2022 News is located on the Home Page; all older news is listed below.
2021 News Archive

Hey Ya'll! The Southern Sentinels are a'comin!
30 Dec 2021 (9 Jan 22 Update)
When things start gettin' bad in the 'ol South of the United States, well, people take things into their own hands. Sometimes that's a good thing, most of the time it turns out bad, but for a band of unique and super-powered Southern heroes calling themselves the Southern Sentinels, it was destiny!
Led by an ex-football player codenamed 'Alabama', the team takes care of its southern neighbors and makes sure that justice is done aright. This team is known as a 'superhero registration success story' wherein the team formed up under the premise of the Superpowers Registration Act. The team, although 100% unique in their own ways, all believe in one thing - taking care of the South. Since no other super teams seem willing to help as much in the region, the Southern Sentinels will take charge and show the world not to mess with the South!
Over the next month or so, we'll be working on the individual characters and the team. Keep checking back on the 'Southern Sentinels' to see our progress! Let's get 'er done!
UPDATE (9 Jan 22): The Southern Sentinels are done! CHECK THEM OUT NOW! This team's a rearin' to git goin'!
HEYS! YOUS! Da Solanos' is gettin' made - again!
3 Dec 21 (Updated: 12 Dec 21)
AAYY! YOU! Yah, I'm talkin' to YOUS! Hey, listen up, 'cause I'm NOT gonna repeat myself, capiche? Alright, here's the low-down...the Solanos...ya know, one of de biggest crime families around...well, the skuttlebutt is that theyz is getting some new stuff. You know what that means? Go ahead. GUESS. Ok, yah, you got it...theyz be addin' some new blood to their family; new lieutenants, hustlers and of course...muscle! If'n yous got nuttin' else ta do, keep an eye out on the Solanos over the Christmasy times 'cause it looks like they'll be packin' in some serious presents ta themsevles before New Years is over! Take a gander at 'em over the next few weeks...ya mights likes what ya see!
UPDATE: 12 Dec 21 - AND WE'RE DONE HERE! The Solanos now has a family (and some more mooks!) CHECK OUT THE PAGES!
Criminals, the KNIGHTSHIFT is making its way to YOU!
8 Nov 21 (Updated: 3 Dec 21)
A band of vigilantes that have had ENOUGH of the vile criminals and dregs of society that dare to prey on the innocent! This hardcore band of heroes don't intend to show any mercy to their victims! They own the dark! They project fear in the heart of crime! They will make you pay if you have done wrong in THEIR city! They are the KNIGHTSHIFT!
Join us over the next few weeks as the MDU introduces you to the most violent vigilantes against villainy! We'll be writing up their origins and getting you some incredible info on these dangerous heroes of the city! Keep watching in "What's News?" or on their own page!
Update (3 Dec 21): The Knightshift is done! For the first time since the team's inception, the Knightshift and its characters have their own entries, images, theme music and stories ready for YOU to experience and enjoy! Check out their individual entries NOW! ENJOY!
MAJOR MILESTONE: 500th Character Added!
5 Nov 2021

Another major milestone has been achieved: 500 CHARACTERS in the Major Deej Universe! 500 CHARACTER ACHIEVEMENT: UNLOCKED!
Our 500th character was Sister of the Earth, but what's more amazing is that at the time of this post, we've already completed 502 characters! We were so focused, we shot past the milestone! We are now well on our way towards the massively monumental, mega-cool 550th character count (557=total MDU)!
As such, the MDU's infrastructure database of characters (DOC) is quickly being finalized as part of our Phase I efforts. Eventually, all these amazing characters will begin to appear in the pages of our Major Deej Comics titles as part of our Phase II efforts...all coming SOON (tm) (~2022)!
550, here we come!
The Arcane Sisterhood is BACK once again!
21 Oct 2021 (UPDATED: 8 Nov 21)
Labeled as witches and hunted down since the 1400s, these women dared to change the world for the better - with magical women in charge of the planet instead of men! This placed them not only against the world of man, but the elders of their own original order, The Conglomerate! After being destroyed and/or transmutated by the Conglomerate's Knights Arcanus of that era, the Sisterhood slept...until recently! They've arisen and intend to continue in their venture to put women as the leaders of the planet...after they get their revenge against the Knights Arcanus and the Conglomerate of course!
For the next few weeks, the MDU will be working on and finally creating its newest villainous group: the Arcane Sisterhood! Check out the "What's News?" section for updates as well as the Arcane Sisterhood's main page!
UPDATE: 8 Nov 21 - WE'RE DONE! The Arcane Sisterhood is complete! Jump in and check out the amazing entries to these unique storied characters! Sometimes sisterhood is good; this one is BAD!
21 Oct 2021
Its been 14 years since that day on October 22nd in 2007 that a strange villain group came into existence called the 'Knights of Arachnos' (yes, the old webpage lives (for now)) which is now called the "Arachnoknights"!
Back in the day, this group's creation was inspired by Matt "Positron" Miller and NCSoft's Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), 'City of Heroes' and its new villain creator game update. As a result, Lady Arachnida was created and made to be the first leader of one of several other ' X of Arachnos' teams. In 2012 the game died, but the characters and the idea lived on. With a complete overhaul of its 'Lieutenants' and a redesign of their troopers, these creepy folks became a renewed part of the Major Deej Universe...and became one of the most audacious villain groups in the MDU!
Picture Below: Knights of Arachnos (October 2007)
Although the team is now led by Lord Arachnid, Lady Arachnida is still in the group as the 2nd in command. The characters that make up this team each have an incredible back story and a powerful array of abilities and weapons, making a hero battle with the Arachnoknights quite epic when it does happen! Soon (tm), stories will be written in the Major Deej Comics and more will be learned of their desire for domination!
Picture Below: Knights of Arachnos (2012)
With that, join us on Friday, the 22nd of October in wishing our spidery villains a spiteful 14th anniversary!
What do YOU think about the Arachnoknights? Leave your comments in the 'Latest' section above and let us (and them) know where you stand with spiders or villains or...well, maybe with a team that seems to like red and black a tad too much!
Picture Below: Arachnoknights (2010)
Before you go, remember their motto:
Quod pugna belli nobis opus est
It's the bloody CRIMSON again!
13 Oct 2021 (Updated: 29 Oct 21)
Just when you thought is was safe enough from COVID-19 to go out Trick-or-Treating, the CRIMSON come back! The Crimson is an international consortium of vampiric 'covens' that actually work regionally, but thanks to today's modern technology, they're all connected like never before! Using social media, video monitoring and the ever-changing state of regional social issues, the Crimson's vampires are thriving in a buffet-level environment like never before! They still, as always, operate in the shadows, but these days, they are no longer hiding in caves or basements, but in mansions, social clubs and castles! They've also learned the value of money and more importantly, its power and influence in helping the Crimson getting what they want: more tasty humans to feed on!
Over the next few weeks, the Crimson's characters will finally get their day in the (moon)light! Check out the Crimson's main page and read up on the new character entries as they are added. Look for new entries via the "What's News?" section! UPDATE: 29 Oct 21: DONE!!
MAJOR MILESTONE: 450th Character Added!
28 Aug 2021

