The Story

You think you know abouts the Solano Family?
Yous mooks don't know nothing about nothing, capice?
So sits there while I tells ya story about who da Solano Family 'really' is.
I hits yas in the head ta make sure yous was paying attention.
Do I have your attention now?
In the 1920s in New York and Boston, the gangs ruled everything. When Prohibition was put on us, we instead, made our own booze. They wuz the kings. Anyone got outta line and BLAM! No more problem. Those were the good ole days...
Then the Solanos came to the United States. At first, no one knew or cared about them. They wuz small time crooks and protection wiseguys, that's all. By the 1930s, lots of the families was caught or killed by the cops, the feds or taken out by our 'rival' families. The Solanos...well, they stayed in the back. Waitin. When all was said and done going into World War II, all the other families had been taken down...all except for the Solanos. They was the kings. They took over as the head crime family for the US East Coast.
You still paying attention?
Don't make me hits you no more, got it??

As I was sayin...the Solanos took over the East Coast. When the war started, they were the one big crime family everyone came to for gettin what they wanted, whether it was booze, gamblin, broads, whatever you needed...The Solanos got it...for a price.
From the 50s to the 90s, the Solanos kept the feds off of them by letting other up-and-coming families take the fall. The Solanos was teflon, ya know? The non-stick type pans, ya know? NUTHIN stuck to em. Not one charge. That is, until 2010. That's when the stuff really hit the fan.
Hey, yous still payin attention? Niiiiice...
In 2010, the Solanos started gettin' too fat and happy wit themselves. A rival, the Marconi family, got married into the Solano Family so as to make things nice. Soon after, the Marconis started takin over all of the Solano Family's action. Our best men were gunned down in the street by them mooks. Hell, I even got bit by a bullet in the leg. But that's neither here nor there, understand?. What the Marconis did was start a gang war. The biggest gang war since before the Depression. Once all the fighin started, the Marconis, well, they started using some high powered assault rifles and bombs; so, whataya think the Solanos did, hmm?
G' head. Guess.
Give up?
Ok, I'll tell ya.
The Solanos brought in some of their own super-powered types. A buncha mercs from a group called "Death Legion". Catchy name, eh? Those mercs cleaned the floor 'o the Marconis. Took em all out...that is...all except one. The last one. The one that married inta the family. Alberto Marconi. Ya see, Alberto hid away when all the shootin started, but when the shootin stopped, Alberto came outta hidin like a weasel and kidnapped the Solano Family Godfather, The Don...Don Solano...
...ya know?!
The one from Rhode Island?
Nod yer head.

Well Alberto kidnapped The Don and trussed him up in a canvas bag with cement overshoes and chains. That Marconi bum then took The Don out in a boat and dropped him into the sound offa Rhode Island to drown. Alberto Marconi thought he got his revenge in the name a his family.
Stupid mook.
He was so busy being all happy with himself when he pulled up pierside after drowning The Don, that he wasn't payin attention ta his surroundings. Bad move on his part. That's when the whole Solano Family, all hundreds of us, came outta the bushes and opened fire on him as he was walking down the pier. The mook never had a chance. We musta drilled him wit a thousand or so rounds. Hell, we chewed up the pier an him so bad they both fell inta the water. The bum couldn't be any more dead than if we'd a put him through a wood chipper.

Instant fish food.
The only thing that didn't sit right with us was that The Don was dead.
Remember I told you what that Marconi bum did to The Don, right?
Well ya see, that's where youda lost a bet. Ya see, The Don, well he found a way outta that bag and got himself back ashore. The Don lived and from that day on, he got the new moniker of "Teflon" Don Solano. I just likes to call him The Teflon Don.
After that, well, you knows about that. We became the most powerful crime family in the United States. We're rulin' this place. We're the kings a our corner of the universe.
Ya. That's the ticket.
Kings 'o the universe.
So ya see now? Ya see how the Solano Family came from nuthin' and are now running all the crime rackets all across the country?
Now you know about the Solano Family.
An now that ya knows alls abouts us, well...
...we gots a problem wit you.
You know too much.
Now I'se gotsta take care 'o that problem. Little ole me. Tall Tale Tony.
Yous is a problem I gots to get rid of now.
See ya in Hell, ya Mook!!
Vinnie...take care 'o 'em.


The Villa

Location: Outside of Providence, Rhode Island

MDUverse Data:
Created the Solano Family on 4 August 2013 under the leadership of Teflon Don Solano.
CoHverse: Teflon Don Solano was originally Teflon Don Marcone in the MMORPG, City of Heroes, created on 12 Nov 2007. Over the years, Teflon Don bounced between Crimewave, Vilified and Death Legion VGs.