Anna Wurst
early 20s
Rebekka Rhines AKA Raquel Wurst AKA Raquel Nueva AKA Wasser-Frau AKA Rhinemaiden I (mother, deceased)
Stephan Wurst (Father, deceased)
Riana Wurst (Sister, deceased)
Ezekiel Wurst (Brother, deceased)
Mariam Wurst (Sister, deceased)
Born in 1999 from her 89-year old superhero mother, Raquel Wurst AKA Rhinemaiden I, Anna Wurst started her unique life unlike any other person could ever conceive of...and at this time, may consider to instead be nothing short of a nightmare for her.
Anna's mother, a retired secret German superhero from an organization once called the West German Ministry of Agriculture, Division 8 (also known as the "Teutonic League") and her father, Stephan Wurst, a tenured professor at a college located along the Rhine River in Germany, both had quite a life...and a brood of other superpowered children...before Anna was born.
Within months of Anna's birth, she was being watched by her brother, Ezekiel, when they were attacked during the invasion of Earth by the Soltan Star Empire in January of 2000. Ezekiel, who had a 'magical' friend in a secretive magical organization calling itself 'The Conglomerate', in a desperate attempt to flee the relentless, murderous Soltan Troops, ran with Anna to his friend's home where he, Anna, the friend and his family were able to teleport at the last second into the secretive location of the Conglomerate just before the Conglomerate's mystical defenses and barriers went up. There, the thousands of inhabitants of this magical underground society cut themselves off from the rest of the world activating powerful magical defenses to protect themselves from any form of Soltan incursion, of which the Soltans endlessly attempted against the Conglomerate for the coming months on end. With the defenses up, there was no way to leave The Conglomerate, thus trapping Ezekiel and his new baby sister, Anna, until they either died by the Soltans' weapons or the Soltans were defeated.
While trapped there, Ezekiel took care of Anna. Other magically trained children also helped, even teaching Ezekiel and Anna some magic (since both Ezekiel and Anna were actually magical beings born of Nature magic). Several months later, the Soltans were driven off of Earth, thanks in part to their mother's heroic actions (and, well tens of thousands of military troops, superheroes and other alien civilizations). As such, Ezekeil and Anna were allowed to go back to their family; a family that now had losses to contend with.
Anna's father and both older sisters died during the Soltan Invasion by the Soltans. Her mother survived, but nearly died during the the first wave of attacks. Stories were told of the rage and furor her mother poured upon the Soltans in her attempt to find Ezekiel and Anna. Now, back together again, Ezekiel, Anna and their mother started a new life together.
Through amazing tutors, personal trainers (of which the mom was the best trainer) and dedicated study, Anna became quite the young athlete and scholar. Undergoing an Olympic-level workout regimen, Anna worked hard to be the hero her mother was considered to be. As such, Anna was easily on her way to becoming the next water-controlling superpowered hero to the world...that is, until 'The Exterminators' change her life forever.
At age 12, Anna was a fierce spitfire of a fighter, athlete and student. One day, she and her brother, Ezekiel were abducted by a band of highly trained trackers and hunters from The Exterminators. Both siblings were separated and taken to dark, gruesome mad scientist-like labs and dungeons. There, the bodies and remains of dozens of others, mostly young kids and teenagers, were seen strewn about the disgustingly fowl caverns and labs. Anna was forced to watch other kids get mutilated and chopped up in front of her.
Anna's brother Ezekiel was one of those that Anna was forced to watch die as well.
The Exterminators were cruel enough to take parts of Ezekiel's body and fed them to mangy, mutated dogs as food. Anna cried, trying to escape again and again, but thanks to a power inhibiting collar, she was unable to use her powers to escape. She'd never felt so helpless...or enraged...in her life.
After days of starvation, Anna was fitted with a vest filled with dozens of vials of what looked like acid in them. Rigged with a few manual and remote triggers, Anna, as well as a few other kids trussed up the same way with unique vests (exploding? Poisonous gas?), were setup as if part of a trap...which they quickly realized, they themselves were about to become.