Another major milestone has been achieved: 450 CHARACTERS in the Major Deej Universe! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!
Our 450th character was Doc Saw, but what's more amazing is that at the time of this post, we've already completed 467 characters! We were so focused, we shot past the milestone! We are now well on our way towards the massively monumental, mega-cool 500th character count (532=total MDU)!
As such, the MDU's infrastructure database of characters (DOC) is quickly being finalized as part of our Phase I efforts. Eventually, all these amazing characters will begin to appear in the pages of our Major Deej Comics titles as part of our Phase II efforts...all coming SOON (tm) (~2022)!
Number 500, here we come!
Millenia ago, the elder gods ruled the Earth in a majority of the world's regions. In the Pacific Ocean region, Pele, goddess of volcanoes and fire and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands, was one such elder god. Another god, Milu, was the god of the dead and ruler of Lua-o-Milu (equivocal of Hell for Polynesians).
In the MDU, Milu attempted retribution on Pele for past slights. Milu not only failed, but was imprisoned deep in the Marianas Trench. Milu recently freed himself from captivity, obsessed with exacting vengeance on Pele and any that dared stand in his way.
The MDU's Milu amassed armies of undersea followers using magically or artificially enhanced, super-powered warlords as his captains. With his army, Milu waged war against Pele...and won. A dying Pele imparted part of her powers to several human Polynesian 'heroes' that eventually banded together and fought back against Milu and his forces (see Pacific League for the hero story!), stopping Milu from overtaking nearly all of the Hawaiian Islands. Today, however, Milu and his band of warlords and troops, now collectively called the "Kaha Koa", are slowly reforming...and are now more dangerous than ever!
The Kaha Koa is a loose band of regional warlords, all under the direct command of Milu, still operating as his own 'god of death'. As Milu contemplates and plots his next great move to expand his Lua-o-Milu with millions of new, innocent human souls, the Kaha Koa's warlords continue in their efforts of regional instability, invasions of the human mainland and islands and attacking any and all that dare enter their domain! Separately, the Warlords and their armies are dangerous; as a combined force, the Kaha Koa could turn Earth into a living Hell!
Join us in our journey into the mythos of the Polynesian culture, as well as the Indo-Asian world of deities and its many amazing stories and the deifications of their cultural villains and beings of chaos and/or discord. Check out our new character entries each week as we pierce the veil of the Pacific region's mythological powerhouses and how they are represented in this, our Major Deej Universe!
Update (19 Sep 21): It's done! Kaha Koa is all done! New stories! New images! These guys powers and origins will fry your brain! Go read all the incredible, awesome pages NOW!
BE A Rebel With "The Liberators"!
15 July 2021 (Updated: 14 Aug 21)
In the MDU, when the South Atlantic Ocean isles of Saint Helena, Ascension Island and the island group Tristan da Cunha were taken over and turned into the new socialist island nation of Oceania, the rest of the free world tried to liberate them - and failed miserably.
For the last few decades the militant socialist society of Oceania has become a bastion of military industry and a haven for some of the most reprehensible people on Earth. In an attempt to liberate the isles, a band of resistance warriors, androids and metahumans have since taken the fight to Oceania. They hide in the hills, the ocean, the sewers, in the island's volcano and even amongst the island's own Oceania troops, all in a desperate yet coordinated effort to try to free the islands of their oppressors. To that end, 'The Liberators' are now in full operation!
For the next few weeks, we'll be overhauling the ranks of The Liberators. Their stories are quite unique, with some surprising twists in their associations with 'other' heroes and villains throughout the MDU! Want to know more? Of course you do! Check back in every so often and visit the Liberators webpage or the 'What's News?' section to see the latest!
Update (14 Aug 21): The Liberators are complete! All new entries! All new images! All new AWESOME! Go check them out on the Liberators webpage! They'll make you WANT to become a freedom fighter after reading their stories!
The Exterminators Are Back!
19 June 2021 UPDATED: 13 July 2021)
One of the most feared, ruthless and dangerous brigade of hunters, murderers and mad scientists, The Exterminators, has found its way back into the folds of the MDU! This evil, villainous group has been in the MDU for decades, but now the characters that make up this vile menagerie will get their own stories to tell. Be warned, their stories, just like the Exterminators themselves, will most likely be disturbing and filled with a darkness that might even make the gory film-maker Quentin Tarantino squirm! Check back with us from now out into July on the Exterminators site and/or the newest entries in the "What's News" section to find out which inglorious character and story has oozed itself into the pages of the MDU's most irreprehensible band of scum and villainy. 'If there be darkness in the pit of men's souls, it lives here'.
UPDATE: 13 Jul 21 - The Exterminators is completed! All character pages, images, soundtracks and slideshows are done! GO check out all their new entries and content! Sincerely cool, if not dark, stuff! GO! BROWSE!
1 June 2021 (Updated: 9 June 21)
As with any major gambling enterprise, crime and duplicity find their way to the 'fold'. Lucky for them, they have quite a 'draw' of characters that can be 'played' to keep the cartels and the 'families' happy and prosperous with their 'whales'; those 'wise guys' are the BLACKJACKS!
Headed up by the "Tzar of Gambling" himself, BLACKJACK BRUNO, the BLACKJACKS have influence, power and a means to 'correct' things if things don't go the way they way them to go. As such, the BLACKJACKS, along with their hundreds of thugs and sub-bosses worldwide, also have a band of 'unique professionals' to help fix problems; problems that might take away from the profitability of the BLACKJACKS and their clients. Who are these unique professionals? Well, over the next few weeks, we'll be introducing them to you (luckily, only via web pages and NOT in person, youknowwhatImean?). Cut the cards, place your bets and go for that perfect '21' at the tables, cause we're dealin' here!
UPDATED - 9 June 2021: The Blackjacks are DONE! Go check out their awesome entries NOW!
Es ist Zeit für ein neues deutsches Heldenteam!
27 April 2021 (Updated: 31 May 21)
Guten Tag! Germany's own superhero team, the TEUTONIC LEAGUE is ready to take its place in the MDU! Started during the Cold War, the Teutonic League was an illegal, secret band of special heroes and people that did what they could for (at the time) West Germany. After German reunification, the team was not only outlawed (still), but completely obliterated from record. It wasn't until the 2000 Soltan Invasion of Earth did the team come back together to help save Germany and Europe from its alien invaders. Today, the TEUTIONIC LEAGUE is in full public operation, however, it remains under heavy scrutiny, working hard to ensure they are never perceived as the next evil Axis Force!
Check in on us over the next few weeks as we provide new content into this hallowed hall of data of the characters, the history, their home...and much more! Don't need to go 'noir' on us! Come checkout what this band of young adventurers is all about and start practicing your German!
Update: 31 May 2021 - Teutonic League is DONE! Go check out these amazing stories, images, songs and the new Teutonic Towers base!
HARDCORPS has arrived!
8 April 2021 (updated: 24 Apr 2021)
From East Los Angeles comes HARDCORPS! This band of young heroes and fighters are here to help their community by keeping out the gangs, drugs and murderers as well as the greedy land barons and businesses who want to gentrify East Los Angeles into a new high-rent society funded by out-of-state investors wanting to 'upgrade ' it and rename it to its original 1920s name of 'Belvedere Gardens'. Homeowners who've lived in East L.A. their whole lives are being targeted, threatened, bought out or downright murdered...unless someone stands up to them...like HARDCORPS! What makes this gang of youngsters tough enough to do this? Read up on them and see!
For the next month, we'll be introducing this band of brand new heroes to the MDU. Check back and see in 'What's News?' for the latest entries and updates for Hardcorps! In the meantime, take a cue from these kids; help your community out and make a difference today!
UPDATE (24 APR 21): Hardcorops is DONE! Check out all the super cool character entries easily accessible by clicking on character images and/or links onthe Hardcorps webpage! Enjoy the stories! Enjoy the tunes! Enjoy the drama! Enjoy being Hardcorps!
12 March 2021 (Update: 8 Apr 2021)

