Braeden Majors
Montgomery "Monty" Majors (Dad)
Ariel Majors (Mother)
Jesse Majors (younger brother, ran-away)
Coming Soon TM!
Power Origin: Normal; no powers
Bodysuit Protection
Typical physical protection
Typical energy and temperate protection
Typical acidic protection
Good radiation protection
Chest plate
Good physical protection
Good energy and temperate protection
Good acidic protection
Excellent radiation protection
Electromagnetic Armor Field
When coupled, the Chest Plate, Shoulder Armor, gauntlets and boots provide the wearer with an amazingly powerful electromagnetic field
Can run for a maximum of 4 hours before it requires a minimum 1 hr (50% re-power) recharge.
Protects from all forms of physical and energy attacks up to an amazing level.
If any of the above listed armor components are damaged, the electromagnetic field is reduced in protection by a whole level. The loss of each additional component similarly decreases the wearer's protection.
When at full strength, it can create enough of an energy variance as to even provide typical magical protection.
Excellent flash/blinding protection
Good physical materials
Polarized lenses for eye shading
Night, Infra Red and Ultraviolet vision capable for 20 minutes with fully charged flat batteries in shade ear bends.
Excellent physical protection
Excellent composite material strength
Plasma Blasters
Remarkable energy blasters that can fire once every 5-6 seconds at a range of 300 yards.
Magnetic clamps
Excellent strength magnetic clamps allow wearer to magnetize to metal surfaces, allowing wearer to walk on walls, ceiling and metal decks/surfaces in zero-gravity
25 mile transceiver range across all standard civilian and military frequency bands to include UHF, HF, VHF, microwave and quantum burst (Soltan/alien).
Links to Allied Fighter's base computer, Alpha-1.
1Tb data upload/download data link/rate to internet via several sources including satellite.
Earwigs contain good hearing protection from sonic attacks
Allows ear protection when swimming down to 250 feet.
Allows wearer to fly up to 350 mph.
0-200 mph in 6 seconds.
Max altitude is 20,000 feet ASL.
Can be used at full throttle carrying up to 250 lbs. of additional weight for 4 hours; -30 minutes for each additional 50 lbs.
Previous Occupations: Student
Theft/Robberies (Proficient)
1x intuition vs security/guards
1x knowledge to bypass/override security systems
1x movement agility when using stealth
Auto hot wire cars/trucks
Pilot (Proficient)
1x knowledge and understanding of aircraft and flight effects
Street fighting (Proficient)
1x base knowledge of anything related to Street Fighting
1x fighting skill in street fighting

1990s Original Art

Dominic Dahl
early 20s
Married (1943)
Aug 29, 1944
Feb 2012
Don "Major Deej" Finger
1985; 4 June 2009
Dorothy "Dottie" Dahl (Wife, now deceased, remarried in 1946)
Son (Name Unknown) (Born in 1944; status - unknown since 1946)
Dominic Dahl was an Austrian immigrant who came to the United States in 1937 and became a United States citizen 2 years later. He arrived with the design and blueprints created by a brilliant yet fanatical Nazi German scientist he'd worked for who went by the code name of Stuka. Hearing that the weapon was intended to be used by Nazi troops to help 'round up and kill' non-Aryans in and about Germany and Austria, especially Jewish citizens, Dominic, who was working as an apprentice in Stuka's lab, stole the plans, copied them, and altered the math and equations that basically made Stuka's weapon's design inert. After seeing how Stuka dealt with weapon failures (he'd burn the plans and move onto the next project), he decided to sneak out of Germany and go to America, where he knew he'd be the safest. As it was, he was lucky enough to arrive in port in the United States the day before America imposed a unilateral immigration check against any potential Jewish refugees (not that he was one, but anyone without proof of purpose of their travel were usually turned away the first few weeks of the immigration check regardless of status).
Days later, Dominic traveled to Washington D.C. and met with a United States Senator who promptly brought Dominic's blueprints to light to one of the US Army's senior generals. Dominic aided engineers in reverse engineering the designs and power supply equations to eventually engineer two powerful plasma power gauntlets, a crude rocket pack and electromagnetic boots (used for directional control in flight and magnetically affixing to metal surfaces). The US Army was ecstatic over the weaponry...but not the price-tag nor the amount of time it took to build the weapons/devices. Regardless, the Armed Forces Chief of Staff was to consult President Roosevelt after Christmas 1941 with their proposal to produce the weapon and potentially mass produce it...with a $1 million price tag per suit.
On 7 December 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. A day later, the United States entered World War II as an ally of Great Britain and several other European and Asian nations. The presidential consultation never happened, tabled simply due to the cost alone.