Dozens of minutes later, the Calvary arrived to save Anna and the others, leading them, Anna's mother - Rhinemaiden.
Anna tried to tell her mom it was a trap, but others arriving also saw the rigged vests...as well as the carnage and mutilated bodies around them and warned each other of the potential traps.
Anna's mother spotted what was left of Ezekiel's body.
Anna wanted to scream to her mother about what was happening, but was unsure if she'd set off one of the many strange triggers that the Exterminators had set to the vests. Regardless of this, Anna's mother, Rhinemaiden (I), without missing a beat, ran up to Anna and ripped the vest from her body, leaping out of the dungeonesque room...only to have the vest explode with acid, drenching Anna's mother with the powerful acid while in mid leap.
Anna's mother, the superhero known as Rhinemaiden, died a horrible, gruesome death that day.
The remaining heroes and troops figured out how to help free the other abductees from their vests safely (ok, most of them), to which the few remaining living abductees were rescued and taken to a safe base for medical treatment and debriefing.
Angered beyond reason, Anna fumed over her mother's and brother's death.
Anna wanted revenge...as did several other abductees and heroes present.
After overhearing that the real Exterminators base had been found, Anna gathered up her fellow surviving abductees and a handful of other heroes and troops and went off on their own to the Exterminators base in search of revenge.
Once inside the Exterminators Base, It was sheer, unadulterated murder.
The abductees gruesomely killed each and every Exterminator found in the building that night. Some were killed slowly. Some quickly. Some were made to suffer screaming, much like what was done to those abductees that didn't survive earlier that same day. Anna was the worst in performing her revenge. She used her water powers to slowly tear apart and shred Exterminators' human bodies from the inside out...slowly and painfully. In the end, Anna, at only 12, now an orphan, was also now considered to be a mass murderer too.
Luckily for this band of murderous revengers, the authorities arrived and stopped them...not that it mattered; all the Exterminators in the base were already dead, one way or another. The government covered up the 'deaths' of the Exterminators stating the Exterminators set off a 'self destructor device' killing themselves rather than be jailed and sentenced. Only those that were there that day knew the truth...and none of them were about to tell the world what really happened there...especially Anna.
Anna's brother and mother were given a hero's funeral, with Anna left as the surviving member of the family estate; an estate that was then worth over $10 million. As such, Anna cautiously spent her money in buying a nice home not far from her mother's memorial along the Rhine River and paying others to train her further in combat and the use of her powers. She even found someone who was once part of the Conglomerate who was willing to show her how to even use Nature magics better. By age 18, Anna was ready to move on to being an adult superhero, taking back the family name of Rhines and renaming herself Anna Rhines out of respect for her mother.
At age 18, Anna petitioned to join her mother's old superhero group, the Teutonic League. With the records regarding the "Exterminator Base Self Destruct" considered classified, there was no reason to not allow Anna to join and take her mother's place amongst Germany's 21st century superheroes. With that, she was welcomed into the ranks of the Teutonic League in 2018.
Today, using her mother's superhero codename "Rhinemaiden (II)", Anna carries on her mother's superhero legacy, trying to be the best hero she can be. She knows what she did that one night was wrong, and thanks to her nightmares she still has about her abduction, she tries every day to overcome all the 'wrong' she'd experienced...and performed. She still hears the screams of her victims in her head on occasion, but she also knows that, as far as she's concerned, if the situation ever warrants it again...she'd do the same thing she did to those Exterminators...without mercy.
Will this dangerous mentality eventually be overcome by the hope of Anna bettering herself in having to live up to her mother's immortal legacy or will she slip further into a world of revenge and murder further fueling her dark sense of justice? Will she take the same murderous path she took that one night or will she instead fight her darker instincts and become the hero her mother once was and is still considered to be?
Only time...and circumstance...will tell.