So, ye think to known about Ireland and its people, do ye now? Well, let me sit ya right down and tell ye a tale 'o the Eire Arm. The Eire whom, ye ask? Well, 'Tis time fer educatin'.
The Eire Arm are a band 'o true Irish patriots, they be, at least, that's what they be tellin' everyone who'll listen to 'em! They'll go to war with anyone willing to do us Irish harm.
Some call them murderers and killers; others call 'em the army that no one wants to talk about; an Irish Army that's not run by them bloody politicians, but by old dogs 'o the IRA.
Keep an eye on the MDU's 'Eire Arm' we be talkin' about and make up yuir own mind 'bout these lads 'n lasses and their deadly...IREBOTS!! Get ready for war; the Eire Arm's a comin'!
UPDATE (8 Apr 21): BEGORA! We're done! Eire Arm and its characters are made! Go see!
400th Character Added to the MDU's Website!
8 March 2021

It's a day of celebration! In less than two year's time, we've added another 100 characters and their pages to the MDUverse! That's a LOT of web-pages, costumes, stories, stats, talents and equipment!
We've added dozens of new groups and organizations since then and cleaned up nearly a hundred other older character pages and images.
Here's to our 400th Character milestone! Get 'fired up' over our 400th entry: The Firebird hero group's own leader, "FIREBIRD" himself!
Believe it or not, Our next milestone may only be...450! We're getting close to finally getting all our characters and groups done! SOON(tm)!
28 Feb 2021 (Updated: 12 Mar 21)
When you need to be saved, who are you going to call? THE FIREBIRDS! Why them? Because this family of super-powered heroes and their amazing non-profit life-saving workers and teammates do this to help those in need! Ungoverned by politics or bureaucracies, the Firebirds are a team that in allowed by most nations across the globe to help them in their hour of need. Natural disasters, rescuing survivors of sinking ships, search and rescue operations and even, at times, fighting bad guys to help save and rescue the innocent and helpless. A family that saves together are heroes together!
Over the next few weeks, the Firebirds will be getting their first major updates and new content in nearly a decade (if not for the first time)! The stories and tales of this 'fantastic' family of life-saving heroes will leave you with a warmer heart...especially since each of the family heroes have a fire-based power! Enjoy the entries and check in often for the latest!
UPDATE: 12 March 21 - All of the Firebirds are done! Go check out these awesome new characters and their entries!
It's the Chinese New Year! The Year of the 'Metal' Ox! Ergo, it's the perfect time to introduce the CHAMPIONS OF CHINA!
10 February 2021 (Updated: 21 Feb 21)

