Sebastian Shultz
mid 20s
In 2016, an ultra-military fascist group calling themselves the "New Reich Army" invaded Nuremberg, Germany and barricaded the town from the rest of Germany, thus creating what they called "The Nuremberg Revolution". They held off German police, SWAT and military units for days, however, in time, the New Reich Army pulled back until it was corralled into less than a square mile of Nuremberg's downtown area. An heroic German superhero group called the "Teutonic League" was just about to join in with the German police and military for a final offensive on the New Reich Army when a blast from World War II showed up to help the New Reich Army - a blast in the form of Baron Berlin, his super-powered Axis Force team and thousands of fresh, military trained troops.
It was a slaughter....for Germany. Baron Berlin and his forces destroyed everything sent against them, even putting a majority of the Teutonic League into the hospital, some in critical condition. Not long after, the German government called a cease fire and shortly after that, the New Reich Army nation became "Reichsland" with Baron Berlin as its new Kaiser.
Amidst all of this, upon victory over the German police, military and superheroes, Baron Berlin found a museum in Nuremberg that held the relics of one of his fellow super-powered warriors - the armor, battle axe and shield of the original Reich Knight of World War II.
Baron Berlin knew that any person who held both the Reich Knight's axe and the shield can be possessed by a spirit from the 15th century, most notably, an alpha-type spirit who was once the Director (Ritterhauptmann) of the Rhenish Circle of the then Holy Empire of Germany.
The Baron called upon the New Reich Army's leader to produce the most impressive New Reich Army warrior and have him and his fellow soldiers come to a rally later that night to be 'knighted' before all of their new "Reichsland".
During the rally that night, in the old Rally grounds once used by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party back before World War II, over a thousand of the Baron's troops and the New Reich Army appeared for the rally. There, Baron Berlin merged both his forces and the New Reich Army's forces into a new 'Reichsland Army'. There, he also called upon the bravest and most impressive warrior of the Battle of Nuremberg, Sergeant Sebastian Shultz.
Shultz was brought before the Baron and asked if he would give his life for Reichsland, and to great cheering and aplomb, he and the crowd chanted "YES! YES! YES!" again and again. The Baron then asked if he would sacrifice his body to become one of the greatest knights ever known in German history? Again, the "YES!" chanting occurred. To that the Baron told the crowd before him that Sebastian Shultz was to receive the highest honor as a knight of the Reichsland - the honor of becoming the REICH KNIGHT! The crowd cheering reached a fever pitch with Shultz dropping to his knees without hesitation. The Baron had his men dress Shultz in the original Reich Knight armor. Once done, the Baron made a speech, all the while handing him the Reich Knight shield. At the end of the speech, the Baron handed the Battle Axe to Shultz and ordered a formal salute to their new Reich Knight. The crowd roared its approval.
While Shultz stood there basking in glory and cheers holding up his shield and axe a whoosh of air emanated from the stage and from Shultz out across the masses. The lights dimmed, several light bulbs blew out and a hush fell about the crowd.
Shultz, not knowing what was happening, faced Baron Berlin to ask him what just happened, but instead, Shultz heard in his head a question, over and over again, "Is there still evil to vanquish? Where is the Baron?". The Baron looked at Shultz and said 'Do whatever it asks you, herr Shultz'. Shultz replied affirmatively to the Baron and told the voice in his head, that yes, there is still evil to vanquish and that the Baron was 'right here'.
A second later, Sgt. Shultz spirit and soul were no longer in charge of his body; in its place was now the spirit/soul of the Ritterhauptmann. With glowing red eyes, the Ritterhauptmann-possessed body of the Reich Knight looked at the Baron and stated it was good to see him again. The spirit then asked where the emperor-fuhrer was, to which the Baron replied, "Dead, killed by his own hand in suicide, thus leaving me as the new emperor; an emperor now known as Kaiser VonBattenberg; a leader already known as Baron Berlin. Come, Reich Knight...our Army wishes to rejoice in your return!"
The lights came back up and the Baron led the crowd in cheers for the Reich Knight, to which the spirit deeply enjoyed and took in.
Shortly after the rally, Baron Berlin explained what had happened to the spirit's previous host and how they were betrayed. He also mentioned that he and Axis Force were brought back to life 'by God himself' so as to carry on their quest to rid evil in the world. The Reich Knight once again swore allegiance to God and this time to Baron Berlin. The spirit also appreciated the 'higher quality' body he was in, seeing as he felt stronger and more powerful than he ever had before.
With that, the Reich Knight rose once again and has now rejoined his fellow and new Axis Force troops.