The suit and the blueprints were placed in an ultra-secure vault deep underground in a bunker outside of Washington D.C., but as luck would have it, they were out of the vault weeks later when one of the generals who knew of the suit informed a special forces leader, Captain John Brown (AKA Captain Invader AKA Major Invader), of the suits existence. Captain brown demanded the suit and Dominic to be brought to a secret location where they were all able to see the suit's capabilities. Sadly, Dominic was only considered to be an engineering support assistant and was told to let the 'real men' do their jobs. After several failed attempts at operating or controlling the suit, Captain Brown put a halt to the demonstration and told everyone the suit was too 'unmanageable' to be used for his new unit. Dominic was ordered by the suit's angry, arrogant (and ignorant) soldier who demonstrated the suit to crate the suit. Dominic tried pleading with the soldier that he could help him learn to control the suit better if they'd simply let him (Dominic) be part of the demonstration, but instead, Dominic received a violent punch in the face from the soldier stating that he wasn't going to take any crap from some 'ex-Nazi stooge'. This caught the interest of Captain Brown, who went to see what the commotion was. After the Captain was brought up to speed, Dominic looked at Captain Brown and said "You want the best in your special unit, then let me prove that this suit can be just that!". He started stripping in front of everyone (yeah, a couple lady secretaries were present) and quickly donned the suit. The soldier that hit Dominic called for the Military Police (MPs) to arrest him before he flew off with the top-secret suit, only to have Captain brown countermand the soldier's ranting demands. The soldier was nearly livid now, demanding the MPs shoot Dominic and that Captain brown was now 'in collusion' with Dominic. Captain Brown punched the soldier down to the ground just as Dominic began to fly up and away with the suit. Captain Brown, at this moment, unsure of Dominic's actions, drew his rifle on Dominic, demanding Dominic to come back down.
When Dominic turned around in flight, he immediately powered up the plasma gauntlets and fired down on Captain Brown's position.
Captain Brown fired his rifle at Dominic just as Dominic fired his plasma blast.
Captain Brown's rifle bullet was dead-on for a head shot, but thanks to Dominic's control of the suit's electromagnetic boots, Dominic was only grazed by the bullet on his temple.
Dominic's plasma blast went past Captain Brown and impacted the now-crazed, knife-wielding soldier (who'd previously attacked the Captain) that was lunging at Captain Brown to kill him.
Dominic then had to dodge a hail of bullets from several MPs and guard towers before he himself was able to land. Even though the Captain yelled to cease firing on Dominic, the soldiers kept firing. Dominic with little choice but to project a wave of plasma energy to knock the soldier down relatively unharmed. Luckily, his electromagnetic boots were able to deflect all of the bullets away from him. Dominic then landed hands in the air in front of Captain Brown stating that he was simply trying to help. captain brown waved off the MPs and soldiers, who'd already stopped firing, but advanced menacingly on Dominic. Captain brown told Dominic to remove the suit and go with the MPs until this 'mess' was sorted out.
And boy, was it sorted out.
The soldier assigned to test the suit, well, he was a Fascist Italy spy sent to perform all forms of sabotage on Captain brown's program if not kill Captain brown himself. Thanks to interrogators, several other spies were found and arrested, never to be heard from ever again.
Dominic was not only released, but after a thorough background check, was asked to join Captain Brown in his special unit and to wear the suit as a U.S. military combatant code-named "Predominator" with the rank of U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant.
Dominic ecstatically agreed.
Over the course of the next 2 years, Dominic as "Predominator" fought beside his teammates and fellow troops in the Captain's new "Allied Fighters" unit. His tactics and aerial battle prowess even ranked an simple 'impressive' acknowledgment from the (possibly) immortal sword-wielding teammate, Aethyta (believed to be Athena, the Greek goddess). He earned dozens of citations and medals for his bravery and combat actions. He was considered a true hero by everyone; everyone, except those that still had a hard time dealing with his thick German-Austrian accent. A few times, he was treated unfairly due to his accent, including one trip to the White House with his fellow Allied Fighters to receive a Presidential Unit Citation in person from President Roosevelt. The Secretary of State requested a 'stand in' for Dominic for fear that when "Predominator" would be asked questions by the media, that the media would instead focus on Dominic's strong German/Austrian accent. Dominic, being ever the nice guy, allowed the stand-in with a cheerful smile, but secretly was crushed over the situation. This led to Dominic wanting to remain at the front lines rather than remain back in the states.
During that time, while on a short leave period, Dominic encounter the woman who eventually became his wife, Dorothy "Dottie". In 1944, she gave birth to Dominic's son. Dottie demanded that the son not be formally named until Dominic came home and named the child himself. Sadly, his last assignment before he was to receive time off ended any chance of this ever happening.
In March 1944, Dominic was severely injured while fighting the Nazi Germany super-group, Axis Force, outside of Anzio, Italy. He was taken to a field hospital where he eventually recovered. He also met and fell in love with an American female nurse there. Although he only knew her name as "Dotty", he had a romantic fling with her that was rumored to have bore a child.