Power Origin: Magic/Mutant (Magic: Nature (Water))
Water Control
Remarkable control of water and any form of H20.​
Can affect, move, manipulate, shape, throw, pierce and/or slam up to 3000 lbs (1.5 tons) of water up to 300 yards away
Can only control while conscious and focused; unconscious or unfocused condition removes all controls/forms
Can swim up to 300 knots in water at an unlimited range (endurance based)
As a feat, using her hyperswimming speed and exiting the water, she can funnel a volume of water (up to 1000 lbs (1/2 ton) up to 1000 feet away (if she was travelling at max speed), creating a surge/smash of water equal to an unearthly level damage attack over over a several second period of time up to as long at 14-16 seconds total (thus doubling the total of damage in the end).​
Body Alteration
Her body's skin and organs allow for her to absorb water and expand any parts of her body to 2 times its mass, weight and size
Can alter facial features so as to look like someone else (excellent disguise level).
When she dispels the body water, it has to leave her pores, creating puddles and volumes of water pouring out/off her body
Water Storage (Body)
Can store up to a total of 250 lbs of water weight.​
Can see underwater without issue and can also see thermal imagery above and in water
Has a good level of passive sonar for underwater mapping and navigation use
When using her powers, or while underwater, her eyes 'white' over, otherwise they are seen as bright green eyes​
Can run up to 45 mph on land​
Can leap up to 50 feet across, 35 feet up and 75 feet down
Mutant/Magical Physiology​
Due to her mutant DNA, she has excellent strength, remarkable endurance and excellent intuition.​
Skin/system provides poor physical, toxic/toxin, radiation and poison protection
Has typical magical protection (innate)
Nature Magic - Water​
Poor level of creating magical water beings (max: 2) within 2 feet of her location​
Can communicate with water at poor level
Good sense of anomalies and unusual contents in water (Sulphur, poisons, lack of oxygenation, etc.) up to 200 yards away
Can manipulate water in same way as water control, but with magic vice powers, and at a poor level
WEAKNESS: Dehydration. Being a water-based magical being, she required twice as much water per day that an average human to drink. Also, she dehydrated at twice the rate with twice the effect on her from heat, heat-based, thermal or solar damage/attacks.
Water Retention Body Suit
Body suit provides typical physical and energy protection from all forms of attack.
Retains moisture and water in honeycomb pockets in suit, allowing her to stay hydrated for over a day (unless damaged)
Earwig Comms Unit​
Communications transceiver for unlimited range​ with tower, satellite and microwave
Battery lasts 2 days
Waterproof/incredible material
Tracker Belt​
Belt acts as a GPS tracker to monitor her location anywhere on Earth​
Primarily used to see where she is while swimming (she is fast, after all)
Unique tracker frequency only known to Teutonic League
Hydrodynamics (Proficient)
Natural Magic (Proficient)
Hydrology (Proficient)
Swimming (Professional)
Olympic Athletics (Professional)
Social Media (Professional)
Social Movements in Europe (Proficient)
Computers (Proficient)
Sociology (Proficient)
Martial Arts: + Fighting (Professional)
Martial Arts: Dodge/Evade (Professional)
Martial Arts: Block/Deflect (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Slam/Stun (Proficient)
Stealth (Proficient)
Water/River Navigation (Professional)
German (Master)
French (Professional)
English (Proficient)
Italian (Proficient)
Spanish (Proficient)

Rebekka Rhines
Known (after death)
Yes (Pre-SHRA)
40s - 102
September 2012
Olaf Rhines (adopted father, deceased)
Serena Rhines (adopted mother, deceased)
Wilhelm Rhines (adoptive brother, deceased)
Stephan Wurst (Husband, deceased)
Anna Wurst AKA Anna Rhines AKA Rhinmaiden II (Daughter)
Riana Wurst (Daughter, deceased)
Ezekiel Wurst (Son, deceased)
Mariam Wurst (Daughter, deceased)
Raquel Nueva AKA Rebekka Rhines AKA the ex-Axis Force supergroup 'hero' Wasser-Frau continued her life in the Germany of post World War II in the 1950s on the shore of the Rhine River, only a short distance from where her life started as a discovered abandoned unique-looking child found along the river's shore in 1910.