Today, the Reich Knight fights and/or defends for Reichsland and is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to quell evil and once again smite the ones that he once fought back in World War II - the Allied Fighters. The other spirits, especially the demon spirit, seem to have been silenced for now, but the question remains...if the Ritterhauptmann spirit falls asleep or becomes unconscious, will the other trapped spirits be able to take over the Reich Knight's body? This is a question that has yet to be answered...
Power Origin: Natural
No powers
Remarkably strong armor capable of physical and energy protection enough to stop bullets and standard energy rifles.
Incredible radiation protection
Body is also protected from amazingly powerful magical attacks so long as either the shield or axe are in hand.
Unbreakable magical axe with a razor-sharp two-sided curved blade.
Unbreakable magical material that completely protects the bearer.
Has retractable spikes that can do piercing damage along the circumference of the shield and in the front center of the shield's face.
Mentally shielded Psyche
In his possessed state, Reich Knight has unearthly mental protection from any and all psionic attacks of any nature.
Spirit Possession and Attributes
Once the shield and axe are physically touched by a living human being (not robots, aliens, animals), an ancient Germanic warrior spirit will take over the body and mind of the new host. Other than killing the host, the only way to 'unpossess' the host is if the shield and axe are removed from Reich Knight's immediate touch and /or location for longer than 24 hours. The Germanic spirit in the host body will then return to the axe and/or shield, no matter the distance, leaving the host free of possession, unable to recall a single moment of the possession.
While possessed, the host's body and abilities has an increased level of strength and endurance, two levels increase of agility and three levels of fighting. Memory becomes poor and intuition is increased by three levels of the host's prior intuition skills.
Communications Gear
Contains a modern encrypted communications transceiver earwig with a rang e of 10 miles, as well as a tracking device for Axis Force to locate him if required.
Shultz (not possessed)
Military soldier (professional)
Marksmanship (professional)
Melee combat: hand-held weapons (professional)
Melee combat: hand-to-hand (professional)
Boxing (proficient)
Rifles & Small Arm Engineering and Repair (Professional)
Olympic athlete (proficient)
German (Master)​
English (Professional)
French (Professional)
Spanish (Proficient)
Italian (Proficient)
Ritterhauptmann (spirit)
Leadership (master)
Military Operations/Maneuvers (Master)
melee weapons expert (master)
combat horseback riding (master)
jousting (master)
swordsmanship (master)
combat tactics (professional)
armoring (plate) (professional)
Business (proficient)
Finance (proficient)
Defensive structures (proficient)
Latin (Master)
Old Germanic (Master)
German (professional)
English (proficient)
French (proficient)
Italian (proficient)
Egyptian (proficient)
Celtic (proficient)
Reich Knight I

Adolph VonHauser
early 30s
10 April 1945
During the 15th Century, the Holy Empire of Germany and its Imperial (Reich) Knights were some of the greatest warrior of northern Europe. The Director (Ritterhauptmann) of the Rhenish Circle was an Imperial Knight who considered his duty to God and the Holy Empire as a blessing, was also a masochist and a very intimidating warrior. He was known for psychological warfare against his enemies and his undying loyalty to the Emperor.
In a 15th century battle in what is today considered to be the Black Forest of modern day Germany, the Ritterhauptmann and a dozen other knights went to battle what was reference to as 'a sorcerer and him newly created demon'. The sorcerer in question was a mage that had for decades attempted time and again to steal children and women from neighboring towns to use in his evil conjurings and plots. The Ritterhauptmann considered the mage a nemesis and in this particular instance, the knight had been ordered by the Emperor himself to did the land of the sorcerer and his evil. The Ritterhauptmann was only too happy to oblige and swore to God he would not rest until the sorcerer and the demon were vanquished.
The knights rode into the cult's Stonehenge-like ceremonial grounds just as they were about to impart a powerful sacrificial spell upon a 10-foot tall demon in the center of the circle. In a circle around the demon were a dozen young children and women bound to the ground, all to be used as life sacrifices for the sorcerer's spell; a spell that would give immortality to the demon.
The battle was a steel vs. magic battle; arcane bolts flying, horse-mounted knighted charging in with swords, cleaving at the cultists. The battle was chaos. The demon, stuck in a hold spell to allow the immortality spell (and control) spell to be cast upon it, was only able to screech and hiss at the knights. As the cultists fell before the knights, the spell for the immortality weakened, causing the sorcerer to make a last vain attempt at casting the spell before it was too late. The Ritterhauptmann leapt from his horse and out in front of the sorcerer just as the sorcerer cast his spell; the sorcerer was impaled upon the knights battle axe and the knight was impaled upon the sorcerer's staff. The spell blast, being deflected into the Ritterhauptmann, also caused a catastrophic wave withing the circle, killing all knights, cultist and even the demon in an unearthly transferal of sacrificial energies...into the Ritterhauptmann's body, axe, armor and shield. The sorcerer, lying on the ground in near death, uttered several incantation words before he died. Seconds later, the Ritterhauptmann died next to him.