Even China needs heroes, even if they're state-run heroes! China's new superheroes in the Champions of China are a unique blend of magic, technology, mutant and incredible human skills. Combined with a limitless source of support personnel, intelligence information and a hardy consistent regimen of training, this team is more than enough to tackle anything they take on!
Over the next few weeks, we'll be presenting these new characters in all their Chinese glory! Break out the fireworks, Wanton and Dim Sum and check out these new heroic entries with their amazing stories and incredible images while you celebrate bringing in the Chinese New Year!
UPDATE (21 Feb 2021): The Champions of China entries are complete! Read up on these extraordinary stories and characters!
When the Asia Pacific criminal organizations that made up the Triad went to war a couple decades ago, they left a huge power vacuum for others to jump in and take over. One of those filling that void is none other than the GOLDEN DRAGONS!
This gang of thieves, privateers, pirates, human traffickers, drug runners, weapons dealers, money launderers, gamblers, assassins and creators of political intrigue and war are well versed in their wide range of capabilities - all for a profit of course!
Led by the mysterious Dragonmaster, the Golden Dragons have stepped foot into the world of super-powered minions with several of their own gifted warriors and manipulators. Together, the Golden Dragons continue to feed off the ignorant, empower the politicians, dishevel the unworthy, obtain anything illegal for anyone, and make the Golden Dragons the richest band of brigands in the region in the process!
Follow along with us for the next few weeks as we add, update and amend to our wretched hive of scum and villainy!
UPDATE (10 Feb 2021): The Golden Dragons have been completed! View the images; read the stories; listen to the music; experience the rebirth of the Pacific Basin's next generation of crime! ENJOY!!
They're back! Better get your insurance paid up!
16 January 2021 (Updated: 26 Jan 21)
So you thought it was safe to step into 2021, huh? Well, that idea just got demolished...by the DEMOLITION PARTY!
Faster than a union-led construction crew! More powerful than a Liebherr LTM 11200 crane! Able to knock down tall buildings in a single blow! It's a Foreman! It's a Excavator! It's...it's....a DEMOLITION PARTY!! Yes, the Demolition Party. Led by the infamous FOREMAN, this group of super-powered demolitions experts routinely provides three of the five phases necessary for any site's demolition, all in one package...whether the site wants the demolition or not! Contracted by the highest bidder, these devastators and dilapidators show up, destroy and leave, usually getting enormous pay checks for cutting out the middle man and the slow union-led construction crews and services. That is to say, some of their jobs are to tear down buildings for competitors of other businesses as well; perfectly fine buildings not even slated for demolition for that matter! It's a dog-eat-dog world in corporate competitiveness, and what better tool to have than a crew of super-powered people that will take out your competition's factory BEFORE said factory can start-up production on a product that could corner the market! Imagine the happiness this 'party' brings to executives trying to find ways to 'tear down' their competition! Well, here they are!
Keep watching the Demolition Party page as well as the latest entries in the "What's News?" section of our website's home page in the next month or so for the latest character entries for our band of not-nice demolishers and dilapidators!
UPDATE (26 Jan 2021): The Demolition Party job is done on this site! Check out all the new and amazing info, history, powers, equipment and talents this band of destructive deficients have! It'll 'knock you over'! ENJOY!!
2020 News Archive

2020: An Infamous Year for Most; A Productive Year for the MDU!
28 December 2020​
YAY! 2020 is in our rear-view mirror and with that, a whole new 2021 lies within view full hopefully loaded with renewed hope, health and happiness for all of us. We all know that 2020's trials and tribulations on each one of us has been difficult, but I have to admit, it's been a productive year in getting things done with the MDUverse! Thanks to the mandated 'down time' with COVID-19, work changes, working from home, travel and social restrictions, the MDUverse team has been able to add a LOT more to the site than ever before!
For 2020, we've been able to provide the following to our MDU site:
Added and updated over 233 characters and character pages
Added imagery for over 26 bases, HQs and facilities
Added 22 new MDU businesses, governments and charity organization pages
Completed 17 new teams, gangs and/or groups
Added a new 'Comments' feature
Overhauled and re-initiated our Facebook page
For this band of volunteers and working folk...that's a LOT!
For 2021, our goal is to provide and add/expand the following content on our site:
Add the final and LAST few hundred characters, groups/gangs ang MDU Organizations to the site
Construct and add imagery for an additional 16 bases, HQs and facilities
Restart publishing Major Deej Comics titles and issues with at least 6 brand new issues for 2021
Publishing our first MDUverse book/series on Amazon
Create a new MDUverse home page action-packed intro video
Complete page formatting standardization for all character and group pages
WHEW!! That's going to be quite the list...and that's just our starting goals! Things change! Clothes change! Hairstyles change! Stories change! CHANGE! I'm sure there will be more!
With that, THANK YOU for your patronage of the Major Deej Universe! We truly hope you've enjoyed reading and viewing our world of superheroes, stories and adventure and hope to bring you more and the same well beyond 2021!
The United Canadian Empire
and its UCE Enforcers!
15 December 2020​ (Updated: 28 December 2020)
This is NOT the Canada you known and love! No, it's the UNITED CANADIAN EMPIRE and its collection of dastardly super-powered and highly skilled UCE ENFORCERS! Led by the villainous, militaristic and strategic mastermind known as EMPEROR NORTH, this nation of land-grabbing terrorists, metahumans and troops intends to take over ALL of North America and turn it into THEIR new empire called "New Canada"...even if they have to nuke American and Canadian cities to get their way!
Keep watching the United Canadian Empire page, the UCE Enforcers page (and their respective links), as well as the latest entries in the "What's News?" section of our website's home page in the next month or so for the latest character and national entries for our band of not-nice Canadian terrorists!
UPDATE (28 December 2020): The United Canadian Empire character entries and pages are DONE! Take a cool look at these page-turning character origins, images and theme music in these new pages! Bring in the new year with the UCE! ENJOY!
Get your lanterns and head up to the steeple of the Old North Church in Boston! 1 if by land, 2 if by sea...maybe its time for a new lantern signal: 3 if by internet! Grab your (computer) mouse and alert the masses to take to the MDU's pages!
YES! FINALLY! The YANKEE MINUTEMEN are getting their long deserved opportunity to wave their flag! These New England adventurers and militants are a band of heroes (and some might even say vigilantes) who put their lives on the line for the protection and freedom towards the people of America's New England region! Led by their enigmatic leader, Minuteman, these patriots have become icons in the battle of justice. Their stories are extraordinary! Their teamwork is legendary! Their MDU entries are simply WIKED AWESOME!
Keep watching the YANKEE MINUTEMEN links and the "What's News?" section for the latest character and webpage entries and updates for our patriots, the YANKEE MINUTEMEN! HUZZAH!!
UPDATE (28 November 2020): The Yankee Minutemen character entries and pages are DONE! Take a revolutionary look at these amazing new character pages, images and music! You'll feel patriotic just listening to some of the music! ENJOY!
Our commodities are in a bear market and GOLD is golden! The purveyors of the GOLD SYNDICATE are about to assess their assets and relaunch their new stock options to the public! Under a dynamic market approach, the GOLD SYNDICATE has created a new paradigm of inventive resourcefulness that will capitalize on cornering the gold market - ALL OF THE GOLD MARKET!!
For those not 'Wall Street' enough, keep your eyes open for a slew of vivaciously 'golden' characters getting their new or updated entries in the next few weeks in the villainous Gold Syndicate web pages!
And now, back to the Crop Forecasts....
UPDATE (27 October 2020): GOLD SYNDICATE'S character entries and pages are DONE! take a golden moment and reflect on these new character pages, images and music! Don't miss out on this golden opportunity!