By this time this magical water sprite of a woman, now in her 40s, but looking late 20s, but with white hair, continued to help others out in her community and on what was once her family farm; a farm that she'd given over to the Wurst family. The Wurst family were hard-working farmers willing to also help the community. Their youngest son, Stephan, aged 20 by 1950, had been sent to America before the war and raised there by relatives for the the war's duration until in1947 when he was flown back to his parents (who'd survived under the radar as simple farmers) where he now learned how to farm...something Stephan wasn't too interested in.
Raquel/Rebekka, although working hard to tear off the yoke of guilt that burdened her every day for the forced murders she had to commit as a controlled member of the Nazi supergroup called Axis Force, was living a lonely, secretive, sad life. She usually cried herself to sleep at night, thinking that she'd never find love nor true redemption, no matter how much she wished for both.
In 1947, when Raquel/Rebekka saw Stephan for the first time, she fell in love with him. She knew he was too young for her, but she loved his kindness, friendliness and honesty. His positive western demeanor he'd picked up in America was contagious to all around him, and made the local girls flock to him as if they were themselves in heat. That didn't matter to Stephan though. He was a thinker as well as being a gorgeous young man. He'd go down to the river's edge and contemplate or read books for hours on end, usually getting into trouble for not helping out on the farm. As such, on a couple of occasions, Rebekka/Raquel almost got caught being seen by Stephan while she was swimming at her unnatural hyperswimming speeds in the river where she usually swam naked. Nonetheless, she'd hide herself from his view amongst the reeds and watch Stephan for hours as he sat on the river's edge reading, talking to the birds and critters and simply being something other than the ugliness she'd seen for the previous decades of her life of humanity. She wished that one day she'd find someone like him that was such a beautiful, thoughtful, educated and conscientious young man like Stephan. One day her wish eventually came true.
In 1952, Stephan's parents, while driving back from the market, were killed in a car crash with a drunk driver. Both died at the scene. Both Rebekka/Raquel and Stephan were devastated over the loss. Rebekka paid for the funeral and arrangements while Stephan reluctantly took over the farm's operations in the interim.
The afternoon after the funeral, Stefan went down to the Rhine River's edge and sat and cried. Surprisingly, when Stefan saw movement in the water from amongst the reeds, he looked over and saw a naked Rebekka walking out of the water and up onto the river's bank where she sat beside him. She hugged him and they both cried together over the loss of Stephan's parents. With humility, Stephan eventually reached over and placed his jacket around Rebekka/Raquel to cover her body up. There, they sat late into the evening, with Stephan talking about his parents, his time in America and his hope that one day, he'd help Germany be something other than the nation of ex-Nazi monsters that the rest of the world considered them to all be now. They both fell asleep on the shore, cuddled in each others arms.
When the morning came, 'Raquel' was nowhere to be seen. In fact, all her things in her small one-room shack she'd been living in along the river's edge were now gone. She'd moved out, leaving only a letter with the lease for the farm in Stephan's name. For the next year, Stephan managed the farm and did all he could to be a good man. Every day, he was watched by Rebekka/Raquel from the water's edge. She'd taken her things to a hidden location on the French side of the river. She was afraid she was falling in love with Stephan and knew everyone she loved...always died. As such, she loved him from afar, living off the land/water for the next year. On the anniversary of Stephan's parents' death however, her distance from Stephan faded.
On the anniversary of Stephan's parents' tragic deaths, Stephan came down to the Rhine River's edge of the farm's property to reminisce about his wonderful parents...but also to wish to see the amazingly beautiful woman he knew for that immensely short time as Raquel Nueva. He'd asked about her from everyone in town, but it was always the same - she'd kept to herself and always seemed sad. That night, however, while standing on the shore wishing to see Raquel once again, he indeed got his wish.
As before, Raquel/Rebekka emerged from the water before Stephan, naked, and walked up on shore, standing in front of him without either saying a single word.
Neither spoke.
Both Stephan and Raquel simply looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.
After what seemed like eternity the two slowly hugged each other and then kissed; a kiss that invited a longer kiss thereafter. Their passions ignited, they made love on the shore of the river that night under the stars with the only witnesses to the act other than our two star-crossed lovers being the crickets and fireflies that flitted about amongst them that night.