The only survivor of the battle was a a child who was to be free himself during the battle and escape the circle. The child was to be used as a sacrifice by the cultists. The child saw the entire exchange of what happened from the treeline outside the circle and ran to a nearby Orthodox Abbey and told the Friar there everything that had occurred.
The next day, the Friar and several clergymen went to the 'unholy' site and buried the knights and the innocent women and children victims near the Abbey, leaving the cultist to rot in the center of the circle.
In 1939, a noted German archaeologist was out exploring for 'mystical artifacts' for Nazi Germany at the bequest of Adolph Hitler. Hitler was a believer in magic and the arcane and wanted any and all religious relics and magical artifacts he could muster to empower his regime. One such site the archaeologist figured was worth exploring was the long abandoned Black Forest Abbey previously mentioned from the 15 century. There, he found the graveyard with over 100 graves, some with markers denoting Imperial Knights. When the Ritterhauptmann's grave was unearthed, wooden planks surrounded the grave's skeleton with a mix of Christian holy artifacts and arcane wards all warning of an 'arcane death to any and all that disturb this Ritterhauptmann'.
The archaeologist, Professor Adolph VonHauser, didn't pay any heed. He and his team extracted the body, but each of the team said they felt an 'air of dread and discomfort'around the skeleton's body. The skeleton was still wearing ancient Imperial Knight armor, and had his old wooden shield and battle axe lain across its chest. When VonHauser removed the shield and the axe, a feeble shock wave emanated from the skeleton, causing it and the skeleton's armor to disintegrate...but not the axe and the shield. Unhappy that he wasn't able to delve deeper into this arcane mystery, he instead took the axe and shield and boxed them up for further study back in Berlin.
Once in Berlin, the Professor began to examine the axe and shield in his private lab. There, after touching the axe and shield for several minutes, the lights in the room dimmed, the room became eerily cold and Professor VonHauser began to hear a voice in his head; a voice speaking old Latin. "Is there still evil in the world?" the voice asked again and again. Finally, not knowing what else to do, VonHauser said, "well, yes, there is ALWAYS evil in this world that must be dealt with". No sooner that VonHasuer said that, he became possessed by the spirit that inhabited the battle axe and shield. Together, these two were the catalyst for the dead spirits from the Stonehenge-like circle to manifest once again. Interestingly enough, it seemed that the Ritterhauptmann seemed to be the dominant spirit in the possession. VonHauser's spirit was pulled down into an otherworldly pyschic state wherein all the other spirits resided, all of which fought VohHauser's spirit to be heard above his; in essence, he was mobbed and silenced by the dozens of spirits fighting to take control of the body...including that of a 10-foot tall demon's spirit.
The Ritterhauptmann spirit donned a set of old (supposedly) arcane armor the professor had collected and with the axe and shield, exited the building in search of 'evil to vanquish' in the name of God.
Minutes later, dozens of Nazi policemen were being attacked by the Ritterhauptmann-possessed body of VonHauser. It took an entire precinct to slow him down enough that they could knock off the helmet and knock out VonHauser's body. They took VonHauser's body to a jail cell, where minutes after being placed in prison, the demon's spirit came to the forefront. It fought with the viciousness of an animal for over 15 minutes before Ritterhauptmann's spirit finally took control. The Ritterhauptmann spirit asked in old Latin for the Emperor, to which none of the policemen understood what was being asked. Luckily, an old Jewish man who was a scholar...and imprisoned for being a Jewish Store Owner, told the guards what the Ritterhauptmann was asking for. The guards, unsure if he meant Hitler, called the SS and told them about this strange man.
The next day, SS Colonel Amell VonBattenberg (AKA Baron Berlin) arrived with a team of SS personnel. They interviewed the 'being' that was once Von Hauser and came to realized the possession and the magical properties of the axe and shield. Colonel VonBattenberg told the being of when and where he was and that the "Emperor" was now a "Fuhrer" and that he, VonBattenberg, was the go-between with the Fuhrer and Ritterhauptmann. Ritterhauptmann agreed to once again do the work for God and the new Emperor-Fuhrer so long as he/it was allowed to wield its axe and shield and receive 'better' armor than what he was wearing.