31 Aug 2020 (Updated 7 Sep 2020)

AHOY! Weight anchor! Rig full sheets to the wind, ya scurvy bilge rats! 'Tis time to be sailing into the Maritime Marauders' waters now, me bucko! With Captain Akula leading ye all into a pirate's life, ye'll be richer than any man that has a golden toilet in their own Head! But before we be goin' and raking in the doubloons, we have to run the devil's seam and write up the sea stories that dead men just can't tell! O'er the next few weeks, the tales of the malevolent Maritime Marauders will be told and their 'taint a man (nor a lady, o'course) standin' that'd pass on that scuttlebutt!
Keep yer spyglass trained to the horizon, for we're a lookin' to see if a pirate's life is for ye! AVAST AN OFF WIT YE!
UPDATE (7 Sep 2020): The Pirates are ready for battle on the high seas! All characters have been completed and updated with exciting new stories, images and of course 'music'! Plunder a look at these scurvy bilge rats NOW!

Out with the Old Facebook page, In with the New!
28 AUG 2020
Sadly, due to numerous issues with our admin logins to the original Major Deej Universe Facebook page, we've had to delete the account. NO help came from Facebook and, as such, it was an old account that was in a wrong category.
SO, with that, we have MOVED the Major Deej Univese to a new Facebook address! and Here it is! Go and check it out and as always, LIKE US and ADD US to your friends list so you can get the latest news! We also updated our Facebook link in the header!
11 Aug 2020 (Updated: 28 Aug 2020)
The criminal elements of Crimewave are making a splash this summer! With crime on the rise, the gang at the MDU decided to 'get on with it' and hooked up with the notion that it was time to make the character pages for these made men (and women)! These men and women are ruthless experts in criminal operations and in running the criminal underworld. They are the envy - and the bane - of other gangs, as well as the police, the FBI, Interpol...and even the super hero community!
Over the next few weeks, we'll be adding and updating the characters and stories of Crimewave's favorite thieves and criminals so that you don't need to call 411 to get the info on these wise guys! Keep watching our 'Gangs' section's CRIMEWAVE updates and don't say we didn't warn you...these guys are trouble! Make sure you know who's who here!
UPDATE (28 August 2020): CRIMEWAVE'S character entries and pages are DONE! Steal a moment and scope out these new webpages, images and music! To ignore this is a crime unto itself!
Who Let the Dogs Out? CANIS gets a long overdue update!
25 July 2020 (Update: 1 AUG 2020)
The worldwide black market and criminal cartel known as CANIS has been operating for over 80 years...and its time for an update to their organization and structure! It's time to separate business from...pleasure. The 'Enforcement' part of the cartel needed its own structure as did the business side so that they could more effectively operate and steal things better!
Over the next few weeks, we'll be adding and updating the characters and stories that make up this unique team of thieves, embezzlers and criminals bringing you an far more intense crime organization that even Major Deej might have a problem taking down Keep watching the CANIS pages for new updates!
UPDATE (1 Aug 2020): THE DOGS ARE BACK IN THE KENNEL! We've updated the CANIS structure and characters with more details and amazing stories for this dog-eat-dog organization! Check out all the latest changes NOW!!!
When Earth's Lands Needs Its Peacekeepers, They Call...
the Terraguardians!
25 June 2020 (Updated: 21 July 2020)
The International Peacekeepers that are GUARD already have covered the sky, the sea, space and even the Moon...but who guards the land? The TERRAGUARDIANS do, that's who!
The Terraguardians are a band of super-powered non-military peacekeepers that provide a little super-powered help in battles at ground level that most troops and armies can't! This group is quite unique, made up of a variety of nationalities and unique super-powered people. They've proven time and again that anyone daring to undo the peace on the ground with have to deal with the Terraguardians first.
Over the next month, we'll be adding and updating the characters and stories that make up this unique team of heroes and bring you an incredible group that through their sheer will and determination, work together to keep the peace!
UPDATE (21 July 20): The current characters to the Terraguardians are done! Take a look at these amazing character entries...they're amazingly awesome...seriously!
300th Character Added to the MDU's Website!
1 June 2019