The next morning, both were still in each other's arms.
It seemed that they both wanted each other and without saying a single word the whole night, now so much to discuss and tell.
For the next few days Stephan and Raquel/Rebekka told each other everything about each other.
Rebekka was afraid that when she told Stephan about what she did as Wasser-Frau that he'd leave her outright then and there for her atrocities (to which she, at that time, in her eyes, considered that being killed by Stephan as judgement would be worthy enough for the cost of her sins). Stephan however, wept over what she'd told him. He was saddened to know that one such as she was so mistreated, so abused and so desecrated. Stephan swore to her that if she'd allow him, he'd do all he could for the rest of his life to love her and help her recover from what she'd been forced to have endured. Rebekka not only said yes, but threw herself at Stephan, with the two engaging in over two days of passionate lovemaking thereafter.
Within a month's time, Rebekka, as Raquel Neuva, married Stephan Wurst and became Mrs. Raquel Wurst. It was a small ceremony, but one that was noted by the locals as a 'blessed' marriage. Months later, Raquel gave birth to their first child, Riana, a girl.
Stephan, discovering he was better at teaching rather than farming, rented the farm out to another family to manage it, making profits from the sale of the crops, while Stephan completed his studies at university, earning himself a teaching fellowship at the nearby college. There, Stephan quickly accrued an engaging reputation as a teacher of western civilization classes, igniting his students' passions for academia, experience and engaging fullfillment in whatever they wished to excel in. Raquel and Stephan selected an out of the way cottage on the river's edge at the edge of the college campus so that Raquel had easy access to the river to swim in. The crusty old faculty wasn't too impressed with him, but Stephan did bring in more students and more money from alumni. As such, Stephan soon found himself a member of the faculty proper, ensuring and enduring career as an educator thereon in. Raquel, on the other hand was introduced to something far more exciting and engaging - national security work.
As was the condition of Germany during the Cold War period, western Germany was officially designated as the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) otherwise called "West Germany", controlled and regulated with the winning side of World War II's Allied nations of France, Britain and the United States; the eastern side of Germany was 'taken over' by the Soviet Union and designated as the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)) otherwise called "East Germany". The new Wurst family resided in West Germany and as such, became embroiled in their new nation's politics whether they wanted to or not. When the Berlin Wall went up separating the zones of control in Berlin, both West and East Germany engaged in the equivocal of a civil war. Eventually neither side was allowed to enter the others without severe restrictions; relatives and families were separated by this new 'iron curtain', and as such, everything became a political or military matter, to which the Wurst family was about to be part of thanks to an observant West German intelligence officer named Damon Kaufmann.
In 1956, while staking out the colleges in West Germany, on the lookout for communist subversives, Damon Kaufmann learned of Raquel's secret, as well as that of her daughter, Riana, who had similar powers and skills. Rather than 'turn them in' on the basis of the United Nation's edict that 'no German citizens were allowed to exhibit, have or utilize superpowers or high tech weaponry or equipment, period. It was illegal to have powers, whether one was born with them or otherwise. In the early 1950s, Damon was told of several individuals, usually youths, exhibiting powers, to which they were sent to a secretive organization only know as Baltic Force. From there, these innocent superpowered children were never heard from again. Knowing there was a sinister theme to this Baltic Force, Damon was not about to turn over Raquel and Riana to his bosses. Instead, he monitored them and studied them further.
Months later, after observing and talking with others that didn't meet the United Nations' 'now superpowered Germans' edict, Damon decided to attempt a risky if not downright illegal operation - create a secret supergroup of German superheroes that could one day be used to help save Germany should the nation ever need superheroes. In so doing, Damon contacted Raquel and Stephan.
After a few days of secretive and agitated discussions amongst the Wurst family, Raquel agreed to help out, so long as she, her husband nor her daughter would ever be arrested, captured or turned in, ever. She also demanded that if she ever saw the group do anything other than good, she'd leave and never come back. Thus, the group, which codenamed itself the "Teutonic League" came into existence when Raquel, now codenamed as "Rhinemaiden", and a few other superpowered and high tech heroes stepped up to help their new country.