Von Battenberg agreed and within a week's time, the new "Reich Knight" became a member of the Nazi Party and of the new Nazi super-powered group known as Axis Force. He received a new set of armor (which he liked) and for the next few years of World War II, followed 'Baron Berlin's' orders and direction, fighting and killing Allied troops and soldiers, never once wavering...until that fateful day in April 1945.
On 10 April 1945, Axis Force had been called back to Berlin. There, the Axis Force team members where segregated into separate rooms. Minutes later, an SS Officer entered each of their rooms and informed them that they were arrested and charged for treason and were to be executed. Reich Knight killed the SS Officer and 2 guards and started hacking at the room's locked steel doors. In two swings of his axe, Reich Knight already started breaching the door. An SS Captain engaged a knock-out gas system into the room's ventilation, causing Reich Knight to start passing out...but not before the demon's spirit came forward. Screeching and howling, it smashed itself into the walls. Luckily for the Germans, the Reich Knight's demon-possessed body finally passed out...but if it had smashed the wall one more time, if would've escaped. The guards, now with gas masks on, took the Reich Knight body, stripped it of its armor and weapons and dragged him outside to a firing squad.
Seconds before he was executed by the firing squad, Professor VonHauser's spirit re-manifested itself back into his own body...just long enough to seem himself get shot to death by his own countrymen. As such, it is believed that VonHauser's soul/spirit died with his body that day.
The shield and axe were handled with long armed pincher grappler devices and stored in seperate lead storage boxes in the back of the third sub-level of an SS underground bunker. The shield and the axe, according to a drugged-out Adolph Hitler, would eventually be 'gifted' to whomever was to become a leader in saving the city of Berlin from the Soviet Red horde.
Adolph Hitler committed suicide shortly thereafter.
The armor, shield and axe were eventually buried under 60 feet of the bunker's concrete and rubble from a Soviet artillery blast on the bunker the Reich Knight's equipment was stored in. It wasn't until 2007 when construction crews, rebuilding downtown Berlin after the 2000 Soltan Star Empire invasion of Earth, found the armor and weapons. Since all records about the Reich Knight were destroyed by the Nazis before their surrender in 1945, there was no knowledge or information about the axe and shield being a catalyst for a spirit possession. Luckily for the German archaeologists handling the weapons, not a single archaeologist touched both weapons at any time. As such, the weapons were placed on display in a war museum in Nuremberg, Germany where it remained on display and identified solely as the weapons and armor used by the Reich Knight.
In 2016, however, the Reich Knight would come back to life once again (see Reich Knight II (Current).
Power Origin: Natural
No powers
Remarkably strong armor capable of physical and energy protection enough to stop bullets and standard energy rifles.
Incredible radiation protection
Body is also protected from amazingly powerful magical attacks so long as either the shield or axe are in hand.
Unbreakable magical axe with a razor-sharp two-sided curved blade.
Unbreakable magical material that completely protects the bearer.
Has retractable spikes that can do piercing damage along the circumference of the shield and in the front center of the shield's face.
Mentally shielded Psyche
In his possessed state, Reich Knight has unearthly mental protection from any and all psionic attacks of any nature.
Spirit Possession and Attributes
Once the shield and axe are physically touched by a living human being (not robots, aliens, animals), an ancient Germanic warrior spirit will take over the body and mind of the new host. Other than killing the host, the only way to 'unpossess' the host is if the shield and axe are removed from Reich Knight's immediate touch and /or location for longer than 24 hours. The Germanic spirit in the host body will then return to the axe and/or shield, no matter the distance, leaving the host free of possession, unable to recall a single moment of the possession.
While possessed, the host's body and abilities has an increased level of strength and endurance, two levels increase of agility and three levels of fighting. Memory becomes poor and intuition is increased by three levels of the host's prior intuition skills.
VonHauser (not possessed)
Archaeologist (Master)
Historian (Master)
University Professor (Professional)
Latin (professional)
German (Master)
English (Proficient)
French (proficient)
Egyptian (proficient)
Ritterhauptmann (spirit)
Leadership (master)
Military Operations/Maneuvers (Master)
melee weapons expert (master)
combat horseback riding (master)
jousting (master)
swordsmanship (master)
combat tactics (professional)
armoring (plate) (professional)
Business (proficient)
Finance (proficient)
Defensive structures (proficient)
Latin (Master)
Old Germanic (Master)
German (professional)
English (proficient)
French (proficient)
Italian (proficient)
Egyptian (proficient)
Celtic (proficient)