It's a day of celebration! In less than a year's time, we've added another 100 characters to the MDUverse! That's a LOT of web-pages, costumes, stories, stats, talents and equipment!
We've added several groups and organizations since then, as well as cleaned up over 3 dozen other character pages.
At the same time, we've standardized a lot of our formatting for the pages, including the linkages in the 'history' sections to accommodate an even greater breadth of character story!
We're still not done either! Here's to out 300th Character milestone, and to out next milestone: 400!!! Break out a beer, some champagne, or just down a mug of coffee as our 300th character, Captain Seawolf, likes to do! Onward!!!
Ahoy, Shipmates! The SEAGUARDIANS
Are Deploying!
14 May 2020 (update: 23 June 2020)

G.U.A.R.D. has four superhero groups that make up their "Guardians" mega-group. One of these Guardian groups is the "Seaguardians". The Seaguardians characters have been around for decades and are LONG overdue for getting added to this venerable website.
From their quantum-powered GSS Paragon (GSX-1), these sea-going superhero sailors try to keep the peace in the oceans of the world; a vast task over a vast area, all of which the Seaguarians have the willpower (and the tech) to get the job done! From battling prophetic Polynesian gods in the Pacific Ocean to resisting invasions from undersea kingdoms in the Atlantic Ocean, the Seaguardians, led by the unfathomable Captain Seawolf, go full out and all ahead flank to protect the world from those wishing to do it harm!
Raise your periscope and scan the horizon for our new 'visual contacts' entering the site's 'field of operations'! Take a 'liberty call' and visit our all new, all exciting web-based sea stories of our salty Sargasso of submariners known as...the Seaguardians!
UPDATE (23 June 20): The current characters to the Seaguardians are done! Take a look at these amazing character entries...they're 'unfathomable'!
Arise, Comrades! The Soviet Guard is here to put things right!
(Updated: 13 May 2020) 4 Apr 2020
COMRADES! Rejoice! It is another glorious day in the luminous light of Lenin! Even though most of the world, including our own Soviet motherland, has been brainwashed to follow the western lies, we, the SOVIET GUARD, shall continue our battle to fight and make the Soviet Union a world power once again, as well as teach those the error of their ways in renouncing the Soviet way of life. We, the SOVIET GUARD, are now ready to take our war back to the west again!
With the legendary Generalissimus leading us, as he has for the last century since World War I, we have no other direction than our march towards victory! Soon, our people shall rejoice as they once again see the might of the SOVIET GUARD!
As such, the SOVIET GUARD shall now allow the MDU staff to...update...our 'web pages' to further our agenda! POBEDA!
UPDATE (13 May 20): The current members of the Soviet Guard are done! We still have seveal in the old 'Red Guard' subgroup that need to be done, but the goal is to get the current characters completed...which we've done! Take a look at these amazing character entries...they may not be as 'two-dimensional' as you'd imagine most Soviet characters to be!
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Here come the Challengers!
4 Mar 2020 (Updated: 24 March 2020)
OK, I've waited WAY too long to get this done! The Challengers, one of the first super-groups EVER made in the MDU is FINALLY going to get its updated webpages done!
That means changes that include remaking Prodigy into Doc Savant, adding Delaware to the roster, giving Arcania a story makeover, Greased Lightning getting a costume upgrade, removing Kinetix and Ms. Ultra (they've long since changed to Terraguardian and Ms. Ultra of the Champions of Oceania, respectively, since then), Ultraviolet Ray's story cleaned up and of course updating Major Deej's page as well!
Keep on the lookout in the "What's News?" Section for the new pages! We 'Challenge' you to keep up with our updates!!
UPDATE: 24 Mar 20 - Challengers SG and character web pages are complete! Go check them all out!
The 'Commonwealth' of Nations Has Its Own Superheroes
28 Mar 2020 (Update: 4 Apr 2020)
Most notably, the United States seem to have the lion's share of superheroes in the world, however over the last decade, heroes from here and there, in nations that make up the whole of Great Britain's Commonwealth of Nations (CoN), have since formed for the good of the Commonwealth. As such, the aptly named 'Commonwealth" super-group exists to promote the CoN's goals.
With a British ex-spy code-named Britannia leading this highly unique team of individuals, the Commonwealth has already proven to be more than the sum of its parts.
Over the next few weeks, our MDU team will be adding the characters of our incredible band of international superheroes!
UPDATE: 4 Apr 20 - Commonwealth SG and character web pages are complete! Go check them all out!
4 Mar 2020
A new vigilante group has come upon the scene! But who are they, and who are they helping? The police? The mobsters? Themselves? Keep watching for them...because I'm pretty sure they're already watching you...
As with all things, change is inevitable. In the last couple of months we've added, moved, deleted, updated, downgraded, expanded, enlarged and even revitalized a few of our wondrous GANGS. The Blackjacks finally have a list of Bruno's top lieutenants, as well as the Crimson showing were it's boundaries have expanded to! Along with that, the Daybreakers got a MASSIVE overhaul and the Maritime Marauders finally have a roster! Even the Aegis Alliance has a new 'mystique' about it!
Lots of changes, all for you to view and enjoy! Check them out...before the boss sends out a hit squad to 'entice' you!
In our MDU Comics' Halloween Special we created in 2016, we'd introduced a band of ... interesting ... men-hating magical women bent of taking out the Knights Arcanus which were, at that time, helping out Major Deej in a massive anti-crime project. These women never even got to fight the Knights because they instead first encountered "Manny the Man-Eater" - a walking plant pet of Spring Knight; a pet that was so hungry, it consumed over half the the "Arcane Sisterhood" with its acidic maw. Today, what's left of the Arcane Sisterhood has once again banded together! Take a peek at their new webpage and keep on the look-out for new individual character entries! Maybe Malconna will have better luck this year?
9 Jan 2020 (Updated: 4 Mar 2020)

This is one of the super-groups that is near and dear to my heart - THE PROTECTORS! I created this band of heroic misfits when I was 9 years old. I've gone through many iterations with these characters over the decades, culminating with new, more modern entries. This group was my first ever self-created super team. Although I'd hoped for it, I never wrote any comics about them, simply because I hadn't figured out how to make all these unique heroes work together. At the least, these characters are going to get rebooted back into the fold and setup for what I hope will be a rebirth of their group.
I'll be updating their origin stories, revising a few costumes and of course, putting together a new, awesome team origin; an origin that'lI be written where the team was actually CREATED in 1975 and all the key stories involved since then! There'll be a LOT of history here to tell, making this team one of the few super-teams with a serious veteran status in the MDU.
As I work on these character pages over the coming weeks/months, take some time and review the super team web page here. The base itself is just awesome! Protectors! Engage!
UPDATE: 4 Mar 20 - Protectors SG and character web pages are complete! Go check them all out!