Months later, the Allied Fighters and the Allied troops liberated Paris, France. During the Allied victory procession by the Arc de Triumphe, led by French leader, Charles DeGaulle, Dominic, while performing aerial security, was killed by a sniper's bullet. The bullet was made of non-ferrous materials and thus was not deflected by his electromagnetic boots. He fell over 400 feet fromthe sky onto solid rock, breaking his neck on impact. It wasn't until 2 hours later that the first person, a young child, found his body. The shooter was never found nor identified.
Dominic's funeral was a major event in Paris, London and in the United States. He was laid to rest in Arlington national Cemetery thereafter. It was said that because of Dominic's fighting spirit, many Austrian scientists forced to work for the Nazis began rebelling by sabotaging their works or finding ways to escape their plight. One such scientist was a critical lead scientist in Nazi Germany's "Heavy Water experiments". It was said that rather than run, he decided to stay and sabotage all his Tritium and nuclear calculations over time, knowing full well he was taking his own life in his own hands. Due to the scientist's subterfuge that was indirectly a result of Predominator's murder, it is said the Nazi war machine was deprived of the nuclear weapon that, prior to Predominator's death, was mere weeks from successful completion.
Dominic was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions (posthumously), as well as dozens of additional ultra-national honors and medals.
On a side note, no one ever came forward claiming to be Dominic's killer. Dottie and her son kept in touch with the fellow Allied Fighters and their families for the next several months after the war, but shortly thereafter, she mentioned she was getting remarried and completely disappeared from the public scene. To this day, no one knows what happened to Dottie of Dominic's unnamed son.
To this day, Predominator is still honored with vigils in the United States, Great Britain and France on the day of his death every year.
Power Origin: Normal; no powers
Bodysuit Protection
Poor physical protection
Poor energy and temperate protection
Good radiation protection
Chest plate
Excellent physical protection
Excellent energy and temperate protection
Poor acidic protection
Excellent radiation protection
Electromagnetic Armor Field
When coupled, the Chest Plate, Shoulder Armor, gauntlets and boots provide the wearer with a remarkably powerful electromagnetic field
Can run for a maximum of 3 hours before it requires a minimum 6-hr (50% re-power) recharge.
Protects from all forms of physical and energy attacks up to a remarkable level.
If any of the above listed armor components are damaged, the electromagnetic field is reduced in protection by a whole level. The loss of each additional component similarly decreases the wearer's protection.
When at full strength, it can create enough of an energy variance as to even provide typical magical protection.
Good flash/blinding protection
Typical physical materials
Polarized lenses for eye shading; snap-in red lenses for better vision at night
Excellent physical protection
Excellent steel material strength
Plasma Blasters
Excellent energy blasters that can fire once every 12 seconds at a range of 200 yards.
Magnetic clamps
Excellent strength magnetic clamps allow wearer to magnetize to metal surfaces, allowing wearer to walk on walls, ceiling and metal decks/surfaces in zero-gravity
Rocket/Hover Pack
Allows wearer to fly up to 450 mph.
0-400 mph in 6 seconds.
Max altitude is 20,000 feet ASL, otherwise will need oxygen pack and additional body/suit heaters ramping up altitude to 35,000 feet ASL.
Can be used at full throttle carrying up to 250 lbs. of additional weight for 1 hours; -15 minutes for each additional 50 lbs.
Previous Occupations: Scientific Lab Assistant, Austria; Captain, US Army (rank at time of death)
Military (Proficient)
1x base knowledge of anything military-related; equipment, personnel, tactics, organization
Military Tactics (Proficient)
1x base knowledge of all forms of military tactics, historical or otherwise
+1 initiative to determining melee attacks
1x fighting ability in melee combat
Aerial Combat (Master)
3x base knowledge of all forms of military aviation operations, plans and conditions
3x intuition to aerial attacks
Covert Operations/Spy (Proficient)
1x intuition vs opponent's stealth
1x movement agility when using stealth
Pilot (Master)
Certified to fly conventional and jet, military and civilian, single and multi-engine aircraft of the era
3x knowledge and understanding of aircraft, flight effects and aerospace engineering
Boxing (Proficient)
1x base knowledge of anything related to Boxing
1x fighting skill in boxing
Weapons Expert: "Plasma Gauntlets" (Master)
3x base knowledge of anything related to Plasma Gauntlets
3x agility for shooting with Gauntlets
3x knowledge to repair Gauntlets
Weapons Expert (Proficient)
1x base knowledge of anything related to any form of WWII era weapons
Navigation (Expert)
2x base knowledge of anything related to navigation
2x Intuition to directions and maps and spacial referencing