About YA!Go!

Ya!Go! is the world's premiere web search and email service!
Worth billions of dollars in value, the Ya!Go! business model has long since been flooded with multiple investors and innovators, looking to take over the web search and email service fields and make it the only company to provide those services to the world.
What does every cool person use to search the internet?
Today, Ya!Go! is the world's predominant software search engine, making billions of dollars each year as a powerful tech business.
Why waste time on 'other' search engines and web browsers when ours gives you the fastest, coolest and most relevant web pages for YOU and not your stuffy old professor or parents!
Why waste time digging around the internet for the information THEY want to give you? With Ya!Go!, we'll ensure that the information you're looking for is exactly what you want to find!
Remember with every 100 searches you do withYa!Go!, you earn a super cool Ya!Go! Smiley Face, useful for awesome internet prizes that YOU want to earn! Remember to stay on Ya!Go! for those random prizes we give out! And don't forget...
Ya!Go! is just for You, right?

Kita Kenzo

Kita Kenzo is a 2nd generation Japanese-American from San Diego, California with the intellect of a master mathematician as early as age 14.
Finishing UC Berkeley with four Master Degrees in Math, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Processing and Mathematics, Kita, bu age 24 was one of the most sought after computer geniuses in the world. On several occasions, Kita was abducted by several nefarious nations and villain organizations to make him work for them, however, each time, Kita was saved by either GUARD, superheroes or special forces. Eventually, Kita went underground for four years to design his own systems engineer algorithm. After selling it to the US government for many millions of dollars, Kita invested the money into designing a new, youth based internet system that was fun, not boring.
After years of work (and a couple of mental breakdowns), Kita finally performed a massive launch of his new web browser system simply called "Ya!Go!". With it, the youth of the internet flocked to it in absolute fascination over the simplicity, fun and expansive features it provided, blowing all other browsers and search engines out of the water. In less than three years, Kita was a multi-billionaire.
Kita uses a fun, almost child-like workplace environment that includes slides, juice bars and lots of smiley faces for his employees who basically live and work at the same location. Sometimes talking to him is like talking to a spoiled five year old child; other times he can dress you down academically like a college professor to a kindergartener. Overall he is a humble, energetic and extremely smart man with a bit of 'fun' mixed into all that he does.
Today, Kita resides at his expansive mountain retreat in the coastal mountains of California, only a few dozens miles from his enormous Ya!Go! HQ in Silicon Valley, outside of San Francisco, California. He also has 35 other such building worldwide and has contracts with hundreds of nations and corporate businesses, providing selective and personalized services to 'align' their regional needs for 'the people' to use. Even in his 40s, he's still energetic and excited about new things, just like that of a young child.
Located in Silicon Valley, California