27 DECEMBER 2019 (Update: 9 Jan 20)
While updating a few pages, we decided we needed to finish off the GUARD Operations with a wonderful addition we've been dying to post on this site - MOONGUARD!
MOONGUARD is a subdivision of GUARD Operations and is focused around the Fort Armstrong Moonbase. It's leader, Wayne Grissom, now has some help running the adventures from his facility as well as a new layout for Fort Armstrong!
The imagery and the storytelling will be phenomenal from this location and as such, we needed the moonbase to be an awesome addition...and addition that we just couldn't wait until the new year to show you! Thanks to the dedication of a CoH friend (you know who you are), we present to you MOONGUARD and the Fort Armstrong Moonbase!
We're still updating it, but go check int out now! It's out of this world!!
UPDATE: 9 Jan 20 - MOONGUARD and its Officers, history and base updates are complete! Go check them out!
2019 News Archive
19 Oct 2019 (Update: 9 Jan 2020)
Just when you thought it was safe to go out at night, the Masters of Maleficence has arisen once more! Led by Mad Halloween Jack, this band of evil beings have one goal in mind: evil! They look forward to plaguing humanity, causing chaos and death in their wake! Why?? Well, according to Mad Halloween Jack..."Why not?".
Originally dubbed as the 'Dark Overlords', and then becoming the 'Malificium', this band of bad, baneful beasts and their boastful, belligerent blasphemy blanch your being until your bewildered, buckling brain bears bankruptcy!
Heed our words! Check back here often to draw up these dangerous demons and defilers! Don't dare detract from this! Updates weekly!
UPDATE: 9 Jan 20 - The Masters of Maleficence is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for your viewing pleasure! Review our disturbing selection of evil, psychopaths, demons and maleficents today!
20 Sep 2019 (Updated: 19 Oct 2019)
Death Legion has been around for centuries, however most of the world doesn't know anything about them! This guild of assassins, in all their secrecy, have maintained a high-level of kills and assassinations worldwide. In the last few decades, their power-base has increased and their influence even more! After being utterly obliterated after the Kennedy Assassinations, Death Legion has recently reformed and are ready to make a full blown business out of assassinations once again!
Check back on the Death Legion's page over the next month to see our scintillating swath of psychopaths! Don't get a 'mark' from them; it'll only lead to a permanent vacation!
UPDATE: 19 Oct 19 - Death Legion is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for your viewing and reading pleasure! Review our outstanding selection of assassins, mercenaries and guns-for-hire today!
MDU News Archive Page Created!
24 Aug 2019
To help minimize the amount of scrolling one must do on the Home Page, we decided to create a MDU News Archive page!
On this page you'll be able to go back and see the events and activities that occurred each year since our new website have been active! As always, we're trying our best to take in your comments and incorporate changes where they're needed.
Thanks readers!
200th Character Added to the MDU's Website!
27 July 2019

ALOHA! With the advent of adding Condor Legion's Rogue Rontgen character to the site, we have officially reached our site's incredible 200th character milestone!
Since this new website was launched, the MDU team has worked to update the quality of each character's imagery, story and details to a degree never before done with any of our characters. As such, it has been a long few years since "Major Deej" graced us with being the site's first character (sadly, we're even updating THAT character's details in order to reflect the MDU Origins' comic of Major Deej)!
Keep looking for the next 200! We have many more exciting and dynamic characters yet to come! PAU HANA, BRUDDA!
The PEACEKEEPERS are about to go Code-11!
25 June 2019 (Update: 19 Sep 2019)
The Peacekeepers, America's super-powered and enhanced police force, are ready to throw some 'law and order' into the mix! These incredible public servants are tasked to apprehend, stop and incarcerate any and all super-powered or enhanced individuals breaking the laws of the Untied States. If any team can do so, it's this one!
The Peacekeepers, co-led by Judge Law and Major Order run a tight ship! Keep on the lookout for new character entries, but in the meantime, you HAVE to check out their new base, located on the Peacekeepers main page! Enjoy!
UPDATE: 19 Sep 2019 - Peacekeepers are DONE!! GO!! CHECK THEM OUT! 10-4!
CONDOR LEGION is ready to engage!
19 June 2019 (UPDATE: 27 JUL 2019)
ACTHUNG! The ex-East German terrorist army known as CONDOR LEGION is back in action and disseminating information freely about their organization! They intend to use this information to scare and cajole heroes and nations to fear the Condor Legion, but instead it has provided more insight into their sick and twisted plan to take over Germany and make it a new socialist nation, along with doing the same to all the nations of Europe!
The Legion, led by the nefarious Condor Commander, still remains well hidden and at large, but more information keeps coming in every week! Check back here to get the last intel on this ominously dangerous band of villains!
UPDATE: 27 July 19 - Condor Legion is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for your viewing and reading pleasure! Down a stein of good German beer while enjoying and discovering their stories!
Citizens! Doubleplusgood news for Oceania!
The Champions of Oceania have won a glorious victory!
Verified. Dayorder 4-10 YP 19 (Update: 5-29 YP 19)
Attention! It is with great bellyfeel that our beloved Governor Goldstein of the great nation of Oceania has verified reports that the Champions of Oceania have been identified for glorious recognition in the oldthink newspeak of the Major Deej Universe!
Thinkpol has verified this information from unpersons and plusgood prole sources. The doubleplusungood state of England has malquoted this victory as duckspeak. New prolefeed shall be associated to each Champion of Oceania over the next few weeks in ante-ownlife. OYL shall attend ceremonies along with BB authorized upsubs.
Standby for further dayorders, citizen!
29 May 19 - UPDATE: Champions of Oceania is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are doubleplusgood for your reading expectations, citizen!