Working in the shadows the entire time, Rhinemaiden was allowed to raise and take care of her family as well as train and go on missions, all with the intent of preventing the rest of the world from learning about them being "German" superheroes. For the next few decades, Rhinemaiden performed over 200 missions for the newly secretive cover agency name of the Ministry of Agriculture, Division 8 which was a front for the Teutonic League's operations. Although there were times that Rhinemaiden was unhappy with the team's missions, she never once quit nor did she ever feel she wasn't doing 'good' overall. As such, she go to raise her daughter without issue, even so much as having a baby boy, Ezekiel, in the 1970s.
Stephan eventually became a tenured professor as well as a home school teacher to his two children. With the kids' pointed ears and powers, they'd easily be discovered by people willing to turn them in. As such, Division 8's own people, wives and children, all became the Wurst family's new friends and extended family. Each of Division 8's family members helped each other out, baby sitting, educating and even providing friendship and fellowship in the process, making everyone feel less alone. For the most part, it was effective, but it still left the Wursts feeling segregated from the rest of the world; a condition they hoped to remedy one day for their kids' sake.
During this time, Rhinemaiden encountered dozens of dangerous villainous groups, including the previously mentioned Baltic Force and the East German "Condor Legion" including dozens of other major threats to Germany. Both Riana and Ezekiel grew up to be astounding adults who later learned to wear prosthetics over their ears to fit in with the rest of the human population, all while going to college with both becoming essential paragons in their own fields of expertise. Neither really wanted to use their powers for anything other than basic swimming; they also didn't want to join their mom's 'super secret squirrel hush-hush hero group' either. As such, the two oldest kids simply lived a normal, engaging life; a life both Stephan and Rhinemaiden wanted for them. Even as they both got older, Stephan and Rhinemaiden were still madly in love with each other and amazingly had another child, Miriam, in 1981.
In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, as did the two German halves unto reunification as a new, whole Germany just a few years later. At the end of 1990, Division 8 also fell, and was shutdown for good, along with all its secrets. The public was never informed of what or who Division 8 was nor even the fact that they actually had dozens of German superheroes that secretly saved the day time and again for Germany and the world. To that end, Rhinemaiden basically 'retired' from her secret superhero life and instead spent time with her aging husband of 60 years. In 1995, Stephan retired and both he and Raquel travelled the world, still loving each other like when they were younger. In 1999, at 89 years of age (to which no one knew what her lifespan was supposed to be anyway), Raquel gave birth to another daughter, what she deemed her 'miracle' baby, Anna.
In January 2000, however, the Soltan Star Empire invaded Earth.
Stephan was killed in the first wave.
Riana and Miriam were killed in the second wave hours later.
Ezekiel and Anna survived, but were sequestered away by a magical community called the "Conglomerate" that hid them from the Soltans...and Raquel...until after the invasion was over several months later.
Raquel was severely wounded in the Soltans' first wave. She died twice on the operating table in the remnants of the bombed out basement of what was once the Division 8 HQ, but came back to life each time...barely. When she did finally heal up weeks later, she learned of the status of the rest of her family. After properly burying her husband and deceased children, Rhinemaiden came back into action and erupted into a battle fury the likes of which she'd never done before, lifting entire volumes of river water and causing it to crash down onto Soltan transport ships pulverizing them into wafer-thin metal sheets. She drowned hundreds upon hundreds of Soltan troopers day in and day out, all while searching for her other children. Sadly, as the magics were drained from the German lands, so too were Rhinemaiden's powers. Since her powers were tied to magic, she lost her powers by June of 2000, leaving her uncapable of fighting in a direct fight; instead she lead resistance forces and other superheroes into action, devising strategies, stealth missions and devastating blows to the Soltans in and about Germany and Europe. As such, thanks to hers and others actions, the Soltans fled Europe by July.
At the end of the invasion months later, a wash of magical energy reinvigorated everything and everyone once magical across the whole planet. Rhinemaiden was practically back to full fighting trim as a result of the new magical infusion, however, her spirit was tired and damaged from the losses she'd taken.
