Riishi Mori
late 20s (WWII)
Sometime in 1990
Toma Sasano (grandson)
Reiken Mori (son)
Masushi Mori (son)
Okyen Mori AKA American Samurai (Great Granddaughter)
Riishi Mori was considered to be one of the greatest warriors of Japan.
Trained as a Samurai by the Japanese Imperial Army under secrecy, Riishi was the last of the samurai in his nation. The man who taught Riishi died in an American air raid by B-25 bombers (Doolittle Raid). Riishi was honor bound to fight for the emperor, however, what Riishi didn't know was that the emperor had never been told about Riishi's training or even his existence as a samurai.
The military kept him a secret from the emperor.
Under the belief that his actions were noted and authorized by the emperor, Riishi took on the role as the "Samurai Sentinel", defender of Japan. In this role, he fought the super-powered super group, the Allied Fighters on many occasions during World War II. Although Rishi believed the Allied Fighters deserved death, he considered them true warriors. In many of Riishi's encounters with the Samurai Sentinel, the Allied Fighters would fight Riishi until either they were knocked out or their fight was interrupted by outside forces. As such, Riishi wouldn't kill the Allied FIghter he was fighting since the Allied Fighter couldn't defend themselves, thus Samurai Sentinel left said Allied Fighter alive so that they could one day fight again on fair grounds. This flew in the face of the Japanese Imperial Army Generals and Riishi's handlers who demanded Riishi kill any and all allied troops, especially the Allied Fighters. Riishi ignored them, stating once the emperor told him otherwise he'd follow.
Soon after that, Riishi got a 'telegraph communique' labeled from the emperor telling Riishi to kill all Americans indiscriminately, no matter what.
An Asian-American hero with the Allied Fighters at that time, Katana Kuni, was told by Army Intelligence that the telegraph sent to Riishi was fake and had never been sent by the emperor, since Army intelligence had been monitoring all their messages after having broken the Japanese encryption codes weeks before. Kuni went off on his own to Samurai Sentinel's last known location to talk to Riishi about being misled, knowing the importance of a samurai to follow his emperor's orders...and obviously being lied to about it.
Sadly, Riishi and Kuni fought resulting in Kuni being stabbed through the heart in combat with Riishi. All during their fighting, Kuni explained the lies the military was feeding him, but Riishi didn't believe him. It wasn't until a minute later when the Allied Fighters arrived onsite to fetch Kuni back did they see Kuni's dead body and Riishi standing over it.
Captain Invader stepped in telling Riishi that Kuni came to honor Riishi and save his soul. The captain showed Riishi the decoded communiques which identified the emperor DID NOT know of Riishi nor would have authorized any of his actions in lieu thereof. To cement the point, Captain Invader sat penitent before Riishi, head down, and offered himself as an honor sacrifice should Riishi actually believe the captain was indeed lying. Riishi immediately went to talk to the generals on site, bringing along the Allied Fighters as HIS prisoners, not the empire's. When he confronted the general and the radiomen, the general snapped at him however, the radiomen, seeking to honor Riishi, told him of the duplicity, begging Riishi's forgiveness.
Riishi was furiously devastated.
In a low, angry voice, Riishi told the Allied Fighters to leave and take Kuni's body with them. Riishi threw Captain Invader a bag of gold for Kuni's family and his deepest sorrow over the unfortunate ordeal stating that Kuni was a better man than Riishi was.
After the Allied Fighters left, Riishi demanded an honor sacrifice for the duplicity from his fellow soldiers. Nearly all of the enlisted troops lined up for this; no officers. Noting how things really were, Riishi lectured the men about what had transpired there today and to still carry on their duties they were sworn to perform. Riishi then lopped off the head of the general, mentioned to all to remember what happened here and never let it happen again and then walked off the base to a cargo plane and was flown back to Japan.
Samurai Riishi went back to his town located on the northern tip of Honshu island, disgraced. Interestingly enough, he was left to his own devices even after Imperial Japan surrendered in 1945. No one bothered him. No one put him up for charges. Nothing. Not even the occupying Americans visited him or charged him; "Major " (promoted) Invader saw to that.
Over the next few decades there, Riishi reacted to save lives during storms and earthquakes and when several instances of crime gangs tried to get a base of operations out of his town. Other than that, he kept quiet and to himself. He still trained every day.
Months after Japan's surrender, Riishi realized he needed legacy and married. He and his wife had two sons, however the 2nd son, Masushi, caused complications at birth for which Riishi's wife died hours after Masushi's birth. The first son, Reiken grew up to be an exceptional samurai student and was taught the ways of the samurai by his father, even though it was still officially forbidden to be samurai (the Japanese military leaders had lied about the emperor's decree of lifting the ban on Samurai too). Masushi, the 2nd son, however, was embarrassed over his father's legacy and left home as a teenager, taking up a friend's clan name of "Sasano". Masushi went to college and became a profitable businessman. Reiken was trained by his father, even through it was illegal to be trained or called a samurai in Japan in those days.
Reiken eventually became a powerful yet secreted samurai warrior. On the day Riishi died in1990, Reiken was told that it was his duty to bring honor back to the family and to carry on the training of Samurais for the good of Japan and not the machinations of less honorable and corruptible men.
Reiken swore on his father's deathbed he'd do everything he could to clear the Mori name and bring honor back to the samurai.
NOTE: For more information about the continuing 'family' story of Riishi Mori and his Samurai teachings, please read the 'history' section of the American Samurai page.
Powers: None.
Mori Clan Samurai Sword
Monstrously strong sword, with the bladed folded hundreds of times.
Over 500 years old.
Razor sharp blade with wooden sheath.
Samurai Sentinel Armor
Modified Samurai Armor with metal plating, providing excellent physical protection
Underlayer provides for good thermal protection
Boots have retractable cleat-like spikes in the boot's soles to provide better traction for climbing or against slippery/wet surfaces
Signal mirror
Bushido Prayer Items
Samurai History (Master)
Samurai Equipment Design/Maintenance (Master)
Sword-making (Master)
Martial Arts: Swordsmanship (Master)
Martial Arts: Defensive/Blocking Moves (Master)
Martial Arts: Initiative (Master)
Martial Arts: Hand-to-Hand (Master)
Samurai Training Practices (Master)
Bushido (Master)
20th Century Warfare (Professional)
Imperial Japanese Military Operations/History (Professional)