The Arachnoknights Crawl Back to Life!
4 March 2019 (Updated: 10 Apr 2019)

From City of Heroes' "Arachnos" villain group, the "Knights of Arachnos" once dominated the Freedom server as the largest Arachnos-themed Villain Group (VG) alongside its brother VG, the "Champions of Arachnos".
Out of respect for CoH's incredible forray into this spider-themed militant organization of the game's Rogue Isles, the MDU decided to pay homage to that group by creating the "Arachnoknights". Although an offshoot of the original Knights of Arachnos VG, it was meshed with the other FOUR (yes, FOUR) Arachons-themed VGs I'd created and, well, I made this. Sadly, the VG origin and the characters needed more help in transitioning to that homage...more help that I was ready to give at that time.
Today, the Arachnoknights are being remade to something FAR more than what they were before! As such, they will be a major mover and shaker in the MDUverse just as Arachnos was in the CoHverse!
Stay tuned for the results of the massive "Arachnoknights" overhaul folks! Results soon (tm)!
UPDATE: Arachnoknights are DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for everyone to read and check out!​ Crawl over to the Arachnoknights page for all the new entries!
20 January 2019 (Updated 23 Feb 2019)

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the Atlantic Kingdom and its devastating Atlantic Guard swim up and byte us! King Dolphin, the mad scientist and de-facto "king" of the Atlantic Kingdom has patiently waited for decades to show the world his incomparable underwater cities, his race of cloned Ningren warriors and servants, as well as his powerful and equally vicious Atlantic Guard, the protectors of the Kingdom!
Over the next month or so, we'll be posting incredible pages and info about the kingdom and details about their key cities, as well as individual character pages for each and every Atlantic Guard member, and of course, King Dolphin himself!
Get ready for a magical...and deadly...tour of the Atlantic Kingdom and the Atlantic Guard! So says King Dolphin!!
UPDATE: Atlantic Kingdom and Atlantic Guard are DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for everyone to read and check out!​
COSMIC! The Astroguardians are ready to take on the MDU!
5 January 2019 (Update: 20 Jan 2019)
From Space Station Wescamp orbiting Earth in high orbit, it's the ASTROGUARDIANS! After several years of being stuck on their station, they're ready to get back into the game and show the MDU what they can do!
The Astroguardians are one of the four supergroups that make up the mega-supergroup, THE GUARDIANS! Keep an eye to the sky (and this website's "What's News?" entries) to catch their return!
UPDATE: Astroguardians is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for everyone to read and check out!​
2018 News Archive
Emerald Society - Phase II
30 Dec 2018 (Update: 4 Jan 2019)
As sure as Irish eyes are smilin', the Emerald Society is FINALLY on its way to completion!
Due to last year's busy schedule, the Emerald Society got some of its characters done...but not all. As such, we're finally going to get that Irish group done ASAP. With new musical theme updates, updated costumes and time-corrected history rewrites, the Emerald Society will DEFINITELY be ready for St. Patty's Day in March! BEGORA!
Keep a watchful eye out in out "What's News?" section (above) to see the latest updates for the Emerald Society!
UPDATE: The Emerald Society is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for everyone to read and check out!​
PAU HANA! The Pacific League is surfing into updates!
1 December 2018 (Update: 30 Dec 2018)
ALOHA!!! Time to ride the wave of those heroes of the Pacific Rim! We started on them a year or so ago, but were unable to finish them due to story issues (and work, and life, and...you get the idea). SO, instead of freezing in the snow, we're going to light the Tiki torches and hang out in warmer climes to get back to our favorite characters even if it means looking at a Hawaiian beach wallpaper to get by!
UPDATE: The Pacific League is DONE!!! All characters, images and stories have been updated and are ready for everyone to read and check out!​
Autumn is here and so are the KNIGHTS ARCANUS!
22 September 2018 (Updated: 1 Dec 2018)
Samhain Knight! Autumn Knight! Deathknight! These are just a few of the incredible characters that make up the Knights Arcanus, a heroic band of arcane warriors out to protect the world from the darker side of magic. Expatriated from their own secretive magical community, these heroes have not only helped the world fight against the Soltan Star Empire's invasion of Earth in 2000, they've also since stopped hundreds of magical incursions, demons and sadistic mages!
With pagan Samhain festivals in the wind, Halloween and cooler Autumn nights forthcoming, it only seems right to get this incredible team geared-up for action before the New England snows hit!
Keep checking out our 'What's News?' section for listings of the new and updated Knights Arcanus characters!

UPDATE: As of 1 Dec 2018, all of the Knights Arcanus' characters are done! Go!! Check that all out!

24 August 2018 (Updated: 22 Sep 2018)
It had to happen! AXIS FORCE characters will be getting their long-overdue entries transferred from the 'old' website and updated and spiffed-up here on this new website! Over a dozen characters are about to be added...some of them NEW!! As 'ole Major Invader used to say, 'to beat your enemy is to KNOW your enemy', and the best way to do that is to check out these characters in their own heinous halls of villainy!
As a note for those that don't like the idea of having anything 'Nazi-related' in this site, please understand, this is definitely NOT to honor or promote them, instead it's to provide you, the reader, a chance to peer, with a critical eye, through a series of fictional character stories that we hope will ultimately educate you in what happens when an unstopped hate and evil is created and how, even in today's society, we must ensure that it's sinister head NEVER rises from its own ashes.
Prepare yourself, Reader, for a walk on the dark side...
Update: Axis Force is as done as it can be...WHAT?!? You haven't checked out their new entries?! Shame on you!! Get to reading (and listening to their individual music themes too!!)!!