After the Conglomerate returned her children back to her, Rhinemaiden spent the next few years with them, helping them learn new combat and fighting skills to ensure the Soltans, or any other villain, would never get the drop on them ever again.
In 2003, an aged Damon Kaufmann contacted Rhinemaiden once again. Along with other superheroes, they decided to form up once again and whether the United Nations like it or not, they were going to get out there and do what they could to help Germany once again. Recalling back to the promise she made to Major Invader, she'd seen him in action during the Soltan Invasion and noted that he and his team of Allied Fighters paid a heavy price to stop the Soltans. Remembering her promise to him, she doubled down in her efforts with the supergroup who now publicly were called the Teutonic League...and became accepted as Germany's first 21st century premiere superhero team.
Not long after, the real story of what happened to Rhinemaiden, even back to when she was Wasser-Frau and Rebekka Rhines, was finally told to the world. Expecting to be ostracized and spat on again, Rhinemaiden was surprised to instead be warmly accepted by the German people as well as the rest of the world, all of which seemed to forgive her for anything she may have been forced to do when she was under duress by Axis Force. She was granted a unilateral pardon for any deaths she'd caused and was honored with statues, memorials and even schools and buildings named after her. A recovering Major Invader attended one such ceremony and led a wave of praise for the hero that Rhinemaiden had since become since her days in World War II. He told her...and the world...she had truly redeemed herself and that she was truly a 'hero' in his and the rest of the world's eyes.
Thanks to the Rhinemaiden's involvement in taking down what was once Baltic Force, its new iteration called 'The Exterminators' decided to get revenge not only on Europe's heroes, but specifically against Rhinemaiden and what was left of her family.
Throughout the next decade's worth of time, Rhinemaiden performed with the Teutonic League as a truly epic superhero. Ezekiel went on to become an advocate for superpowered beings, ensuring they received legal representation in all forms of lawsuits, while young Anna trained and trained every day to learn to be more like her mother, whom she called her own 'hero mom'.
In 2012, after dozens of attempts against the Tuetonic League and Rhinemaiden, The Exterminators finally found a way to hurt them. After a spree of superpowered youth abductions, murders and mutilations, the Teutonic League was brought in to stop The Exterminators once and for all. As the League was searching and tracking hot and cold leads about the Exterminators, the children of Europe's superpowered heroes, including Rhinemaiden's Anna and Ezekiel, were abducted right from under their own noses by The Exterminators.
The heroes pulled out every stop they had, eventually finding the secret base the Exterminators wanted them to find; the one set with traps for the incoming troops, superheroes...and abductees.
After a professional tactical entry into the Exterminators Base (Trap), several of the abducted superhero children were found either mutilated, dead or chopped into pieces and fed to the dogs.
Ezekiel was one of those who'd been killed, dissected and fed to the dogs.
A handful of other abductees were wired with various vile weapons, including acid packs, which could be triggered remotely or from one of any dozen or so of other manual triggers that could be unwittingly engaged, leading to instant deaths of not only the abducted, but those trying to save them as well.
Rhinemaiden was able to save her daughter Anna from one such trap, but only at the cost of Rhinemaiden's own life due to her daughter's exploding acid pack that was meant to kill Anna. Rhinemaiden had succesfully ripped the acid pack vest off of Anna and leaped away, up and out from Anna and the others, but unfortunately, the vest exploded, dousing Rhinemaiden with incredibly powerful industrial strength acid.
Rhinemaiden died a grueling death minutes later after crashing to the ground.
Anna, along with several other heroes and freed abductees, within hours, joined forces and found the real Exterminator base and performed acts of murder and destruction the likes of which cannot be described in this story nor allowed to be told of to the public to this day. The 'deaths' of the Exterminators at that base kept classified and instead 'reported' to have been as a result of the Exterminators use of their own base's self destruct devices. Those that were there and survived, however, knew otherwise, but have never spoken about it since...Anna included.
Rhinemaiden was given an international hero's funeral the likes of which had never been seen. Lauded with honors and accolades, Rhinemaiden indeed had truly and fully redeemed herself becoming a hero to the world...as well as her daughter, Anna.
