major Deej Universe Comics line was disbanded.
Major Deej Comics and Major Deej Publications were later created in the wake of this series/line cancellation.