An infinity fountain sets the memorial ground at what was once the Rhine Farm along the Rhine River. There, the land is now a beautiful, serene, grass and water memorial made to the memory of Rebekka Rhines AKA Raquel Nueva AKA Raquel Wurst AKA Wasser-Frau AKA Rhinemaiden. There, Rebekka lied buried beside her husband Stephan and her deceased children, forever under a heroic statue made in a heroic Rhinemaiden pose.
Anna, Rhinemaiden's daughter, has since carried on her mother's superhero name and has joined her mother's old team, the Teutonic League, to carry on the family legacy, hoping to become even half of the hero her mother truly was...and continues to be portrayed as in epic and legendary memorials, stories, movies and song.
Power Origin: Magic/Mutant (Magic: Nature (Water))
Water Control
Fantastic control of water and any form of H20.​
Can affect, move, manipulate, shape, throw, pierce and/or slam up to 4500 lbs (2.25 tons) of water up to 450 yards away
Can only control while conscious and focused; unconscious or unfocused condition removes all controls/forms
Can swim up to 450 knots in water at an unlimited range (endurance based)
As a feat, using her hyperswimming speed and exiting the water, she can funnel a volume of water (up to 1800 lbs (<1 ton) up to 1800 feet away (if she was travelling at max speed), creating a surge/smash of water equal to a spectacular level damage attack over over a several second period of time up to as long at 14-16 seconds total (thus doubling the total of damage in the end).​
Body Alteration
Her body's skin and organs allow for her to absorb water and expand any parts of her body to almost 2 to 3 times its mass, weight and size
Can alter facial features so as to look like someone else (incredible disguise level).
When she dispels the body water, it has to leave her pores, creating puddles and volumes of water pouring out/off her body
Can remove water from her body and inject into a glass to give others a 'drink of water' (a fun little thing she does).​
Water Storage (Body)
Can store up to a total of 450 lbs of water weight.​
Can see underwater without issue and can also see thermal imagery above and in water
Has a excellent level of passive sonar for underwater mapping and navigation use
When using her powers, or while underwater, her eyes 'white' over, otherwise they are seen as bright green eyes​
Can run up to 40 mph on land​
Can leap up to 45 feet across, 30 feet up and 70 feet down
Mutant/Magical Physiology​
Due to her mutant DNA, she has excellent strength, remarkable endurance and excellent intuition.​
Skin/system provides poor physical, toxic/toxin, radiation and poison protection
Has typical magical protection (innate)
WEAKNESS: Dehydration. Being a water-based magical being, she required twice as much water per day that an average human to drink. Also, she dehydrated at twice the rate with twice the effect on her from heat, heat-based, thermal or solar damage/attacks.
Water Retention Body Suit
Rebekka's body suit provides poor physical and energy protection from all forms of attack.
Retains moisture and water in honeycomb pockets in suit, allowing her to stay hydrated.
Earwig Comms Unit​
Communications transceiver for 25 mile range​
Battery lasts 2 days
Waterproof/remarkable material
Tracker Belt​
Belt acts as a GPS tracker to monitor her location anywhere on Earth​
Primarily used to see where she is while swimming (she is fast, after all)
Unique tracker frequency only known to West German Intelligence and Ministry of Agriculture Division 8
From1950s until death:
Farming (Master)
Hydrology/Hydro-Ecology (Doctorate)
Swimming (Master)
Torture (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Dodge/Evade (Professional)
Martial Arts: Slam/Stunk (Proficient)
Martial Arts: Black/Deflect (Professional)
Martial Arts: + Initiative (Proficient)
Spying (Professional)
Spycraft (Professional)
Disguises (Master)
Ventriloquism (Proficient)
Social Services (Proficient)
Leadership (Proficient)
German History/Lore (Proficient)
European History/Lore (Proficient)
Teaching/Academics (Proficient)
German (Professional)​
Slavik (Proficient)
English (Professional)
French (Professional)
Russian (Proficient)
Spanish (Proficient)
Portuguese (Proficient)